An International Peer Reviewed

Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Jan - Feb, 2018, Vol-5/47

Impact Factor: 6.17

ISSN: 2278-8808

Date: 2018-03-23

Downloads: 108


EDITOR - Dr. Raj Soshte, Mr. Rahul Hiremath & Mrs. Amitha M Rao

Issue: Jan-Feb, 2018 | Volume/Issue:5/47 | Page No.: 1 - 328

Downloads: 80


Dr.Balbir Singh Jamwal

Issue: Jan-Feb, 2018 | Volume/Issue:5/47 | Page No.: 10679 - 10695

In this research Paper an attempt has been made to find out history about Indian national congress and lala lajPat Rai. His ideas and activities represented the real objectives of the Arya Samaj and its members. He was a leader and man of principles. He was never went beyond the principles. He believes in healthy politics and service of mankind. He live for nation and died for nation.His life was full of straggle for freedom of country. He was very brave and always follow the right path. When the first Congress met at Bombay in Christmas week of 1885. Lajpat Rai was a little known Mukhtar at Rohtak at that time. The next year he had shifted to Hissar. His interest was in political affairs and began to increase with his success at the bar.1 Lajpat Rai’s interest in the Indian National Congress dates back to December 1887 when its third session was held in Madras under the President ship of Badrudin Tyabji. He read A.O.Hume’s pamphlets “Star of the East” and “An Old Man’s Hope” and was greatly impressed by them.By this time, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan who had once described India as a bride whose two eyes represented the Hindu and Muslim Communities, had changed his stand. He (Sir Syed) now criticized the Indian National Congress as aiming to advance the exclusive interests of Hindu and advised his co-religions not to join the Congress.He worked hard for the unity of Muslim and Hindu. He led the Punjab protest against Jalia Wala Bag massacre and Non-Cooperation movement. He has also worked for creating Hindu unity..He has worked as mediator between Congress and Arya Samaj.He was one of the triumvirate of ‘Lal, Bal, Pal’ of the Extremist fame in our freedom struggle during the first decade of the present country. We can say in short that his ideas and activities represented the rean objectivies of arya samaj and its members. He was a leader and man of principles.He never bend before principles. He always believed in healthy politics and service of mankind.