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Sudhir Sudam Kaware
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 322 - 326
In this 21st century, we have lots of opportunities and options to provide quality education to students. Many things are dominated education system. Administrative influences more on academics. Though, teachers played their role efficiently. They perform their duties regularly. For quality concern in education, we should focus urgently on quality education. So that this paper suggests focus areas for quality education. We just follow these areas such as Content knowledge, Skills/Pedagogy, Know learner’s psychology, use of ICT and Management of teaching learning. We will find quality will definitely come. Our students will do better in their life.
Keywords: Content knowledge, Skills/Pedagogy, Know learner’s psychology, use of ICT and Management of teaching learning
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Mukund Pondhe
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 327 - 333
Shirke Nilesh Kishanrao & Shri Pathan Bilal Ebrahim
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 334 - 337
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Shri.Mhaske .M.N & Shri Waghmare S.D
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 338 - 341
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Pramod Atmaram Ahire
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 342 - 349
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Ravindra Maruti Chobhe
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 350 - 354
Teacher education institutes are the institutes which play vital role in quality of secondary or primary education. The teacher who trained in these institutes are appointed in schools or colleges. If these teachers are trained properly then they will create new generations properly. For teacher education institutes ethical values play vital role. Professional ethics should be inculcated in teacher educators and student teachers also. Present paper highlights professional ethics for teacher educators. We should mould ourselves as per changes in society. We must consider the right and wrong aspects for every event. Ethics are essential for service & for business also. Ethics can be inculcated through education i.e. formal, informal or non – formal education. For development, 3P strategy ( Preparation, Presentation and Perfection ) is useful. Activities i.e survey , PBL, Goal – setting, diary writing, designing apps, self analysis, flex teaching, moduler curriculum etc are useful for development.
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Jagdish B. Rathod
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 355 - 359
Key words :- The idial education reform teacher education strategy
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Arpit Khurana
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 447 - 455
The present study investigates that the Performance Appraisal and Reward influencing Job Satisfaction with special reference to BSNL, Trichy SSA. Organizations use these processes to increase the likelihood of hiring individuals who possess the right skills and abilities to be successful at their jobs. To examine the level of Performance Appraisal and Reward associated with Job Satisfaction using by Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Scale among BSNL employees. The JDI scale included Work, Supervision, Pay, Promotions, and Co-worker. Job satisfaction may be defined as a pleasurable positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of an individual’s total personality and value system in order to understand and describe his job satisfaction. Some important implications for future research are also derived from the study
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Khillare Sudhir Yashavanta
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 360 - 366
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Khillare Sudhir Yashavanta
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 367 - 370
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Kulkarni V.V.
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 371 - 373
Interaction of multiple factore, through we get good education. The most important of which is increasingly recognized to be the quality of teachers and Teaching, this is dependent on the quality of teacher education. So concern about the quality of teaching has focused on the quality of teacher education. The society is changing rapidly. The rapid changes in society led to teacher facing new and complex issues, resulting in changes in the area of teacher education. Teacher preparation programmes work toward the preparation of teachers by providing pre-service candidates with the knowledge skill & disposition necessary to teach all the pupils effectively by devising learner centered method by designing pedagogical experiences for the learners. Teachers need a special blend of content pedalogy & evaluation techniques. In the progress of society teachers are torch bearers in the process of teaching learning education has always been strongest medium in the hands of teacher to realize the social aspirations in effective and speedy manners. Curricular issues, pedagogical issues, inclusive education, information & communication Technology, project based approach evaluation and feedback strategies are such issues which need the serious deliberations over possibilities, opportunities and threats of teacher education for achieving quality concerns in teacher education.
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Shreehari Dattatray Darade
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 374 - 380
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Omprakash Kshirsagar & Mr. Jagannath B. Darandale
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 381 - 384
In the present scenario the teacher education is really the subject of concern and discussion. It has taken the wing to fly but it is still on the land. So the educationalist and all the government and non-governmental agencies must take the step to go forward. The teacher educators are working under tremendous stress in these conditions. Here the writer has suggested some ways to the teacher educators to cope with the stress.
Key Words: Stress, Teacher Educators, Health, Causes of Stress and Ways to Cope with Stress
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Mr. Jitendra Subhash Shinde
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 385 - 387
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Mr. S.D.Suryavanshi & .Mr.Y.A.Jape
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 388 - 390
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Shri. Ingale Ganesh Popat
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 391 - 396
Stress or tension, has become an integral part of student life. A little bit of stress may be unavoidable and good too, for it would never allow us to be complacent in life. But too much of stress may be counterproductive and would in due course impair both our physical and mental health. And such stress stalks all the age-groups including the children and the youth. Education should be a joyous experience, but if too much pressure is put into it, children find the going a hard nut to crack. Too much of home work, home work during the long summer vacations and the tedious examination system, all have made both the wards and their parents edgy. There are hundreds of cases of youngsters taking their lives when they fail in the examination. Failure in an examination is not the end of the life. One can excel in any field if one chooses the right field for which one has the aptitude. It is the duty of parents, the schools, the colleges, the universities and the educational authorities to make education stress-free. They have to reorient education with the child or the youth as the centre, removing all the obstacles that come in the way of the development of an integrated personality. To a large extent, a part of the stress can be eased by promoting a harmonious relationship between the parents on one hand the children on the other and also between the wards and the educational institutions. The parents should take an immense interest in what their child learns at the school and should do their best in attending the periodical parent- teacher meetings. All efforts should be made to sustain the trilateral interaction among the three-the student, the teacher and the parents.
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Rathod Gulabrav Shrirang
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 397 - 403
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Ghavate Bharat Chandrakant
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 404 - 407
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Salve V.S.
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 408 - 412
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Kamble Jyoti Ashok
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 413 - 415
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Ved Parkash
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 416 - 424
This study intended to explore the physical health awareness among elementary school students. The sample of the study, which was selected through random sampling. The sample comprised of 200 Elementary school students from District Solan of Himachal Pradesh. The tool was developed by the investigator herself for the present study. The results of the study revealed that Government and private Elementary school students differ significantly on their physical Health awareness, Boys and girls of private Elementary schools do not differ significantly on their physical Health awareness and boys and girls of government Elementary schools differ significantly on their physical Health awareness.
Keywords: Physical Health, Awareness, elementary school students.
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Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 425 - 435
Keywords: Women empowerment, pupil teachers and Awareness.
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K.Vanajhaa & P.Pachaiyappan
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 436 - 446
Key words: Self-acceptance, Adjustment, Secondary School Students, Dimensions of Adjustment and Self-acceptance, Social and School adjustment.
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Ramarcha Prasad Pandey
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1677 - 1680
The government of India has made commitments to fulfill the goals of “Education for All” and advocated that by 2015 all children should have access to and complete free and compulsory primary education of good quality. Inspite of considerable progress made during the last three decades, the problem of illiteracy still continues to be the main national concern. India is home to almost 35% of the world’s illiterates. The entire education system needs a thorough reorientation NPE(1986) placed great emphasis on professional development through pre-service and in-service teacher education. Many agencies and organizations conduct in-service programmes for professional development of teachers. There are few lacunae which needs to be addressed urgently through follow up strategies.
Professional development of teachers constitutes developing awareness about their role and responsibilities to the profession they are pursuing. It is often self directed, involving reading, critical reflection, conscious analysis of oneself and one’s own work and a keen observation of learners and learning strategies (Singh 2008). Teacher development is a precursor of professional development. Teacher development is a holistic term used in teacher preparation programmes. A programme in teacher development should cater to the developing of right skills, Proper attitudes and adequate knowledge to implement the skills and attitudes developed in the work they do. Teacher development is contrasted with teacher training and teacher education which can both be offered by outside agencies, while development can happen only by one’s own involvement (Wallace 1991). The NPE 1986 have placed great emphasis on the professional development of teachers through two outside agencies i.e. teacher education and teacher training. The NPE 1986 also maintained that pre-service and in-service teacher education are inseparable for the development of teachers.
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Mahavir Singh Chhonkar
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2016 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1693 - 1696
Mastery Learning is a method whereby students are not advanced to a subsequent learning objective until they demonstrate proficiency with the current one. Gardner\\\'s Theory of multiple intelligences states that not only do human beings have many different ways to learn and process information, but that these are independent of each other, leading to multiple intelligences as opposed to a general intelligence. This paper talks about personalized learning model and its approaches. Ultimately, just as Personalized Learning transforms student learning, it can transform the teaching profession, as opportunities will be created for teachers to design the instructional resources and provide support for teachers in schools. And in this regard, personalized learning has exciting potential for both the students and the teachers.