An International Peer Reviewed

International Journal for Educational Research Studies

Jun - Jul, 2020, Vol-4/46

Impact Factor: 4.93

ISSN: 2454-5554

Date: 2020-07-31

Downloads: 80


Vimal Kumar Lahari

Issue: Jun-Jul, 2020 | Volume/Issue:4/46 | Page No.: 1 - 6


Singh, Yogendra (1986): Modernization of Indian Tradition, Rawat Publications, New Delhi. Adrian Athique, Douglas Hill (2009): The Multiplex in India: A Cultural Economy of Urban Leisure, Routledge. Singh, Yogendra (2010): Culture Change in India: Identity and Globalization, Rawat Publications, New Delhi. Jamoson, Fredric (1991): Postmodernism or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Duke University Press. Giddens, Anthony (1990): The Consequences of Modernit, Stanford University Press. Gupta, Dipankar (2000): Mistaken Modernity : India Between Worlds, Harper Collins Publishers, India,

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Mr. Himanshoo Kumar Sharma

Issue: Jun-Jul, 2020 | Volume/Issue:4/46 | Page No.: 7 - 14

 The birth of Human Right originates from Human Security. Firstly in primitive society the civil and political Rights were needed but in next phase of society the Social, Economic and Cultural rights were felt and demanded. In initial stage the women were devoid of Human Rights. The stability and credibility of society depends upon the empowerment of women in society which need investment of Human Rights in women. The Human Rights depend upon Human Security meaning there by the Economic security, Food security, Health security, Environmental security, Personal security, Community security and Political security. In such a way the violence against women is needed to be ended.

                        If the male faction of society is born free, then it is not possible that women faction be slave. If a man claims to lead a life of dignity, why the fate of woman be left upon the determination and whim of man. More over the right to liberty, equality and fraternity is granted by state to individual cannot be refused to a woman.

            New challenges have been posed on human rights by the forces of globalization. The globalization process is influencing the lives of mankind across the globe with positive and negative results. On one hand globalization has developed the concept of liberal ideas on other hand it has deteriorated the values of Human Rights by environmental degradation, exploitation and abuse of Human Rights, by developing the economic disparities, Sex discrimination sharp depletion of valuable resources, global terrorism and religious fundamentalism.

To meet the global challenges affecting Human Rights, the stress must be given to following fundamental convictions.

(A) The sanctity and inviolability of women Life

(B) The dignity of women Rights

\"\"(C) The value of women safety in a world full of precarious threats and challenges.


India legislation. (Indian Penal Code, Protection of women from domestic violence act 2005, Dowry prohibition act 1961 Act, The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019 ect.) Singhal, S.C. (2018) Human Rights, Laksmi Narain Agarwal, Agra. Chaube, S.P., History of India Education, Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra-2 Joshi, S.C., Human Rights, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi-02 Agarwal, H.O., Human Rights, Central Law Publications, Allahabad

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Dr.Balbir Singh Jamwal

Issue: Jun-Jul, 2020 | Volume/Issue:4/46 | Page No.: 10368 - 10380

In this research paper an attempt has been made to focus on Lala Lajpat Rai as nationalist. Lala Lajpat Rai as a Nationalist Stood not only for national cohesion and development but was also the advocate of justice and equality for all the sections of society. As he said, “We are a friend neither of the land lord not of the capitalist, we believe that the working men in India as elsewhere are being exploited and robbed by the higher classes in possession of he means of production and distribution. We would whole heartedly support any scheme which would open a way to a just and righteous distribution of wealth and land in India and which would ensure the ryot and the working man his right place in body politic”. Lala Lajpat Rai showed a remarkable consciousness of the wider social forces operating in the wide world in his eyes. In his outlook on life he seemed to have combined the realization of the need for social change and modernity in harmony with continuity and a modicum of stability for the progress of the country. For Lala Lajpat Rai, the synthesis between resilience and feasibility according to changing compulsions of the political chessboard with the long term objectives and the fundamental principle, was an essential part of political strategy.

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Dr. K. Praveen Kumar, S. K Raziya, A. Sharon Roja Kumari & B. Kishore Babu

Received Date: 20/06/2020 | Accepted Date: 25/07/2020 | Published Date: 09/08/2020

Issue: Jun-Jul, 2020 | Volume/Issue:4/46 | Page No.: 15 - 19

Aquaculture has become increasingly important in recent decades in meeting the enormous demand for animal protein requirements and, as a result, contributing to food security. Nonetheless, illness prevalence and environmental degradation are regarded as crucial issues facing the industry. In order to properly address these difficulties, new technological avenues have been paved. Among these, nanotechnology is a cutting-edge instrument with a wide range of applications, including aquaculture and the preservation of seafood. It can offer novel medication management solutions, such as the release of vaccines, and so guarantee the civilized defense of farmed fish against pathogens that cause sickness.

             An overview of nanotechnology and its uses in aquaculture is given in this article. It also provides a basic overview of fish disease and traditional pathogen management measures. However, as this analysis makes clear, nanotechnology is a potentially useful new tool that could improve the management and control of disease prevalence. Thus, it has also been emphasized how important this technique is to advancing sustainable aquaculture. This article also discusses the function of selenium nanoparticles as an effective component.


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Anita Kumari

Received Date: 20/06/2020 | Accepted Date: 25/07/2020 | Published Date: 09/08/2020

Issue: Jun-Jul, 2020 | Volume/Issue:4/46 | Page No.: 20 - 29