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B. K. Sharma & Tanu Gupta
Issue: May-Jun, 2020 | Volume/Issue:4/45 | Page No.: 1 - 4
Downloads: 111
Dr. Yashpal D. Netragaonkar
Received Date: 01/05/2020 | Accepted Date: 27/06/2020 | Published Date: 01/07/2020
Issue: May-Jun, 2020 | Volume/Issue:4/45 | Page No.: 5 - 12
Devoted paper deals with the comparisons of Computer Assisted Instruction learning practices programme and an epistemology of Constructivism. No doubt technology has made drastic changes in each and every aspect of Human life even though education sector is not excluded from it. The paper also explores concept of Constructivism and CAI "Constructivism is not a theory about teaching…it is a theory about knowledge and learning… the theory defines knowledge as temporary, developmental, socially and culturally mediated, and thus, nonobjective." The paper also focuses light on the characteristics, assumptions, and principles of Constructivism and CAI. CAI is the use of a computer as a medium of Instruction for Tutorial, drill and practice, simulation or games, CAI is used for both initial and remedial training and typically does not require that a computer be connected to a network or provide links to learning resources outsides of the course.
The Comparison of CAI and Constructivism is also incorporated very systematically at the end section of this paper.