Downloads: 126
Shinith Chandran. K & Jisha D Nair
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14772 - 14782
Downloads: 83
G. Anto Jency Florin & S. Malathi
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14783 - 14789
Downloads: 87
Prakash Vir Singh
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14790 - 14798
Downloads: 127
Sudarshana Rana & Nisha Devi
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14799 - 14806
Downloads: 6
Jayavir sinh & R. Pushpa Namdev
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14807 - 14817
Downloads: 121
Khe Mein Da
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14818 - 14823
Downloads: 158
Usha Sahu & Jyoti Dewangan
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14824 - 14835
Downloads: 89
Ishita Goel
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14836 - 14840
Downloads: 100
Ravirala. Anitha
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14841 - 14846
Downloads: 97
Jayakumar. K.
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14847 - 14851
Downloads: 157
Priyanka Kumari
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14852 - 14862
Downloads: 77
Sudarshana Rana & Nisha Devi
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14863 - 14869
Downloads: 81
Poonam Rani
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14863 - 14868
Downloads: 76
Mo. Sadare Alam
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14869 - 14877
Downloads: 80
Ananya Singh
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14878 - 14881
Downloads: 76
Minakshi Biswal
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14882 - 14889
Downloads: 80
Surendra Singh
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14890 - 14903
Downloads: 75
Mukesh Chand
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14904 - 14911
Downloads: 65
Rachita Subrat Ratho
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14912 - 14917
Downloads: 63
Sujata J. Karade
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14918 - 14933
Gupta, S. & Doshi, M.
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14934 - 14958
Downloads: 87
Shalini Chaudhary
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14959 - 14966
Downloads: 103
Rajesh Kishor Tripathi
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14967 - 14972
Downloads: 83
Sarika Gautam Bahirat
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14973 - 14976
Downloads: 54
Sabita Nayak
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14977 - 14986
Downloads: 87
Dr. Anita Balasaheb Khaire
Received Date: 30/04/2021 | Accepted Date: 21/04/2021 | Published Date: 01/05/2021
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14987 - 14996
Today’s world is the world of science and technology. In each sector, technology is used.
Education is the prime sector for the development of the society. In the education, sector
technology is used very effectively and efficiently. Blended learning is the combination of
classroom teaching as well as online teaching. In this method, there is a combination of digital
learning tools with more traditional classroom (face-to-face) teaching. In Blended, learning
students and teachers will elaborate in a better way. Students get the flexibility to work within
their own schedules. There is transparency in group progress. There are six models of Blended
learning - Face-to-face driver model, online driver model, Rotation model, Flipped classroom,
Flex model, and individual rotation model. In the present stage in education sector has fully
recognized the huge advantages of blended learning. This method enriches the experiences of
students. Students will learn what is true and develop critical thinking among students.
Downloads: 94
Mr. Sachin J. Sakhare
Received Date: 10/03/2021 | Accepted Date: 27/04/2021 | Published Date: 01/05/2021
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 14997 - 15005
Present conceptual paper focused on to National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and understand the various new trends in the 21st century for enhancement of Geo-Literacy. Now in the 21st century the New Trends playing very vital role for sustainable development. NEP focused on a quality teacher education program is rational and streamlined to address specific pedagogical issues. It elucidates the ideas about what constitutes good teaching and the content and scope of course work and practical experiences. New trends can also introduce new methods that could give you a potential lead over your online competition. Now in the current era, the term Geo-Literacy is a new term for a long-standing idea consisting of three components: interactions, interconnections and implications. The term Geo-Literacy is the very significant for ability to use geographic understanding and geographic reasoning to make far-reaching decisions to all human beings. Now, as a human being, we are making decisions about where to live or what precautions to take for natural hazards, we all make decisions that require geo-literacy throughout our lives.
The present paper emphasized with prime objectives are- (i) To understand the basic features of NEP 2020 and various new trends in 21st Century. (ii) To analyze the importance of new trends in 21st century. (iii) To discuss the role of new trends in the 21st century in development of Geo-Literacy. Geo-literacy is the very significant term that National Geographic has adopted to describe the understanding of how our world works that all members of modern society require. In the society perspective the term Geo-literacy is the very important for sustainable development and also ability to reason about earth systems and interconnections to make far-reaching decisions.
Downloads: 84
Received Date: 10/03/2021 | Accepted Date: 27/04/2021 | Published Date: 01/05/2021
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 15006 - 15010
Downloads: 75
Dr. Dhiraj Sharma
Received Date: 12/04/2021 | Accepted Date: 30/04/2021 | Published Date: 04/05/2021
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 15011 - 15017
Job satisfaction is the positive or negative attitude of employees about this kind of subjects. Consequently, job satisfaction depends on a person who takes his job positively or negatively in his own career. It expresses the extent of match between employees, expectation of the job and the reward that the job provides. The factors of physical conditions and social nature affect job satisfaction and productivity. There are so many factors which directly or indirectly affect the satisfaction of teachers regarding their job, like relation with high authorities, relation with colleagues, relation with students etc. If the higher authorities or the principal is highly disciplined, then there will be more satisfaction among teachers because each and everything will be up to date. Teachers will get more opportunities to develop their talent. Quality of work-life may be set into operation in terms of employee perceptions of their physical and psychological well being at work. It includes virtually every major issue that labor has fought for during the last two decades. It is a term that has been used to describe the broader job-related experiences an individual has. Quality of work-life has been defines as “The quality of relationship between the employees and the total working environment.” Quality of work-life is concerned with the overall climate of work and the impact on work and people as well as on organization effectiveness. Quality of work-life incorporates hierarchy of perspectives that not only include work based factors such as job satisfaction, satisfaction with pay and relationship with work colleagues, but also factors that broadly reflects life situation and general feelings of well being. Quality of work-life refers to the favorableness or un favorableness of the work environment. Quality of work-life is a key indicator of the overall quality of human experience at the workplace. For a healthy and prosperous nation, we need quality in work-life among teachers. Job satisfaction leads to the provision of quality in work-life and hence necessary.
Key words – Job Satisfaction, Quality of Work-Life, Career Development, Work Patterns,
Work-Life Balance.
Downloads: 61
Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Singh
Received Date: 12/04/2021 | Accepted Date: 30/04/2021 | Published Date: 04/05/2021
Issue: Mar-Apr, 2021 | Volume/Issue:8/64 | Page No.: 15018 - 15027