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Subhashree Naya
Received Date: 25/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 20/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 1 - 10
Assessment is an inseparable part of the educational process. To bring out the holistic development of the child, the assessment process should focus on both scholastic and co-scholastic areas of development. Assessment includes a full range of procedures used to gather information on students learning and also gives feedback for further improvement. School-based Assessment makes assessment more continuous and comprehensive, enables teachers to know the strengths and weaknesses of learners, and helps teachers to improve their teaching strategies. This theoretical paper explores the significance of school-based assessment in the teaching-learning process. A comprehensive literature review examines the concept of school-based assessment, its features, and its objectives in the education process. The paper also highlights the rationale and benefits of school-based assessment. This paper suggested that proper orientation and training for the appropriate implementation of the assessment system are required and also various workshops, seminars, and training sessions should be regularly organized in the school to acquaint teachers with school-based assessment.
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Sameer Nayak & Priyanka Choudhury
Received Date: 25/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 20/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 11 - 18
Education is the most important part of today’s life. As per Human Development Index (HDI), Life expectancy, Per Capita Income and Education are important indicators of development. Thus, education plays an important role in every sphere of life. Among different levels of education, Higher education is most important one as it gives out employment and identity. In Indian context, higher education is not equally available to all the students due to many factors. The result is reflected in the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER). As per the report of AISHE, MHRD (2020) the GER in Higher education in India for the year 2011-12 was 20.8 % whereas it increases to 27.1 in 2019-20. This report also points out the regional disparities in GER across the country. In order to eradicate major problems of GER and increase there are many solutions such as: Education to be provided in SEZs, quality of education, job oriented course, affordable education, proper infrastructure, trained teacher, community awareness, education in PPP mode, use of modern technologies, education without burden, proper monitoring and feedback techniques to be devised etc.
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Swadhinketan Nayak
Received Date: 25/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 20/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 19 - 32
This article explores the transformative potential of participatory political engagement among urban slum communities. This study investigates how involvement in political processes enables slum dwellers to assert their rights, influence policy decisions, and improve their living conditions. Through qualitative analysis of case studies and participatory action research, the paper examines the mechanisms through which political participation empowers marginalized communities, fostering social inclusion and civic agency. It delves into various forms of participation, including community organizing, advocacy campaigns, and grassroots initiatives, highlighting their role in challenging systemic inequalities and amplifying the voices of the marginalized. By shedding light on the experiences and strategies of urban slum dwellers, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of how participatory approaches can enhance democracy, promote social justice, and empower marginalized populations in urban settings.
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Mahesh Gopinath Mali & Nayana Borse
Received Date: 15/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 23/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 33 - 42
Education is essential for achieving full human potential; women's education is the issue raised before independence and repeatedly raised to utilize all the nation's human resources and promote gender equality. After the independence of India, the constitutional makers and national leaders strongly demanded equal social positions for women and men. Education for women is crucial for societal progress and gender equality. Governments and organizations worldwide recognize the significance of empowering women through education. In India, various initiatives have aimed at promoting education for women, including campaigns to increase enrollment, provide scholarships, and create a conducive environment for learning. The Indian constitution and policymakers mentioned some constitutional provisions and special initiatives for women. Therefore, the constitution of India incorporated the government plan and policies of women's empowerment in different ways, which became effective in the year 1950. Article 14 ensures the right to equality for women; Article 15 (1) Prohibits gender discrimination; Article 15 (3) empowers the state to take affirmative steps in favor of women. The Equal Remuneration Act of 1976, The Maternity Benefit Act in 1961, and The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention and Protection Act) in 2013 are some of the few specific laws the Indian Parliament sanctioned concerning Women's rights. In 2001, the Government of India started a national policy for Women's Empowerment with objectives like strengthening legal systems to eliminate discrimination. against women. Also, the government and Education Policy took a few initiatives for Women's empowerment. However, the importance of such initiatives lies in fostering gender equality, ensuring equal opportunities, and enhancing the socio-economic status of woman.
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Suchismita Das & Dr. Sankar Prasad Mohanty
Received Date: 22/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 43 - 53
A comprehensive framework, NEP 2020 in India's education system is intended to revolutionize the country's education system. It instigates substantial modifications within the school education system with the objective of rectifying current predicaments, augmenting the caliber of instruction, and nurturing comprehensive growth in students. A few of the primary suggestions outlined in NEP 2020 pertain specifically to school education. This study discusses the recommendations by NEP 2020 and further it provides insight into the difficulties encountered throughout the implementation of the same. It finally ends with some suggestions to overcome the challenges discussed.
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Vrushali Suresh Bapat & Dr. Surabhi Viplav
Received Date: 22/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 54 - 59
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Shri. Patole Uttam Mahadu & Dr. Sandhya Milind Khedkar
Received Date: 22/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 60 - 75
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Ram Shanker Saxena & Prof. Anju Agarwal
Received Date: 22/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 76 - 82
Learning disability is a diverse set of conditions that affects an individual’s ability to understand language whether it is spoken, written, etc. It affects the neurological development of the brain, as a result of which the ability to learn is hampered. Along with this it also affects a person’s ability to stay attentive, remember what was learnt, coordination of movements, etc. Though the IQ is not affected but learning disabilities affect the over-all quality of life of an individual. It has certain types such as- dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyslexia, etc. It is crucial to note that learning disability develops or emerges at young age, this entails the importance of early identification of learning disabilities among children. The intent for early identification is to find out whether the child is at risk or already has a particular disability. It includes a close observation by the primary caregivers of the child to see what kind of behaviour the child displays, based on its “distinctness” a rehabilitation professionals help is gained. Significant to the identification of children with learning disabilities are the challenges, which cannot be passed over under any circumstances. The process of early identification includes 1) proper screening, 2) observation and 3) evaluation, but it is not an easy process as there are a number of obstacles that the members involved in the process, such as- child, parents, teachers, etc. tend to face. This particular paper tries to study the challenges faced during the process of early identification of children that are at risk for learning disabilities. For the same, existing research articles were perused.
Keyword- Learning Disability, Early Identification, Children, Challenges
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M. Papaiah & Dr. Shahanaz Begum
Received Date: 22/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 83 - 89
Pedagogy is a system and process of tutoring in which preceptors educate both in proposition and in practice. Pedagogy is shaped by learners' tutoring beliefs and involves their understanding of culture and different literacy styles. Pedagogic practices are means by which literacy gests can be amended to promote scholars' literacy veritably creative. Pedagogy refers to the way of tutoring scholars, whether it's the proposition or practice of educating. It's a relationship between the culture and ways of literacy. The present abstract exploration concentrated on the Pedagogical practices of Social Science preceptors. The main end of pedagogy is to make on the former literacy of the scholars and work on the development of chops and stations of the learners. Pedagogy enables scholars to get a thorough understanding of the subject and helps them apply the learning in their diurnal lives outside of the classroom.
Pedagogy in teaching can be referred to as an educator’s understanding of how the students learn. The teachers are focused on presenting the syllabus to the students in such a way that it is relevant to their needs. Pedagogy demands classroom interactions between the teacher and students which create a significant impact on the learner’s mind.
Pedagogy enables teachers to understand the best suitable practices for a classroom setting. It helps them to know how different students learn and grasp information so that they can tailor their lessons to satisfy those needs. It is likely to improve the quality of teaching and the way it is received by the students. The present paper focuses on the Pedagogic practices of Social Science Teachers with prime objectives: (i) To understand the concept of Pedagogic practices. (ii) To analyze the importance of Pedagogical practices of Social Science Teachers. (iii) To discuss the strategies of Pedagogic practices for Social Science Teachers. The technique of the inquiry could include an interpretative, discussion, and perception and consider auxiliary sources, like books, articles, diaries, proposals, college news, master supposition, websites, etc.
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Dr. Md Athar Hussain & Minahajullah Masih
Received Date: 22/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 90 - 101
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Magan Singh Bhandari & Prof. (Dr). Dharam Vir Singh
Received Date: 22/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 16/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 119 - 124
We are living in age of Information technology. Mobile became most important device in the field of Information technology. It became necessary part of human life. In university libraries, mobile also became essential instrument for library users as most of university libraries are providing information and document delivery through SMS services, e-mail services, whatsapp service in users mobile device. Similarly, university libraries have social media e.g., face book, Instragram, twitter etc. accounts which can be used in mobile device. Also, most of university libraries using mobile technology to provide library users with access to digital resources such as e-books, e-journals, digital magazines, and other digital journals. University libraries are using mobile technology to provide library users with access to real time information about library services, such as hours of operation and upcoming events. In real sense the appeal of mobile phones going beyond the fact that users no longer need the library to get information that does not require time investment if it is available outside the library with one click to make things accessible in the library and anywhere any time. No doubt implementation of mobile technology in university libraries will help to build good relationship and will be able to provide better services especially to remote area users. This article discusses the use and applications o mobile technology in university libraries, mobile applications and university library services using mobile technology.
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Bhadab Hembram, & Ramakanta Mohalik
Received Date: 22/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 16/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 125 - 139
The objectives of the study were to study the level of digital competence of teachers working in higher education institutions and to compare the digital competence of teachers working in higher education institutions with respect to gender, age, qualification, and experience. A survey was conducted with a sample of 53 higher education teachers selected through stratified random sampling techniques. A self-developed rating scale consisting of 41 items based on five components of digital competence, such as information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, safety, and problem-solving, was used as a tool for data collection. The collected data were analysed using frequency count, percentage, and chi-square in SPSS software. The findings of the present study indicated that more number (47.16%) of the teachers were an average level of competence. There is no significant difference in the digital competence of teachers working in higher education institutions with respect to gender and qualification. The study also indicates that teachers with age group up to 40 years have better digital competence than teachers with higher age group and teachers with less than ten years of experience have better digital competence than teachers with higher experience group. It is proposed that teachers in higher education should be encouraged and motivated to learn digital skills and competence. The state authority can organize capacity-building programs to enhance teachers' digital competence through the use of ICT in teaching and learning.
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Swagatika Sahoo, Sarada Mishra & Subham Panda
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 140 - 149
This study was designed to examine the relationship between self-concept and Social intelligence among class-IX students of secondary schools of Bhubaneswar municipality of khordha District. The sample for the present study comprised of 100 secondary school students (50 boys and 50 girls) selected by using simple random techniques. The Descriptive Survey method was adopted for the study. Self-Concept Questionnaire by R.K Saraswat (2005) and social intelligence scale by N.K Chhada and Ganesan (1986) were used to collect the data from the sample subject. Mean. Standard deviation, t-test and Pearson’s product moment correlation were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study confirm that there exists positive relationship between self-concept and social intelligence among secondary school students. Most secondary school students have an average level of self-concept and social intelligence. There is no significant difference in the level of self-concept and social intelligence with respect to gender variable.
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Dr. Laksmi Nautiyal
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 150 - 154
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Rihana Parween Begum & Sarada Mishra
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 155 - 162
The term 'Madrasa' originated from the Arabic language literary speaking it means a place where teaching and learning take place. In Arabic-speaking regions, any institutions that are involved in imparting education to the masses including religious institutions are usually denoted as Madrasas. The madrasa is an educational site that plays an important role in Islamic education. In the medieval period after completion of primary education in the maktabs, the Muslim students used to go to the madrasa for their higher education. Education brings emancipation from the darkness of ignorance and populates an individual personality with the versatility of knowledge, skill, and abilities in an education system, enthusiasm for learning, and clarity in teaching multiply the success of what is a genuine desire of students and the objective of an institution. The researcher conducted a study on the functioning of Jamiul Uloom Madrasa, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar A case study. The study conducted with the following objectives are to study the management system of Jamiul Uloom Madrasa, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar. To study the physical/infrastructural facilities of Jamiul Uloom Madrasah, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar. To study the learning process of Jamiul Uloom Madrasa, Pokhariput, and Bhubaneswar and to study the perception of stakeholders are teachers and students of Jamiul Uloom Madrasa, Pokhariput, and Bhubaneswar. Fifty students and eight teachers were selected through a Purposive sampling technique and data was collected through a self-developed observation schedule and a Focus group discussion schedule. A thick description and microanalysis of data showed that the Jamiul UloomMadrasa, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar management system is democratic, adequate infrastructural facilities are provided, the learner-centered approach was followed in classroom transactions, a cordial teacher-taught relationship was developed, task analysis, storytelling, group discussion method and other co-curricular activities like Milad(seminar) Zalsa(conference) are smoothly organized by the stakeholders of the Jamiul Uloom Madrasa, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar. The headmaster of the institution is always ready and friendly to discuss anything regarding their madaras Improvement with their staff, teachers, community, and students.
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Pankaj Deorari, Rashmi Nautiyal & Geeta Khanduri
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 163 - 170
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Saraswati Das and Dr. Bimal Charan Swain
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 171 - 177
The study explores the perceptions of higher secondary school students and teachers in Bhadrak and Balasore districts of Odisha, towards online class. The study was conducted on a sample of 150 teachers and 151 students. The research identifies factors influencing their perceptions, such as technical issues, comfort level, support, and training. Results reveal significant differences between students and teachers perceptions, indicating areas for improvement in online learning experiences. Recommendations include enhancing teaching practices, training, and support to address these disparities and improve overall effectiveness. Despite limitations, the study provides valuable insights for policy makers, educational institutions, and course facilitators in designing and implementing online learning initiatives, particularly in the context of the evolving landscape of education.
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Swagatika Sahoo
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 178 - 190
The rapid expansion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has transformed learners into digital learners, requiring teachers to integrate technology into their pedagogical approaches, where teachers' attitudes, technological knowledge, and skills play a significant role in its effective transformation. From this perspective, the current study presents teacher’s Perceptions of the use of ICT in the teaching-learning process. A sample of 80 secondary school teachers of Bhubaneswar block were randomly selected. A descriptive survey method was adopted for the study. A self-made Perception Inventory on the use of ICT was used to collect data from the sample. Mean, standard deviation and t-tests were applied to analyze the data. The results showed that most of secondary school teachers perceive the use of ICT in the teaching-learning process favorably. Most of the teachers perceive the dimension “pedagogical use of ICT’ more favorably. There is no difference in the perception of male and female secondary school teachers towards the use of ICT in teaching teaching-learning process. There exists a significant difference in the perception of Science and Arts secondary school teachers towards the use of ICT. Science teachers show a more favorable perception towards the use of ICT than the Arts teachers.
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Dr. Swagatam Das & Sagarika Jena
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 191 - 199
Climate Change and Sustainability Education (CCSE) is necessary for societies all over the globe to promote responsible development, which includes the green economy, welfare, and environmental conservation. Establishing appropriate educational frameworks is seen to be essential for promoting green skills that guarantee healthy lives, new jobs, and just societies. The article's goal is to provide a thorough introduction to and justification for climate change education (CCE) in relation to sustainable development. For this purpose descriptive survey method has been followed. The researcher has selected a sample of 80 teachers by following the random sampling method from different reputed educational institutions of Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh for primary data collection. Secondary data have been collected by following different books, journals etc. A Self structured questionnaire consisting of 24 items on the importance of climate education for sustainable development has been used for primary data collection. The collected data were analyzed with the help of descriptive statistics and t test in the SPSS.20 version software.The study comes to the conclusion that one of the most important ways for national governments to guarantee and exhibit their adherence to national and international frameworks concerning human rights, education, the environment, and sustainable development is to improve the education sector's response to climate change.
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Lata Bhojwani
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 200 - 208
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Dr. Dharmendra kumar
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 209 - 212
Development and innovation of computer technologies have transformed the way education is structured, organized, and delivered. Information and Communication technology has advanced in ways that could not be imagined even a decade back. Changes in technology have facilitated dramatic shifts in communication making it easier to connect people in unprecedented ways and require that today’s students have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to engage responsibly and effectively in the increasingly globalized context. The education system is now witnessing a paradigm shift from the traditional chalk-and-talk teaching methodology to digitizing the pedagogical approach through technical devices. Adopting and adapting educational technologies associated with computers and the internet for use with instruction is often transforming not only how we teach, affording new ways to address old problems but also turning attention to some of the basic issues in teaching focusing the educators on the pedagogy itself, its design and its efficacy.
Education Technology provides such teaching-learning situations, which brings the best practices or means of instruction that affect on learning positively. Their domains of knowledge cover three main areas concerning techno-pedagogy, which are content, pedagogy, and technology respectively. The subject matter to be taught is referred to as content. Technology includes both modern and everyday technologies such as computers, the internet, and digital video, as well as overhead projectors, blackboards, and books.
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Kundan kumar & Dr. Vitahl Ramkishan Bhosale
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 213 - 217
The word Yoga is derived from the root word ‘Yuj’, which generally means ‘to join’. In spiritual language, Yoga means the merging of a person’s soul with God in such a way that there is no separation from it again and that soul itself becomes God. In other words, Yoga means ‘to meet’ like the soul meeting in God. The meeting of Sun and Moon from which joyful (sukha) energy flows is the cause of salvation. Just as when hydrogen and oxygen mix, a third substance, water is formed, when both of them mix, a new substance is created. Similarly, by the union of mind and life, by the union of Sun and Moon, a new thing is born. Similarly, by doing yoga, something new is born in man. Its name is yoga. Yoga is a complete science, a complete way of life, a complete medical practice and a complete spiritual discipline. The present research has studied the attitude of teachers towards yoga education. The results were obtained by statistical calculation by administering tests to measure attitude towards yoga education on teachers and educationists of rural and urban areas of Patna district. From which it has been found that rural teachers are more inclined towards yoga education than urban teachers. Whereas urban teachers pay more attention to yoga than rural teachers. Therefore, if the attitude of teachers towards yoga education is positive, then undoubtedly healthy, skilled, strong and virtuous citizens will be prepared in India.
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Momotaz Begum & Sonam Sultana
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 218 - 231
Present study is an attempt to investigate the primary mental health challenges faced by school-going children residing in remote areas of Bandarban district of Bangladesh in relation to two demographic factors as gender and family type of them. Researchers adopted cross-sectional study design with the purposive sampling technique. The participants for this study were carefully selected from the Chakma and Marma school-going children in the Bandarban district. Sample included a total sum of 236 students, encompassing children enrolled in three schools namely, Matamohury girls High School, Alikadom; Bandarban Govt.Boys High School, Bandarban and Sangu High School, Hafezghuna, Bandarban. The specific inclusion criteria were limited to individuals aged 11 to 17 who were actively attending school. Survey was conducted with the help of Bengali version of Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire, originally developed by R. Goodman in 1997. Findings yielded that female student appeared with greater prevalence of mental health problems than their other counterparts and the difference was statistically not significant. Again, female students revealed that they have greater prevalence of emotional problems, hyperactivity problems and pro-social problems than male students. Considering family type, students from joint family background appeared with greater prevalence of mental health problems than students belong to nuclear families and the difference was statistically significant. Moreover, students belong to joint families revealed that they have greater prevalence of mental health problems including all the dimensions of it than students belong to nuclear families.
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Dr. T. M. Prashantha Kumar
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 232 - 237
The study was designed to explore the relationship of some socio-demographic factors and social system with perceived loneliness among retired men and women. A sample of 320 men and women in the age–range 60-75 years were administered perceived loneliness scale and personal information schedule individually. Results showed positive significant relationship of perceived loneliness level with age, gender, locale, marital status of the retired elderly people. The intensity of perceived loneliness increased as a matter of reduced social support and intergenerational solidarity.
Key words : Perceived loneliness, Retirement, Socio-demographic variables, Social Support, Community interventions
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Dhruv Kumar & Dr. Mrutunjay Mishra
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 238 - 243
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Omwati & Dr. Rainu Gupta
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 244 - 251
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Dr. Chethana Kumara K M
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 252 - 258
The present study was conducted to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and Creativity on the academic achievement of Secondary School Students. Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage both one's own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves skills that enable individuals to navigate social interactions, communicate effectively, empathize with others, resolve conflicts, and make informed decisions based on emotional cues. Creativity generates novel ideas, solutions, or valuable and original concepts. It involves thinking outside the box, breaking from conventional patterns, and approaching problems from new perspectives. Creativity is not limited to the arts; it permeates all aspects of human endeavor, from science and technology to business and everyday problem-solving. The main focus of the present research is to determine the Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Creativity on the academic achievement of secondary school students. The population includes all the secondary school students of Davangere City. The sample consists of 100 secondary school students from Davangere City, Karnataka. The present research paper aims to study the objectives of the Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Creativity on the academic achievement of secondary school students with prime aims (1) To prepare and develop the Emotional Intelligence and Creativity program for secondary school students. (2) To determine the effectiveness of the Emotional Intelligence and Creativity program for secondary school students. This study was completed using an experimental research method based on a pre-test and post-test research approach.
Key Words: Academic Achievement, Creativity, Emotional Intelligence
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Saifuddin Biswas
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 259 - 269
The Russo-Ukrainian War, initiated by Russia's invasion in 2014 and escalated with a full-scale invasion in February 2022, has led to a profound humanitarian and environmental crisis. This literature review explores the multifaceted impacts of the conflict, including its devastating effects on displaced populations, civilian casualties, and disruption of vital infrastructure. Environmental devastation, including air and water pollution, ecosystem damage, and contamination of soil and groundwater, further exacerbates the crisis. The international response, though providing humanitarian aid and imposing sanctions on Russia, faces challenges in effectively addressing the scale of the crisis. Through mixed-methods research, this study aims to analyze the human and environmental perspectives on the conflict's impacts and propose solutions for mitigating its long-term consequences.
Keywords: Russo-Ukrainian War, humanitarian crisis, environmental devastation,
International response, mixed-methods research.
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Aktar Ali
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 270 - 280
The purpose of this study was to determine how much job satisfaction predicted organizational commitment among the teacher educators of Murshidabad district. In this study, the researcher selected 150 teacher educators as the sample from among fifteen teacher training institutions using purposive sampling technique. Two hypotheses guided the study. Organizational Commitment Scale for the Teacher Educators developed by the researcher himself and Teacher’s Job Satisfaction Questionnaire developed by Nasrin and A. Annes (2014) were administered on 150 teacher educators using simple random sampling technique. P.C.C and S.M.R were the statistical techniques used by the investigator to analyse the data. The researcher found linear correlation between organizational commitment and job satisfaction (r =.202, p<.05) and it was also found that job satisfaction emerged as the most significant contributing variable in influencing the organizational commitment as its contribution is 4.1% of the variance (R2 = .041, F = 6.321, p<0.05).
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Teacher Educators
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Sasmita Pradhan
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 281 - 287
Education plays a pivotal role in the growth of society and formation of a true human being. With the advent of the new technological era, education has acquired multiple objectives. Basically, the institution has undergone a radical change in recent times. Quality in the field of education, when we focus on students it’s may be the facilities provided to them, when concerned with teachers it is the teaching learning process. Quality education is an essential requisite in today’s competitive environment. Education is a process which revolves around teacher, student, and curriculum, where teacher must play a very important role. The process of teaching and learning succeeds when it is properly planned and meticulously executed. With the changing scenario of education, it is supposed to find ways and means to improve the teaching techniques to cope with the need of the times. Technology benefited us in every aspect of life from communication to education.
Computer is as interesting innovation in educational technology. Its marvels have been demonstrated and seem to revolutionize the whole spectrum of education. It has better flexibility and more versatility than any of the teaching aids. It deals with the problem of quality in education more effectively and a more flexible kind of branching is possible on the part of the computer according to the student’s performance. It utilizes the principles of programmed learning. It also utilizes the concepts of audio-visual education, communication theory and learning theory. A good amount of information stored in the computer is made available to the learner more readily than any other media. Smart classrooms are technologically enhanced classrooms that foster opportunities for teaching and learning process. The concept of digitalized classroom has not only made education easy, but it gave the students power to enhance their academic performance.
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Bhawani Shankar Gadatia
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 288 - 296
This study aims to examine the influence of pre-service teachers' levels of academic procrastination on their academic achievement goal orientation. Survey data were collected from 245 pre-service teachers studying in different B.Ed colleges of Sambalpur University of Odisha. Academic Achievement Goal Orientation Scale designed and standardized by Christopher Was (2006) and adapted version of Tuckman Procrastination Scale (2003) were used for the collection of data. Findings indicated a significant correlation between academic procrastination and academic achievement goal orientation of pre-service teachers. Implications of academic procrastination on academic achievement goal orientation of pre-service teachers were suggested.
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Prof. (Dr.) Mridula Singhal, Namrata Singh
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 298 - 310
A shift of viewpoint regarding internet services has taken place over the course of a considerable amount of time and has developed gradually over the same. Internet services, which were once regarded to be a luxury commodity, are now widely recognized as being among the fundamental requirements for leading a normal life. On the other side, ever since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, technology has shifted from being a luxury product to a need. This change occurred over the course of the epidemic. It is presently the driving force behind our day-to-day activities, and everyone is required to connect with online services and learn how to make use of them, despite the fact that they will eventually have the option to disregard these technologies at some time in the future. At the same time, both individuals and institutions are finding themselves under an increasing degree of strain and have a responsibility to educate themselves on how to make use of online services and to incorporate online services into the delivery of their own services, respectively. In addition, in order for governments to provide their population with access to internet services and ensure that they satisfy the requirements, it is now an imperative necessity for such nations to construct the essential infrastructure. This is especially true for nations that are still in the process of developing. The usage of digital banking provides a solution that may be accomplished in a single step to a range of financial needs. These needs may include, amongst others, cash deposits, cash withdrawals, and money transfers.
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Satish Chandra Tiwari & Sanjay Chaudhary
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 311 - 318
This research article delves into three conventionally used adaptive queue management techniques / strategies; DropTail, RED and CoDel, underscores their role, significance and effectiveness in special context of QoS of communication network. The theoretical and simulation results obtained as findings suggest the suitability of a particular strategy under changing scenario and varying network conditions.
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Mahek Kathuria
Received Date: 22/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 26/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 102 - 118
This research study examines sustainable finance frameworks and their significance in responsible investing, with a focus on the United States market. The study's goal is to improve investor insight into responsible investing and to construct diverse sustainable portfolios for Type A investors. The data analysis compares the predicted rate of return of Type A portfolios to inflation and GDP growth rates in the United States. The data show that Type A portfolios exceed inflation and GDP on a consistent basis, indicating the financial sustainability of responsible investing. In portfolio development, the study addresses the necessity of considering ESG concerns, carbon footprints, and eliminating SIN industries. It uncovers that responsible investing is not only ethically responsible but also economically profitable, offering the opportunity for increased profitability while prioritizing environmental and social responsibility.
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Paladugu Radhika
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 319 - 325
The teachers need to be well equipped in ICT hence first teachers should have expertise in using technology then they will be able to use it in classrooms. To infuse technology into education there is a need to integrate teachers’ content, technology, and pedagogical knowledge to take advantage of technology and use computers to teach in traditional ways. The process of ICT integration needs to address organizational, technological, and pedagogical perspectives. Information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching-learning means making the effective use of ICT to teach the subject matter in a more interesting manner to make learning easy and fast for the students. The students gain a lot by learning through ICT and they learn to seek knowledge on their own by using ICT. They also get an opportunity to share their knowledge with others through ICT. However, there are certain factors that effect the successful ICT integration in teaching-learning. This paper throws light on the benefits of ICT usage in teaching-learning, the three phases to successful ICT integration, factors influencing ICT by teachers, the barriers to successful ICT integration, the implications of checking barriers, and the changed role of the teachers.
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Sandhya Rani Pal & Sankar Prasad Mohanty
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 326 - 340
This literature review explores innovative practices in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), focusing on the role of Anganwadi workers in India. By examining various studies and reports, this review identifies key strategies by Anganwadi workers to enhance ECCE quality. The innovative practices discussed include play-based learning, sensory-rich activities, outdoor exploration, developmental checklists, and parental involvement. Despite these efforts, infrastructure issues, overemphasis on administrative tasks, and inadequate training persist. Urgent action is needed to address these challenges through targeted support and policy interventions. It's crucial to note that ongoing support and resources are not just beneficial but vital for the continued improvement of ECCE. This review highlights the critical role of Anganwadi workers in fostering holistic child development and underscores the need for these measures to optimize ECCE outcomes.
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Shri. Dharmaraj Ramkrushna Kale
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 341 - 344
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Lande Pushpa Shivram
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 345 - 351
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Dr. Munna Ram Mahato
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 352 - 358
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Prathama Biswas
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 359 - 367
Institutional environment is an integration of teacher-student relationship, teacher-teacher relationship, student-student relationship, classroom organization, teacher behaviour toward students. The study was conducted to examine the quality institutional environment in teacher education institution of Visva Bharati i.e. Vinaya bhavana, Department of Education. The objective of the study was to explore whether teacher-education institution’s environment follows Tagore's educational ideas & perspective, to explore modern educational facilities included in institutional environment, to explore student’s satisfaction towards institutional environment and to explore relationship between teacher education and institutional environment. The population of the study was all the teacher trainees of Vinaya bhavana and some 60 of them were selected as sample by using simple random sampling technique. The data was collected through observation Schedule and semi-structured interview. The findings of the study stated that the institution followed Tagorian perspective and ideology in high manner, the re but it should give emphasis on creating inclusive environment to meet the present needs of the learners.
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Shri. Ningappa N. Kudupali
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 368 - 372
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Shaikh Iqbal Rahmatulla & Dr. Sunita Magre
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 373 - 385
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Dr. Dipak Prakash Saudagar
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 386 - 391
The study's objective was to ascertain and contrast the meditation levels of athletes participating in various individual and team sports. Forty-five athletes from Savitribai Phule Pune University (20 participating in individual sports and 25 in team sports) had their meditation levels evaluated using the modified Awareness Scale (Brown and Ryan, 2003). Sportspeople who play individual and team sports have had their meditation levels compared using the "t" test. There were no discernible differences between the athletes participating in team and individual sports.
All athletes, whether they play team or individual sports, have a similar state of meditation since they must complete both mental and physical training in order to compete at the greatest levels.
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Prof. Gopal Hanumant Badgire
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 392 - 398
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Dr. Anupma Tomar
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 399 - 402
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Dr. Anita kumari
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 403 - 410
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Naznin Akhtar Ansari & Dr. Shakera Parveen
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 411 - 419
Investigators carried out research to know the perceptions of teachers towards girls’ higher education in the Paschim Bardhaman district of West Bengal. The research aimed to explore teachers’ views on the advantages, barriers, and influencing factors of girls’ higher education, and also comparing the perceptions of male and female teachers towards higher education of girls. descriptive survey method was adopted for this study, data were collected from a randomly selected sample of 36 colleges and university teachers. Statistical techniques such as mean, standard deviation, percentages, and t-test were used for analysis.
The findings revealed that 6% of teachers demonstrated a high level of positive perceptions, 86% exhibited an average level, and 8% reflected a low level of perceptions towards the advantages of girls’ higher education. Teachers’ perceptions on barriers as influencing factors are largely average. Furthermore, the comparison between male and female teachers’ perceptions reveals no statistically significant difference (t-value = 1.035; p-value = 0.308).
The results highlighted that while teachers generally recognize the importance of girls’ higher education, many hold only average perceptions on benefits and challenges. This suggests the need for awareness programs and professional training to enhance teachers' understanding of the important role of girls’ higher education in societal development. The study marked the importance of creating a supportive academic environment that encourages equitable educational opportunities for girls and addresses the barriers they face.
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Dr. Rohit Vijay Patil
Received Date: 20/01/2024 | Accepted Date: 28/02/2024 | Published Date: 01/03/2024
Issue: Jan-Feb, 2024 | Volume/Issue:12/81 | Page No.: 420 - 427