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Dr. Nisha Chandel
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 1 - 10
This paper tries to explore the potential of Srimad Bhagavt-Gita for inculcation of values. The present state of value erosion is leading the society towards crimes. As a result murder, theft, corruption, rape and other crimes are increasing day by day. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita is a holy book of Hindu Religion. This knowledge was imparted in a situation of dilemma. It is the form of purest and universal knowledge as it offers solutions to many problems of value crisis. In the present study, our holy book ‘Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita’ has been critically studied with special reference to value education. The educational ideas in Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita are highly progressive and full of intuitive insight. The present study suggests the methods to change attitude towards moral values, the relevance of philosophy of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita to the problems of value inculcation.
verses of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita important for value inculcation among students and Values in teacher student relationship from the perspective of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.
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Eunice Nyambura Gichungu & Prof. Kalui Fredrick Mukoma, PhD
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 11 - 26
Stock price volatility is both an international and local problem that affects losses result from the stock market's unsteadiness, which is caused by investors' lack of trust. In the past few years, the Nairobi Securities Exchange has experienced drastic volatility in its performance. The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of macro-economic factors on stock price volatility of companies listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to ascertain how money supply, rates of interest, rate of inflation and rates of exchange on the volatility of prices of stock among corporations quoted at Nairobi Securities Exchange. The target population of the study was 65 companies listed at Nairobi Securities exchange as of December 2018. The period of study was 10 years from January 2009 to December 2018. The study adopted descriptive research design. Monthly secondary data was collected from the Central Bank of Kenya, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and Nairobi Securities Exchange and analyzed quantitatively and presented descriptively. The findings indicated that money supply had a positive and substantial impact on volatility of prices of stock; inflation had a negative and non-substantial impact on prices of stock; interest rate had a negative and substantial impact on volatility of prices of stock; and exchange rates had a negative and non-substantial impact on stock price volatility. The study concluded that macro-economic factors significantly contribute to stock price volatility of NSE quoted corporations in Kenya. Investors should factor in the impact of money supply fluctuations when making investment decisions, especially during periods of significant changes in money supply growth. Investors and policymakers should remain vigilant about broader economic consequences of inflation, even if its direct impact on stock prices is not pronounced. Investors should consider interest rate shifts when constructing investment portfolios and managing risk exposure. Investors with global exposure should assess currency risk, considering that exchange rate volatility can affect firms' revenues and profitability.
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Dr. Jignesh B. Patel
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 27 - 33
The main drawback in the present education system is the lack of correlation between teaching and testing. As we all know, evaluation results are good incentives for the students, and they also stimulate learning. The Education Commission (1964-66) suggested reforms in the examination system. University Grants Commission prepared an Examination Reform - “PLAN OF ACTION”’ – 1976 with a view to bring reforms in our present examination system. As a result, Examination Reform Units in many universities have been established. This unit also recommended the grade system in secondary education in India. Along with the semester pattern, credit and grade systems have also come up in the education system. This paper is also discussing the grading system in secondary education in details along with its history.
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Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 34 - 42
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Prof. Dr. Deelip Kashinath Kathode
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 43 - 45
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Dr. Premlata Kashyap
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 46 - 49
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Bhagirathi Sharma
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 50 - 56
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V Kezia Rani
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 57 - 60
Importance of positive psychology is seen increasing in the field of Organizational research and literature. The purpose of this research is to analyze how and whether Positive Psychological Capital and Grit moderate this relationship.. This study explores the intricate relationships between psychological capital (PsyCap), grit, meaningful work, and work engagement. PsyCap, encompassing self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience, serves as a critical determinant of employee performance and satisfaction. Grit, defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals, complements PsyCap by fostering sustained effort and dedication. Meaningful work, the perception that one’s job is significant and purposeful, emerges as a pivotal factor enhancing employee engagement. Through a comprehensive analysis, this research examines the influence of t high levels of PsyCap and grit significantly contribute to perceiving work as meaningful, which in turn, elevates work engagement. These findings underscore the importance of cultivating a supportive work environment that nurtures psychological resources and grit, ultimately leading to more engaged and productive employees. This study bridges the gap in the literature regarding the impact of psycap, grit and meaningful work on work engagement
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Lande Pushpa Shivram & Prof. Dr. Uplane Medha
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 61 - 69
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Kazi Masud Hossain, Chandrakali & Dr. Budh Singh
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 70 - 81
This study investigates the life skills of scheduled tribe undergraduate students in Bilaspur, focusing on gender, stream of study, locality, type of institution, and nature of institution. Using a descriptive survey research design, data were collected from 50 scheduled tribe undergraduate students residing in a government hostel through random sampling. The Life Skills Scale (LSS-KCTA) by Chandra Kumari and Ayushi Tripathi, comprising 52 items with high reliability (0.90), was employed. Finding of the study reveal a significant difference in life skill scores between male and female students, with males scoring higher. However, no significant differences were found across other demographic and institutional factors, indicating uniformity in life skill levels among scheduled tribe undergraduate students regardless of institutional and demographic characteristics. These findings highlight the importance of addressing gender disparities in life skill development while recognizing the overall consistency in life skill levels within this population.
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Sanju Kumari Saroj
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 82 - 91
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Dr. Sandeep Singh Varman
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 92 - 99
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Prof. Ramendra Kumar Gupta & Rajeev Kumar
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 100 - 110
The aim of the study was to investigate the digital literacy among the students of senior secondary level with reference to gender and locale. Descriptive research method was employed to study the digital literacy among senior secondary level. A group of 600 senior secondary level students (300 male and 300 female) was taken as participants through stratified random sampling method those were represented urban and rural locality of district Meerut in same ratio i.e. 300 students were taken from urban locality and 300 students were taken from rural locality. A scale for assessing the digital literacy known as digital literacy scale was constructed by investigator. For the analysis of data, percentage, mean, standard deviation and C.R. value were obtained in the present study. It is concluded from the statistical results with reference to digital literacy of students of senior secondary level that a large proportion of sampled students showed an average level of digital literacy. Further, insignificant difference was reported in the digital literacy between male and female senior secondary level students. In the light of digital literacy of students of urban and rural locality, significant difference has been found in the digital literacy of senior secondary level students belongs to urban and rural locality. The high level of digital literacy was reported in students of urban locality as compare to students of rural locality.
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Dr. Rajeev Kumar
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 111 - 120
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Dipali Bhaskar Bhojane & Dr. Satish Dandage
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 121 - 130
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Dr. Pradeep Kumar Prasad & Dr. Amit Ratn Dwivedi
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 131 - 137
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Gayatree Swain, Dr. Elizabeth Gangmai & Dr. Swapna Rani Samantaray
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 138 - 146
The research paper documents the Perception of Pre service Science Teachers towards Nature of Science in secondary teacher education institutions. Objectives-The data were collected through a self-developed questionnaires from 304 preservice science teachers, out of which 137 male preservice science teachers and 167 female preservice science teachers from twelve teacher education institutions running under Higher Education Department, Govt. of Odisha. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. i.e Mean, standard deviation and t -test. The findings revealed that, the mean scores for understanding the empirical nature of science are 4.21 for males and 4.13 for females, with standard deviations of 0.386 and 0.369. The t-value of 1.842 indicates no significant difference, showing both genders have a similar understanding towards Nature of Science.
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Yogesh Kumar Singh & Dr. Virendra Kumar
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 147 - 153
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Sanju Kumari Saroj
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 154 - 158
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Devaraju S R & Dr. Asraar Ahmed
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 159 - 171
To identify the association among financial education and Financial Literacy, Financial education initiatives generally produce a constructive behavioral impact on financial knowledge and subsequent behaviors. The results are of significant economic importance, identical to those seen in the mediation of education in other areas, Financial Literacy is a blend of Knowledge, Behaviour, and Attitude.
Researchers and finance professionals agree on the significance of explaining financial literacy (FL) measures, and their impact on financial behavior and financial decisions. This article examines different types of Financial Literacy measurement approaches and provides standard measures. Additionally, addresses the different methods of measuring Financial Literacy. This article serves as a resource for researchers and professionals seeking guidance in Financial Literacy measurement.
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Balakrishnan P. & Dr. S. Karthiyayini
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 172 - 179
To assist students in India in making educated decisions about their future, schools must offer career counseling. But there are a number of obstacles that make career guidance in schools less effective. The absence of seasoned and qualified career counselors is one of the main problems. In many schools in India, there isn't a specialized career counselor, therefore it's up to the already overworked teachers to handle this. Additionally, even if a career counselor exists in a school, they might not be qualified to offer accurate and current information on a range of career opportunities due to a lack of training or experience. Lack of resources for career counseling in schools is another difficulty. Due to their frequent financial constraints, schools in India may not have access to the most recent tools or technologies for careers. Additionally, effective career counseling may be hampered by Indian society and culture's expectations. Overall, overcoming these obstacles will call for a concerted effort from politicians, educators, and parents to give career counseling top priority and give students the resources and assistance they need.
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Dr. Sandeep Kumar Verma
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 180 - 190
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Sunil Kumar Kushvaha
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 191 - 196
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Dr. V. S. Sumi
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 197 - 205
Teacher education in India is undergoing significant reforms to enhance the quality and effectiveness of teaching. The Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) is one such initiative aimed at integrating theory with practice to develop skilled and competent educators. This literature review examines the current state of teacher education in India, focusing on ITEP and its impact on the teaching profession. The review highlights the importance of integrating theory with practice in teacher education, as advocated by ITEP, to help teachers develop a deeper understanding of pedagogical practices and meet the diverse needs of students. However, challenges such as the lack of infrastructure and faculty development need to be addressed to ensure the success of ITEP. Studies have shown that ITEP has the potential to improve teacher professionalism in India, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and the adoption of innovative teaching practices. However, concerns have been raised about the implementation of ITEP, emphasizing the need for a more comprehensive approach to ensure its effectiveness. Overall, ITEP has the potential to transform teacher education in India by providing teachers with the necessary skills and competencies to excel in their profession. Further research is needed to assess the long-term impact of ITEP on teacher professionalism and student outcomes in India.
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Vasanti Tathe & Dr. Anand Dadas
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 206 - 216
India is a developing economy. It is the land of opportunities. It is a country with “unity in diversity.” Due to increasing population and changing needs in the modern lifestyle, it is essential to understand the growing importance of financial literacy, saving patterns, investment options for stability and management of emergencies. India has a large chunk of middle-class group out of total population. Hence, micro-finance plays an important role in this regard. The present study aims to analyze the role of micro-finance and its benefits for families. The study is empirical in nature. The researcher has administered the structured questionnaire and collected primary data of 47 respondents. The data were analyzed and interpreted through descriptive statistics and Pearson Correlation Coefficient test. The study is significant as it deals with the financial inclusion, micro-finance, family finance in Pune City.
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Shubhra Singha Chowdhury & Prof. Asheesh Srivastava
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 217 - 223
The New Education Policy 2020, introduced on July 29, 2020, represents the first major education policy of the 21st century. In a developing country like India, higher education plays a vital role in fostering human development. Since India's independence, its higher education sector has expanded significantly, contributing to the nation's growth by providing specialized knowledge and skills. This study examines the impact of NEP 2020 on the higher education system and highlights the challenges and issues currently faced by this sector in India. Utilizing secondary data from journals, books, reports, websites, and newspapers, the study employs descriptive analysis aligned with its objectives. NEP 2020 aims to modernize the higher education system in India and is expected to bring substantial advancements. With its progressive approach and awareness of the current socioeconomic context, NEP 2020 has the potential to transform India into a global educational hub by 2030, provided it is effectively implemented.
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Dr. Sangram Gunjal
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 224 - 231
India is a country of villages even today almost 70% of the people live in villages. Therefore more important has been given to government instructions in rural areas. These local self-government bodies are referred to as Panchyayat. State system in the view of development of the rural people and direct participation in their local administration. The most fundamental political institution the relationship between local government instruction and democratic government is very close power. The local self-governing bodies that provide civil in fraction for local self-governing bodies. The system that administrative heads, sarpanch and presidents in some places. The chairman are elected from the elected representatives, while in some places the elected directly from the electorate in our country of India. The companies to royal women builded power, but they were few in number. The common man was hundreds of Kos away from it. After independence Gandhi and Nehru insist that common women should play their part in the development of the country. The concept of panchyayat Raj was in shine. In the guiding principles of a constitution, the 73 constitutional amendment passed by the central government in 1993. It gives constitutional recognition to local self-governing bodies. According to the 73and 74 amendment of the constitution one third of the total seats in all the local self-government bodies are reserve for women. However women who have been trapped in the heart of the child for long time have definitely gained a share of power in politics, but what are their rights ,what positive role can women play in politics they have no idea that they can, that is why often their husbands, brothers, manage on there be half in such a way.
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Tanvi Chaudhary, Chandani Taneja & Satyabrata Panigrahi
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 232 - 240
This study investigates phonemic fluency among students from different socioeconomic backgrounds. This task serves to gauge one's lexicon comprehension and their ability to recall words from memory. Sixty Punjabi-speaking students aged 8-9, split into high (HSES) and low (LSES) socioeconomic groups, participated. Each group had 30 students who were asked to generate as many words as possible within 60 seconds for the letters /p/, /n/, and /k/. Results showed that students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds performed better, with the highest scores for the letter /k/, followed by /p/ and then /n/. No significant gender differences were found. The study concludes that these reference values can be useful for language and neuropsychological assessments of typically developing children.
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Saddam Hussain
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 241 - 247
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Meenu Aggarwal & Geeta Rani
Received Date: 20/05/2024 | Accepted Date: 24/06/2024 | Published Date: 01/07/2024
Issue: May-Jun, 2024 | Volume/Issue:13/83 | Page No.: 248 - 257
Emotional intelligence encompasses fully comprehending one's own emotions and those of others, showing empathy and compassion, and responding appropriately to both joyful and sorrowful situations (Yusuf and Nurishan, 2014: 242). In today's technologically advanced era, emotional intelligence has become crucial for individual success. However, due to the breakdown of traditional family structures, busy working parents, and early exposure to mobile devices and computers, students' emotional intelligence is waning due to decreased social interactions. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, many people spent much time alone and sometimes felt safer at home. It is essential to develop methods for enhancing emotional intelligence, whether in a group setting or alone at home. This research aims to enhance students' emotional intelligence through mindful practices and evaluate the impact of these practices. The study was conducted at G.V.M.C.O.E, Sonipat, using an experimental design. The sample comprised 50 student-teachers averaging 22 years of age, who were split into an intervention group (n=25) and a control group (n=25) using convenience sampling. Individuals in the intervention group partook in a mindfulness-based program twice a week for four weeks, involving a series of 5 breathing exercises and meditation training. Between the pretest and post-test evaluations, students in the intervention group demonstrated significant improvements in emotional intelligence. There were statistically notable differences in emotional intelligence scores between the intervention and control groups in the post-test. This suggests that exposure to mindful practices effectively enhances emotional intelligence.