An International Peer Reviewed

Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Mar - Apr, 2013, Vol-1/5

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ISSN: 2278-8808

Date: 2013-05-04

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Ani Vadakke Purayil

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1106 - 1111

We are part of a digital world of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) which guide the activities of our social life. The basic use of computers and Internet has become crucial part of our day to day life. Here the teachers and academicians have opportunity to foster their profession by applying technology in personal and classroom betterment. It is seen as now imperative that a child should possess basic computer literacy from primary class itself. So as to compete with this advance our teachers should also run along with the technological changes.    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can contribute to universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, teachers’ professional development and more efficient education management, governance and administration. UNESCO takes a holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting ICT in education. Access, inclusion and quality are among the main challenges they can address. The Organization’s Intersect oral Platform for ICT in education focuses on these issues through the joint work of three of its sectors: Communication & Information, Education and Science. For the successful implementation of these global developments in our schools, we should first produce technically advanced teachers. Only such teachers can bring altogether development in the social life of individuals. In this article I examine the progressive adoption of interactive white board training to the potential teacher trainees self development cop with the world of Artificial Intelligence. Key Words: white board, digital natives  

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Anil Kumar Agnihotri

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1112 - 1129

Education aims at making children capable of becoming responsible, productive and useful members of a society. Knowledge, skills and attitudes are built through learning experiences and opportunities created for learners in school. It is in the classroom that learners can analyse and evaluate their experiences, learn to doubt, to question, to investigate and to think independently. In Modern time we are talking about CCE. The ‘comprehensive’ component of CCE takes care of assessment of all round development of the child’s personality. It includes assessment in Scholastic as well as Co-Scholastic aspects of the pupil’s growth. The studies have shown that co-curricular activities are not only important for education but also significant for the overall development of personality of the child. Co-curricular activities play a pivotal role in the overall development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of the child. It makes the child bold and courageous to carry out diverse roles of the society. The results of the study revealed that Government school teachers select the students for various activities by their performance level in inter house competitions. All the teachers of government schools are against the statement that a co-curricular activity adds to pressure on students and teachers.  Keywords: Co-curricular Activities, Government Secondary Schools, Perceptions, Students and Teachers    

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Prasad A. Bhosale, M. M. Wagh & N. N. Shinde

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1130 - 1141

The Indian foundry produces around 6 million ton of castings annually. The slag generated annually is around 1.8 million ton. The slag produced in an ore refining or smelting process of a blast furnace, is almost 30 % of metal produce, and at a temperature @ 11500C. The heat energy is carried away by slag is proportional to its temperature and quantity. The study is carried out to evaluate slag heat content and if utilized in recovery to save energy in terms of coke consumption as slag heat content has never been used before to recover the energy contained in it. Special technique to measure specific heat, which is function of temperature, is developed and used to verify the standard values and used for theoretical analysis. Paper further reveals the various experimental studies that have been set forth for evaluation of energy conservation and are tested, the results of which (for sample foundry) are for reference. The waste heat potential of sample foundry is 609120 KJ/day, increase in efficiency is 16.06%, increased metal production is 1.602 ton/day, and increase in metal melting rate is 216 Kg/hr. This data is further used to re-estimation of energy conservation. Keywords: Analysis, Cupola, Pre-heated air, Slag, etc 

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B.C. Mahapatra

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1150 - 1158

This paper devoted for the enhancement of Information Communication Technology (ICT) among the Learners and policy makers. In the present era of Educational Technology and its interferences in Teaching Learning process from elementary to higher education, developed, under developed or developing countries for quality education are critically examined through different organizations, policy makers and implementers. The future prospects of ICT enabled classroom irrespective of level of learning and their constraints for implementations are also critically analyzed through views of different educationists, technologist and thinkers.  Need of out sources and localization of education through Information Communication Technology (ICT) in order to achieve National Goal through planning is a challenging issue for teachers, teacher educators, academicians, and scholars need single platform to deliberate and attain valuable and viable suggestions for professional development of teachers. The major decisions with explorative discussions during the forum, presentations were made by Pacific regional representatives including USP, UNESCO-Pacific Office and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community on the current status of ICT in education in the region. Professor Chandra made a presentation on ICT and its role at USP and the Pacific region. He was also a member of the panel discussion on issues in ICT in the Region. The donor presentations were focused on the importance of building teacher capacity in ICT in education. Best practices and case studies from the Caribbean region were also shared with the objective that they could possibly be re-contextualized for the Pacific region. In this view the paper critically submitted future prospect and present constraints for the implementations of ICT enabled Higher education globally are described with the views of educationists, thinkers, social workers and implements associated with ICT application.   Key Words: ICT, Higher Education, Educational Transformation.   

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R. D. Jadhavar

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1172 - 1176

The educational system in India is an outcome of many phases and ordeals. It is the result of the revolutionary changes from “Gurukul” to private classes ... From masses to classes. As a dynamic and vibrant nation we cannot consider tomorrow as an extension of yesterday. But consider it as launching pad for the future. We must innovate how ideas think of new methods, establish new institutions think positively to add everyday “New value” in existing system of education which will enable India to great Nation and leader of the world. Globalization is the process of global integration of activities related to national markets, economics, technology and related resources for national and international trade with the use of modern information technologies. Countries are becoming interdependent and globe has to monopoly as such. Globalization is now not an optional. The global education market is too big to be ignored for instance the World Trade Organization (WTO) was established. in globalization the education has become a marketable activity. The higher education is treated as market commodity and it is selling at higher prices. GATS have provided global facilities in higher education at local level. Globalization has two essential components, one market integration, and two the evolution of a global mindset among key decision makers. Key Words: Gats, Higher Education   

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Satish Chand Bhadwal & Anil Kumar Agnohotri

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1159 - 1171

The present paper attempted to assess the level of learning in Hindi among grade IV students of Himachal Pradesh State of India.  Level of learning referred to the number of items of achievement test answered correctly by a student and expected level of learning meant hundred per cent score on the achievement test i.e. all the 19 items to be answered correctly by the student.  The sample for the study consisted of 1258 grade IV students taken from 81 primary schools situated in four Districts of the State, viz., Una, Hamirpur, Kangra and Bilaspur.  The results indicated that level of learning in Hindi among students of grade IV students was far below the expected one for each individual district as well as for the total sample.  This indicated that the State of Himachal Pradesh has not been able to achieve the objective of providing elementary education of satisfactory quality even after more than ten years of launch of SSA as well as introducing other intervention programmes. Key Words: Level of Learning, Expected Level of Learning, Himachal Pradesh, Hindi.  

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Mona Vij & Miss Ruchi Ralhan

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1177 - 1187

Education is the main agent and component of overall social, political and economical development of nation. The quality of education besides other factors depends upon academic characteristics of learners. It is believed that a grade is primary indicator of such learning. However many experiences and studies found out that there are also several factors that would account for grades such as Genders, IQ, Study habits, Age, Year level, Parents educational attainment, Social status, Number of siblings. Birth order etc. The efficient and effective way of learning depends upon the study habits of the students. In the present study first generation learners and non first generation learners are categories according to their parent’s educational status. Non first generation learners parent’s are those who are highly qualified or to complete at least higher secondary education. So parents with more education seem to take more interest in the school activities of their children and are less permissive in regard to homework and academic performance. Thus the education of parents influences the study habit and academic achievement of children.So parents and teachers must help in improving the study habits of students as it influences academic achievement of students.  Key words: Parent’s Educational Status, Academic achievement, Study Habits.  

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Mosphy Taro

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1188 - 1197

Karbi Anglong is located in central part of Assam said to be the most desolated hill district lacking almost every basic necessity which her neighbours get to enjoy the flow of socio-economic, political, education, and civil attainments. These dimensions take dawdling gait proceeding towards new era; they are to be accelerated so that civil, economic and political rights may fulfil self actualization.  A ‘within’ struggles of grass root level remain concealed from outlook scene so this could not cope up with sheer speed advancement of modern science and technology. Social change is deliberately slothful therefore economic development follows lethargic rate of change. People are unable to take part in active social building programmes due to political perplexity experienced earlier and also with the existing conflict at so- called Block I & II border dispute. Want for  standard schools and colleges is a serious matter of concern for the Indigenous people who have remarkably journeyed from the longest frequency of struggle for a piece of autonomy, notwithstanding fat promise of government conversely turned out to be an incomplete response to meet the cost of endeavour. The state government enterprises Karbi Anglong politics disguising compromising propaganda with handful of deceptive lip-service, meanwhile the inflow of developmental index always dwells in missing link, apparently nosy for  personal welfare while  phony assurances reach-out to the destitute. Hoax promises are meant for vote bank to the Legislative Assembly and Parliament. Frivolity towards people’s wills to entertain civic amenities is a much ado decadence of policy makers. Kudos to their temperament for being submissive in nature showing loyal attitude by discarding aggressive behaviour against the government despite of negligence they have experienced. Political disposition should address itself for constructive purposes not to cause sedition and manipulation as it happened before. Concept of Liberty and freedom should be genuine and must reiterate in the minds of citizens in the process of educating young people together with religious tolerance as the keyword for  

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Nil Ratan Roy, Umme Khadiza Khanam & & Tribeni Devi

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1198 - 1208

The 11th plan recognized the need to introduce the academic reform in the university and college education system. The academic reform necessarily includes changes in admission procedures in various courses, modification in assessment and examination methods, switch over from annual to semester system, acceptance of grade and credit system, CBCS, teachers’ assessment, and other related reforms. In Assam University the CBCS has been started in its PG level courses across the discipline since 2010. As this is the reformed structure of education system, so still this system has not been materialized in full form. The students as well as the teachers community has different perception and attitude regarding this new form of curriculum as well as examination system. The present study is an attempt to know the level of attitude of PG level Arts and Science students towards CBCS. The study is conducted with a small number of samples i.e. 56 in Assam University only. The study reveals that Science background students and Boys students are having higher level positive attitudes towards CBCS in comparison to Arts and Girls students. 

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Rajshree S. Vaishnav & Akanksha Srivastava

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1209 - 1215

The present study entitled “Effect of Juvenile Diabetes on Memory of School going Children” belongs to the area of Interdisciplinary research. The present study is descriptive in nature in which two groups were selected namely Juvenile Diabetic group and Normal group.A total of 302 school going children, 151 with diabetes mellitus type-1 (DM) and 151 (normal school going children i.e children without any chronic illness)controls matched for sex, age, social background,  were compared by means of their scores on Standardized Tests for Memory. The effect of Juvenile Diabetes on different types of memory (Long Term Memory, Short Term Memory and Immediate Memory) was studied in terms of comparison of scores of Juvenile diabetic and Normal school going children on Standardized Tests. Results show that the memory of school going children with DM was low as to those of their healthy peers. In the scores attained on Standardized tests there were statistically significant differences between the groups. In case of students with various kinds of chronic diseases, it is important to understand their health related complications, its effect on their overall performance and support their motivation for learning and planning the future. Key terms: Juvenile Diabetes, School going Children, Memory  

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Rajshree S. Vaishnav

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1216 - 1220

This study investigated the effectiveness of Inquiry Training Model over traditional teaching method for Science at VI grade level. A total of 60 students participated in the study. The researcher selected the two randomized groups each comprising 30 students & were labelled as experimental group & Control group .Students in the experimental group was subjected to treatment using Inquiry Training Model while students in the control group were taught using the traditional method of teaching for Science. The pre test was administered to students in both the groups before teaching commenced. After the treatment a post test was administered. The data was analysed using t test. Result revealed a statistical significant effect of Inquiry Training Model over traditional teaching method on academic achievement of students. Key words: Inquiry training model, Traditional method, Science   

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Rekha Chavhan

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1221 - 1226

This research project analyzed ten teacher training colleges of Mumbai to determine Attitude of student teachers’ towards Inclusive Education. The purpose of this research project was to study student teachers attitude towards inclusive education and to compare their attitude on the basis gender, caste and locality. The rating scale on Attitude towards inclusive education   was used to collect data from student teachers. The scale contains 41 items measuring Attitude towards Inclusive Education. The Descriptive Research method was used to analyze the data. The procedure involved administering a scale on student teachers and collect information.  The researcher found that there is significant difference in Attitude towards Inclusive Education.. The female student teachers have favorable attitude towards inclusive education than male student teachers. The student teachers’ caste   and locality does not have any influence on attitude towards inclusive education.   
Key Words: Student Teachers,’ Attitude, and Inclusive Education 

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Bharti Sharma

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1227 - 1232

A trait refers to a characteristic that differs from person to person in relatively permanent and consistent way. An individual’s personality is his unique pattern of traits. A trait is any distinguishable relatively enduring way in which one individual differ from another. Personality is a synthetic unity of all mental features and functions in their interplay. There are many obstacles and barriers, both personal and environmental, they may interface in peaceful living of the individual. Such obstacles place adjustment demands or stress on the individual. The term ‘Stress’ is used for describing a situation in which a person feels in conflict with and threatened beyond his capacity and expresses his emotional and physiological reactions to such situations. The study was designed with the following specific objectives  1. To identify students who are prone to high and low stress, 2. To study the effect of stress when different personality traits will be taken as dependent variables, 3. To study the sex differences at different levels of stress and socio-economic status when 14 personality factors will be taken as dependent variables, 4.To find out double and triple interactional effects when different personality traits will be taken as dependent variables. The following tools were decided to be used 1. Stress inventory by Dr. Abha Rani Bisth (Almora), 2. Socio-economic status scale by S. Jalota, R.N Pandey, D.D Kapoor and R.N. Singh (Modified version of P. Darshan), 3. 14 P.F by R.B. Cattel (Adopted Version by S.D Kapoor).  
Keywords: Personality Trait; Stress; Socio-Economic Status; Sex    

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S. Babu

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1233 - 1246

India is the land of sages, saints, philosophers and reformers since ancient times. One among them in the modern era was Sri Aurobindo.  He is regarded as one of the most gifted philosophers of the twentieth century. He was as nationalist revolutionary turned spiritualist, educationalist and moralist. He was a great champion of education in the evolution of superman or mind. He strongly believed that life has a divine purpose and one of the most important tasks of education is to lead the student to discover for himself the aim of life and the specific role that he himself has to play in it. He conceived education as an instrument for the real working of the spirit in the mind and body of the individual and the nation. This he called it as an integral education that inspires the children to develop the five essential aspects of personality such as the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic and the spiritual. Integral education is conceived as a process of organic growth and the way in which the various faculties could be developed and integrated. It is dependent upon each child’s inclination, rhythm of progress and law of development swabhava (inherent disposition) and swadharma (inner nature). The idea is to provide facilities for varieties of faculties, varieties of subjects and various combinations of pursuits of knowledge, power, harmony and skill in work. These faculties are so provided that they could be made use of by each student and the teacher so that a natural process of harmonious development could be encouraged. This paper attempts to highlight the evolution of integral education and its execution in the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education as the educational philosophy of Sri Aurobindo under the caption “Free Progress in Education”. Key Words: Integral Education, Sri Aurobindo  

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Shazli Hasan Khan

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1244 - 1256

Education is an effective means for social reconstruction and to a great extent it offers solution to the problems a society is facing today. The present day teachers are the pillars and architect of any modern society and while realizing their responsibilities and challenges on their shoulders, they should adapt and respond to any changes taking place in the rapidly changing society. Society, especially in the present century is dynamic and the aspirations of the society are also undergoing tremendous changes. Therefore, any education imparted, must be able to respond to National aspirations and goals.   Today in the era of globalization and privatization, the foundation for the edifice of any schooling system are its teachers and as a result, the quality of education depends on their competence, professionalism, commitment, dedication and attitude. Therefore, the quality of any institution depends on the quality of its teacher/leaders. Teachers’ in the emerging Indian society play a very pivotal role in the process of any institution development. But only effective teachers through their effective leadership qualities and skills would be able to provide high quality of education and values among its students. Any institution/school or college is built through inducting high quality faculty, establishing a research culture and culture of quality with pace setting, and walking-the-talk leadership. The principal or the head of any institution, in the process of its institution building should emphasize upon developing academic support, infrastructure, should facilitate individual growth within the perspective of organization goals through encouragement and recognition, promote decentralization of authority and responsibility, foster democratic approach and attitude, shifting from ethnic prejudice to tolerance and moving away from narrow nationalism to a broad custodian of national and universal values and in the process inspiring its staff to acquire educational objectives which have been formulated by the institution to serve its students. Thus, the teacher/leader who is professionally and personally committed, would be able to foster capacity building and leadership skills among its teacher trainees. A teacher educator, which has life skills and soft skills along with academic excellence would be able to bring about social reconstruction, social transformation and transmission of wisdom, knowledge, excellent communication skills, leadership qualities, time management skills, decision making skills and above all help to build an emotionally balanced personality to his/her students with Indian ethos and cultural values. The present paper explores the role of teacher educators and leaders of any teacher educational institution in promoting capacity building and leadership qualities and skills among its teacher trainees. Key words: Capacity Building, Leadership skills, Institutional Development, Professional                      Development, Teacher Education  

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Shazli Hasan Khan

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1258 - 1264

The present world is witnessing a number of environmental crises, which are the result of unmindful and thoughtless exploitation of resources by human beings. There is an urgent need to create environmental awareness among all human beings so as to conserve, protect and nurture our environmental resources. Consequently environmental education is being included in school curriculum right from the very beginning. The present study was conducted to study the environmental awareness among senior secondary school students of Aligarh city of Uttar Pradesh. In this study the investigator conducted the studies on class twelfth students of various schools of Aligarh city and a sample of 200 students was taken. The author found that there is no significant level of awareness among senior secondary school students, but they could be made aware if proper guidance and counselling is given to them about environment and environment related awareness programmes. It is however should be well realized that the key to successful implementation of any awareness programmes are the teachers and the teacher should also be themselves aware of the environment and the Environmental Education programmes being conducted in various senior secondary schools. Many studies have been done on measuring the attitude of the students towards environment and its awareness but, very few studies have been undertaken on the awareness aspect of senior secondary school students towards the environment. The present paper focuses its study on the need and importance of Environmental Education and its awareness among the Secondary School students. The results of the present study would have its positive implications on the environmental awareness of students’ fraternity, not only for the senior secondary school students of Aligarh city, but also it would have its positive relevance and serious educational implications for the other senior secondary school students of India as well. Keywords: - Environmental Attitude, Environmental Awareness, Environmental Education,Gender, Environmental Pollution, Secondary Schools,    

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Milind Suryawanshi

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1265 - 1268

Technology is a great under-utilized resource in education in India. Computers, learning software, the Internet, and even mobile phones can be used to reshape how and where teachers teach and students learn. Cutting-edge educational technology can provide students with personalized learning experiences akin to one-on-one tutoring; improve teacher effectiveness by giving them access to immediate, detailed data on student performance; and eliminate the barriers of geography to provide rigorous learning opportunities to students in even the most remote areas. But it is crucial that we use such technologies in targeted and thoughtful ways that ensure scarce education funding is spent on technological interventions that truly improve teaching or learning.  
Key words: Technology-Based Education  

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Vishal Sood

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1269 - 1276

The present investigation was undertaken to study the effect of mastery learning strategies viz. Bloom‟s Learning For Mastery (LFM) and Keller‟s Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) on test anxiety among high school students. For achieving the objectives of this study, a random sample of 105 students studying in 9th class was selected and “Three Groups: Randomized Matched Subject Pretest-Posttest Design” was employed. The sampled students were divided into three homogeneous groups on the basis of their non-verbal intelligence level by administering Raven‟s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM). The first group and second group were taught through Bloom‟s LFM and Keller‟s PSI respectively and thus, termed as experimental groups. The third group was imparted instruction through conventional method of teaching and named as control group. The data were collected by administering Kumar‟s (undated) Test Anxiety Scale for Children (TASC). The statistical technique of „Analysis of Co-Variance (ANCOVA)‟ was employed to analyze the data. The results revealed that both Bloom‟s LFM and Keller‟s PSI were significantly more effective in reducing test anxiety level of high school students as compared to conventional method of teaching. However, there existed no significant difference in test anxiety between high school students taught through Bloom‟s mastery learning strategy and Keller‟s personalized system of instruction. In the end of paper, implications have been discussed. Keywords: Mastery Learning Strategies, Bloom‟s Learning For Mastery (LFM), Keller‟s Personalized System of Instruction (PSI), Test Anxiety.   

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Alka Macwan

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1278 - 1287

It is an ascertained fact that the best learning happens in real life with real problems and real people and not in classrooms. But the E-revolution has changed the meaning of the word “real”. Moving from the one-room schoolhouse to the one-world schoolhouse is now a reality. And more over, X-Generations demand X-cellent training in an X-celerated speed. The new emerging world  is based more on brains and brawn - and moves more on broadband byways than concrete highways. The conventional  learning model in higher education  is insufficient to accommodate the needs and realities of the new  generation competing in the global, knowledge-based society. An individual\\\'s ability to learn and translate that learning into action is the ultimate competitive advantage. You can\\\'t teach people everything they need to know. The best you can do is position them where they can find what they need to know when they need to know it. These philosophical undertones calls for a blend of the digitally available information and a methodology of involving a learner to scramble on the pile of information, roil it to generate new creative and critical mental processes and come out with a super-learner spirit.  Teacher Education programmes are often blamed as archaic system with all its age old theoretic content to be taught and mode of delivery of that content. Integrating technology in Teacher education is understood as encouraging use of internet amongst student teachers or using ppts in the theoretical discussion. The practice of Locating e resources from internet and enabling student teachers use those resources in their classroom is also evident in some of the institutions. But using Blogs, social networking sites for triggering academic discussions are rare instances in teacher education. The modern mechanism of technology i e WEBINARs have also started contributing widely in teachers’ professional development breaking all the barriers of place one studies at. It is found as one of the mechanisms of E-Learning through which transformation from student teacher to Eudtech Student Teacher is possible. This was envisaged by the researcher by becoming a co participant in one of the webinars aiming at developing pedagogic insight of student teachers. An exploration into participant’s reflections on their experience of participating in a webinar series and feeling the change occurred in their pedagogic understanding was undertaken by the researcher.. This paper is a printed documentary of this bona fide exploration.  

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Rasmi Ranjan Puhan, Indu Sharma & Lakshmipriya Malla

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1288 - 1295

The present study aimed to answer about the learner-centred approach (constructivism) which can transform thinking and practice beyond the conventional boundaries of our educational system in general and for Upper Primary students English Composition skill in particular.  To prove it two research question formulated keeping relation with composition skill of class VII. For this study sample comprised 64 students in class VII. The findings of the study disclosed that the strategies exerted positive compact on the learners in developing Composition skill in particular and constructivism actually enables the children to invent ideas in general. Key words: constructivism, composition skill, Radical Constructivist, social- constructivist, cognitive constructivist.   

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Tejaswi Raghurama & Gajendra Singh Chauhan

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1295 - 1308

Today we are breathing the air of information. Communication has become a necessity and it is fast evolving into a powerful social currency. Exchange of information is shaping the world around us by the minute. In such a dynamic set-up no other medium has risen in prominence than the television medium. One of the major factors behind its exponential rise has been the growth of 24x7 news channels.  News is a genre which is directly associated with the people. It may be that a news story is interesting or informative, that it directly affects us, that it makes us pause and think or evokes our compassion, anger or concerns. In a globalised world today, news is meant to represent an interface between the public and ideas about ‘the truth out there.’ The Breaking News format is the most exploited news presentation technique by news channels which are on the air the whole day. The format boasts of speed, exclusivity and news of immediate relevance. The reality of it is something quite different. Breaking news stories work on people’s limited literacy and naivety that leads them to believe further that what they see is real and every new piece of information is breaking news. The viewers get a concatenation of news without following up the previous day’s stories and a false sense of ‘enlightenment.’ The excessive dramatics and cleverly devised presentation strategy behind the Breaking News phenomenon have altered the profile of a news programming. Such a trend is showing signs of long term impact on how people take news and how it impacts our understanding of the world. This paper is an outcome of study oriented project that is aimed at understanding the correlation between the rushed and dramatic dissipation of news in the Breaking News format and its retention value. The study has looked at the presentation techniques and the evolution of news programming of prominent English News channels to observe the trends.  It traces that there is a conformable symbiosis between the viewers and the news channels which is driving the success of the Breaking News format. Also the authors argue if eventually any value addition takes place when a news story is tagged as Breaking News. Keywords: Breaking news, retention value, globalization, 24x7 media     

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R. Janatha Kumari

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1309 - 1317

Value Education is wide gamut of learning and activities ranging from training physical health, mental hygiene etiquette and manners, appropriate social behaviour, civic rights and duties to aesthetic and even religious training. Value Education means developing a sense of humanism, a deep concern for the well being of others and the nation among children. Value Education includes developing the moral, cultural, spiritual and the ability to make proper value judgement and internalize them in one‟s life. It is essentially „man making‟ and „character building‟. Right from the vedic period, the teachers are responsible for developing the knowledge and moulding the character of the students. Teachers are capable of opening the young mind to realize their abilities and capacities. They assume a new role of nation builders besides being experts in their subjects. The Chinese saying is, “the destiny of a nation is shaped within the four walls in the class room”. It is really true that the students are shaped to the expected personality by teachers through their personalities and value instruction through each lesson of the prescribed curriculum. This paper aims to focus the role of teacher educators in rebuilding the crumbled citadel for national regeneration through value education.   

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Julius Maiyo Kiprop & Nidhi Verma

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1318 - 1323

Education is a key to civilization and enlightenment and a source of wealth and power. It is the cornerstone of the growth and development of any country’s social economic and political institutions. Globalization is a qualitatively new phenomenon of multidimensional nature posing a variety of complex trends in the economic, social and cultural fabrics of all societies. No country can live in isolation without seeking impact of global trends and a change in all field of life. Teacher education plays a pivotal role in this era of globalization in shaping and reshaping the society and determining the quality of life in the community and the nation. Like all other professions, globalization is also affecting teacher education.  This paper focuses critically at the globalization and teacher education: implications and concerns in the twenty first century. It unearths the state and extent of the effect of globalization in education and finally it suggest shifts to be explored in teacher education. Key words: Teacher education, Globalization, Implication 

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Jagtap Manisha V

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1327 - 1333

support (at selected North Maharashtra University is one of the upcoming universities in India, the university was established on 15th August, 1990 under the Maharashtra University Act No. XXIX of 1989 as a teaching and affiliating University.. North Maharashtra University with its deep commitment to the upliftment of the educationally disadvantaged groups. It has established Institute of Distance Education And Learning (IDEAL) and this may itself be considered as an important expression of this commitment. This Institute was recently honored with the Recognition from Distance Education Council, New Delhi. An important objective of this IDEAL is to create, preserve and disseminate knowledge to all through the Distance Learning System. The IDEAL proposes to offer range of programmes (General, Professional and Liberal) keeping in mind worldwide and local inclination. IDEAL will always try to provide need-based programmes and services to its learners. IDEAL’s mission is to become a Mass Institute to facilitate ‘education for all’. The Open and Distance learning approach has come a long way from the old model of correspondence courses and distance learning. We now talk of open learning , flexi learning and now the ICT based learning (virtual learning ).For all these purpose and to improve quality IDEAL should prioritize the programme to be offered through distance mode in those areas only which are on offer in face to face/regular mode in the university. The programme comprises two components, namely, Theory and Research. The programmes are presently implemented at thirteen study centers in NMU;s jurisdiction as Jalgaon,Dhule & Nandurbar.  

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R. L. Madhavi

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1334 - 1338

Knowledge is wholistic.  It is divided into different disciplines for our convenience of understanding.  Each discipline provides knowledge from a different angle.  When we integrate all these into a whole, we can develop wholistic knowledge.  Every discipline is related with other such disciplines.  It is made known while teaching learning of the subject is going on.  So is the case with Science.  Science is related with other teaching subjects of school in many ways.  When students study the subject in this correlated manner, they develop rational thinking and improved comprehension of subject matter.  Nature is made up of so many elements and processes that are interrelated.  In isolation one cannot understand anything.  Education is for life sustenance.  Correlation and integration help students to understand life better.  Students generally show interest in learning of those subjects that appear real life related.  Wile teaching when this correlation of subject with real life is highlighted, it is more grasping thing for students.  Wherever it is necessary we have to establish this correlation in order to comprehend the relationship between real life and subject knowledge.  This brings out the efficiency of teachers also.  This paper discusses such possibilities related to science and other school subjects in classroom situations and outside situations.    
Key Words: Correlation, Co relational Studies, Teaching of Science with correlation.  

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DIlip Kataria

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1267 - 1274

Swami Dayananda Saraswati and Swami Vivekanand ,  profound scholars of the Vedic 
lore and Sanskrit language play important role in the revival of Hinduism during the last 
q u a r t e r o f 1 9 t h c e n t u r y . B o t h o f t h e s e a r e p i o n e e r o f I n d i a n awakenin g b e l i e v e d t h a t 
education must be man - making, life - giving and character - building. Both of these leaders 
play important role in spreading of education in Indian. Swami Vivekanand education has 
t h e a i m t o i m p r o v e t h e c o n d i t i o n o f p o o r I n d i a n m a s s e s . H e c a l l e d f o r t h e e d u c a t i o n a l 
opportunities for poor and uneducated. He cared for the all round devolvement of children. 
According to Swamiji the main objective of education is to search for unity in diversity. He 
a l s o e m p h a s i s o n t h e T e c h n i c a l e d u c a t i o n s a m e w a y S w a m i d a y a n a n d s a r a w a t i p l a y 
i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n s p r e a d i n g t h e e d u c a t i o n i n m a s s e s a n d w o m e n .  H e w a s p r i m a r i l y 
responsible for reviving the ancient Indian educational system of gurukula, where students 
from different strata of the society studied together u nder one guru without class or caste 
discrimination. Arya Samaj and the gurukul system of education started growing in Punjab, 
and other northern provinces. This paper sketches the role of both this leader to spread 
education in masses also study the basic philosophy of this two leader. Key words: Educational Philosophy, Swami Vivekanand, Swami Dayananda Saraswati,  Comparative Study.  

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Joyce Aranha

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1366 - 1377

This paper focuses on the need of developing certain learning abilities among students in order to prepare them for adult life which may involve higher education, new work situations or multi-tasking. It also shows the relevance of these skills in today’s world where the growth in information is exponential with the old information often getting obsolete and the need arises to keep oneself updated life-long. The paper describes the learning paradigms that have evolved and gained more significance with the emergence of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT).  It emphasizes the need to empower learners with the ability to learn independently and to build their confidence and zeal to do so throughout their lives. It stresses on facilitating learners to be co-creators of new knowledge and to work collaboratively with their peers to build upon the existing knowledge so that they can in future contribute to make the world a better place to live in. It suggests certain strategies that a teacher can adopt to facilitate the development of these learning abilities among the students. The role of the teacher as a facilitator may be more prominent in the initial phase of the students’ learning but as the students become more familiar and confident the teachers’ role is subtle, till the students can manage their own learning. Keywords: Information and Communication Technology; Technology-mediated learning; Collaborative learning; Independent learning; Life-long learning; Independent learning  

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Bhave Bhalchandra

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1378 - 1386

Juvenile delinquency, legal term for behaviour of children and adolescents that in adults would be judged criminal under law. In the United State definitions and age limits of Juveniles vary, the maximum age being set at 14 years in some countries and as high as 21 years in others. The 16 to 20 year age group, considered adult in may places, has one of the highest incidences of serious crime. A high proportion of adult criminals have a background of early delinquency. Theft is the most common offense by children, more serious property crimes and rape are most frequently committed in later youth. The main aim if these paper is to study & present the view about Juvenile Delinquency and suggest sum measurement for Juvenile Delinquency.  Qualitative analysis method was used for the present study. The data collected through secondary resources like Book, Magazines, Journals & Newspapers was then subjected to qualitative analysis. The most effective programm is Recreation programm, community involvement, Parent-child Interaction training programme prevention programm with the Juvenile justice system. 
Keywords : Juvenile delinquency, Recreation Bullying programm Scared straight.  

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Bhalchandra Bhave

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1387 - 1392

 A main objective oj the present study was to know the problems of Teacher educator of non grantable college of Education. Sample consisted 100 teacher educator. Problem Scale (PS) was developed by investigators themselves. Survey type research method was used. Data were collected from sample by PS. Collected data were analyzed by statistical technique percentage and frequency. Finding revealed that many problems are faced by teacher educator of non grantable college of education. Keywords : Non grantable, Self Finance   

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Ashish K. Desai

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1393 - 1399

In this competitive world, it is become very crucial to increase as well as to maintain the customers. Every firm wants to get loyal customers. The main purpose of this study is to find out the relationship of customers’ loyalty with switching cost, corporate image and customers’ satisfaction. Primary data has been collected by framing a questionnaire. 165 samples have been collected by applying convenience method. Data has been analyzed by applying t-test, correlation and regression. From the analysis, it has been concluded that the customers of Surat city are loyal with their current cell-phone service providers. Moreover, it has been found that there is a positive, strong and moderate relation of customers’ loyalty with switching cost, corporate image and Customers’ satisfaction. Keywords: Cell-Phone Service Providers, Customers’ Loyalty, Switching cost, corporate image, Customers’ Satisfaction  

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Rakesh L. Pawar & Baliarm T.Vibhute

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1400 - 1404

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Surendra Singh

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1405 - 1417

As Anise oil (AO) is taken into account a green inhibitor of steel (CS) corrosion, the electrochemical behavior of CS was examined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization to calculate its corrosion resistance in 0.5?M acid containing different concentrations of AO before and after irradiation with ?-rays (5?kGy and 15?kGy). Potentiodynamic polarization proved that the best value of inhibition efficiency is 95.3% obtained by 50?ppm AO after irradiation with ?-rays at 298?K. The EIS results indicate that the changes in impedance parameters are associated with the adsorption of AO and its coverage of the CS surface. A scanning microscope (SEM) was accustomed distinguish between the corroded surface and therefore the unharmed surface thanks to the irradiated AO inhibitor. All this results emphasize the facility of using AO as a green inhibitor with ?-rays that may protect the CS surface, which is able to extend its industrial applications with high efficiency. Keywords: Potentiodynamic polarization; carbon steel; anise oil; gamma irradiation; EIS; FT-IR; SEM

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Ruchi Jain

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1418 - 1428

For a long period, the importance of human resource was not taken care of seriously by the top management of organizations. Therefore, at this juncture, it becomes imperative to pay due attention on the proper development of such an important resource of an organization. Human Resource Accounting is the measurement of the cost and value of people to the organization. It involves measuring costs incurred by the organizations to recruit, select, hire, train and develop employees and judge their economic value to the organization. Human resource accounting is the art of valuing, recording and presenting systematically the worth of human resources in the books of account of an organization. Keywords : Human Resource Accounting, Human Resource, Human Resource Development

Dean, P. C., Mckenna, K., & Krishnan, V. (2012). Accounting for Human Capital: Is the Balance Sheet Missing Something? International Journal of Business and social science, 3(12), 61-64. Steen, A., & Welch, D. (2011). Are accounting metrics applicable to human resources? The case of return on valuing assignments. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 5(3), 57-72

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Md. Moazzam Sulaiman

Issue: Mar-Apr, 2013 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 1429 - 1441

In the modern globalized economy, the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the service sector is an important tool for the socio-economic growth of the world economy. India’s liberalization and globalization policies and the trade pattern of global FDI confirm the growth of FDI in the services sector. Among developing countries, India is one of the largest recipients of FDI inflows into the services sector. Since the reform period, India has independently liberalized many of its FDI policies to achieve higher economic growth. As a result, the services sector is one of the most important factors in the development of India's booming economy and encompasses a wide range of activities. The contribution of the service sector to the Indian economy now accounts for nearly half of the country's GDP. It is not only the leading sector in India's GDP but has also brought together great volumes of foreign investment, contributed a lot to exports, generated large-scale employment, increased infrastructure and encouraged economic growth. FDI in India's services sector has also contributed to the development of several industries in the country. The policies of the Indian government also reflect the growing importance of FDI in the service sector. In the post-liberalization period, large amounts of FDI flowed into service sectors such as telecommunications, hotels, tourism, trade and financial and non-financial services. Over the past two decades, the growth of FDI in the service sector has increased significantly, driving the overall growth of the economy. In this way, it can actually use FDI as a facilitator of economic growth because of its favorable impact on the growth of the service sector. Keywords: FDI, Service, Sector, India, Policy, Liberalization, Economy, Period.

Amirahmadi, Hooshang., & Wu, Weiping. (1994, January). Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries. The Journal of Developing Areas, 28(2), 167-190. Banga, Rashmi. (2005, October). Critical Issues in India’s Service-led Growth (Working Paper No. 171). Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi, India. Banga, Rashmi. (2006). Statistical Overview of India’s Trade in Services. In Rupa Chanda (Ed.), Trade in Services and India: Prospects and Strategies. Wiley India, New Delhi, India. Bhati, Usha. (2006). Foreign Direct Investment: Contemporary Issues. Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India.