An International Peer Reviewed

Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Jul - Aug, 2013, Vol-2/7

Impact Factor: 1.38

ISSN: 2278-8808

Date: 2013-09-04

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Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1191 - 1199

The paper attempts to explore the use of technology to enhance communicative skills of 
the learner. In the typical Indian classroom, the teacher is constrained to teach a set of hundred 
students and more. The situation multiplies the responsibility of the teacher, turning the 
classroom all sound and fury and the teaching activity is a laborious process. The context makes 
a rare phenomenon individualized teaching where the need of every learner is taken care of. The 
student remains spiritless and unenthusiastic for he finds himself as an insignificant, unnoticed 
individual lost in a maddening crowd. It is at this critical juncture modern technological 
equipments, otherwise called new instructional media, came to the rescue of the teacher and 
learner and solved two major problems. It let the pace of learning be determined by the learner 
himself, and it made use of lessons prepared by the best teachers to thousands of learners. 
Key words: Computer, Internet, Web, Email  

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Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1198 - 1204

This study is intended to find the extent of relationship between family 
acceptances of the pupil, emotional adjustment with the achievement. Survey method 
was used for this study. The study was conducted on a representative sample of 200 
students of XI pupils drawn from Dhula district of Maharashtra state. The findings 
revealed that there exists a significant relation between Emotional Adjustment and 
Achievement and also with family Acceptance of the pupil and Achievement. No 
significant difference was found between Emotional Adjustment of Male and Female 
pupils. Urban pupils were found superior to rural pupils in their Emotional Adjustment, 
Family Acceptance and Achievement. 

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Anamika Rajput

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1205 - 1212

This Acceleration of learning is a systematic approach to teaching the whole person, containing 
specific core elements that, when used together, empower students to learn faster, more 
effectively and joyfully. Now a day the acceleration of learning is versatile, encompassing a wide 
variety of new methods and techniques, new findings in diverse fields of education & so on. But 
it must take into account the basic beliefs or theories, assumptions and core elements of 
teaching-learning process.In present paper researchers have tried to weave co-operation, 
democracy & ethics in the daily fabric of classroom life to boost up classroom teaching-learning 
process & developed Co-operative, Democratic & Ethical (CDE) Model. This amalgam recaptured 
the natural learning process and accelerated the thoughtful retention of content when 
implemented on B. Ed students of N.A.G. (P.G.) College, Amroha. These strategies & many more 
in collaboration are most successful when they are implemented in a system that encourages 
teamwork among staff and students, and in which each is a part of a well-planned whole 
system.Moreover, the present model should be applied soon in educational institutions including 
the teacher training institutions i.e. the sacred places where future teachers are prepared by 
teacher educators. There is no hurry, plant a seed of democracy, co-operation & ethics (values) 
in the heart of future teachers & evoke their inward teacher to create a better world of 
education beyond techniques  

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Anjali Monga

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1213 - 1220

Teacher education system empowered by ICT-driven infrastructure can have a great 
opportunity to come up to the center stage and ensure academic excellence, quality 
instruction and leadership in a knowledge-based society. The teacher training experience 
that used ICT to develop a project that involved teachers and  also children, parents and 
other members of the educational community. Its aim was to build an Internet site that 
would give information about school life. It\'s an open web space where teachers, parents 
and students can express and share their ideals and activities. The progress of ICT is 
being developed in three interconnected phases: conception, development and 
evaluation.  The most important issue to relate is that the technical or instrumental 
learning is dependent on the ideas and purposes of teachers, students and parents. We 
believe that when we talk about ICT in schools and also in teacher education, we 
shouldn’t only be concerned with the \'means\', that is to say, how to introduce computers 
or how to use a  word processor and Internet resources, but also with the \'ends 

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Bhalerao Rekha Pramod & Kasture Padmaja Bhalchandra

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1221 - 1233

Ethics and education are the two sides of the same coin and are complementary to each other. 
The two words, ethics and education are positively interrelated. They together form a 
personality that has potent to encourage a seething mass of people into a nation with unity and 
success. All education is incomplete unless it imbibes ethical dimension in it. The National 
Education Association believes that the education profession consists of one education 
workforce serving the needs of all students and that the term ‘educator’ includes education 
support professionals. The task of each teacher is to bring behavioral changes in students so 
that they become better adjusted in society. Students always imitate their teacher so that 
teacher’s behavior should be ideal. Keeping the above facts in mind, the present study aimed at 
investigating the views or expectations of school students from teachers regarding ethics in profession. Survey Method was followed. For this purpose questionnaire was given to 10th 
standard students who are studying in secondary school. Results show that the demonstration 
of genuine love and affection by teachers for their students is essential for learning to happen. 
Recognizing the potential and talent of each child is the prime responsibility of every teacher. 
Students expect the guidance and help for academic activities in which they are unable to 
perform up to the mark from their teachers.   

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Franky Gupta & Sonia Bhanot

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1228 - 1234

The ABL approach is unique and effective to attract elementary school students.  In teachinglearning process, two things play the vital roles; one is the delivering capacity of the teacher and the other one is the receiving capacity of the students. Theory with practice on some of the teaching topics, may enable the students to understand the concept easily.  This study investigated the educational experiences and attainment of learning outcomes of students who have gone through the ABL methodology. Taking 50 students of class V, an experiment study was undertaken to find out the effect of Activity- Based Learning (ABL) approach on reading comprehension among Government School Students. It was found that Activity Based Approach is more effective for teaching Reading comprehension of English language. Reason for this effectiveness may be students pay more attention while teacher teach with activity based learning approach. 
 In today’s global world, the importance of English can not be denied and ignored since it 
is the only language which is spoken by most of the countries of the world. It holds a very 
important place because it is only link language of the world. India is a land of diversity and this 
diversity is also visible with respect to language. In various regions of India, people use different 
language as their mother tongue. These people whose mother tongue is other than English, find 
very difficult to speak English.   

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Kantharaj H. M

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1237 - 1245

Multimedia is fast emerging as a basic skill that will be as important to life in the twenty-first century as reading is now. The multimedia is important to the educators using multimedia to bring into their classrooms real-world examples to provide a contextual framework important for learning. To learn the mathematics subject there are many means and sources of learning. Learning is facilitated by their major factors. They are, the ability to learn, will to learn and the method of learning. As the education is a light that shows the mankind the right direction to surge. The purpose of this research is to evaluation the teaching methods of traditional methods as well as teaching through using technology. The objectives are i. To show the effectiveness of teaching through PowerPoint presentation mathematics teaching in achievement of the child, ii. To know the difference between teaching through traditional method and technology based method, iii.  To know the difference in achievement level of students when multimedia or technology is used, iv. To know how many teachers are using this method in teaching the Mathematics, v. To know the level of understanding of student when teaching done through power point presentation, vi. To know the interest of student when the PowerPoint presentation method used in Mathematics teaching. The experimental design was post test-experimental design in those design- two equivalent groups, design was used. The present study contains 50 samples here the researcher selected 25 traditional students and 25 for technology based teaching method (PowerPoint presentation) are of VIII standard. The major results of the study is that there is significant difference between traditional method and technology based teaching Mathematics.    

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Prem Lata

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1247 - 1256

After independence, education has remained a deep concern for the government and society in our country. A large number of programmes have been undertaken in the past six decades to tackle this gigantic question. India has remained the major pivot of education in medieval and ancient periods but the present scene appears to be unpleasant as referred by UNESCO data, the largest number of the illiterate are found in India. It is also known that India has multi aspects diversity which sometimes hinders the path of educational as well as economic progress. An unique initiative taken by government of India is Right to Education (2009). It provides a fundamental right of free and compulsory education to each and every child in India. To provide cultural and social equality, government of India has suggested implementing inclusive education in schools. In this paper, a humble attempt has been made to highlight the difficulties, challenges, roadblocks, as well as the steps taken to overcome these problems.  

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Rajeshree Gahininath Jaybhaye

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1258 - 1265

In recent years, educational institutions have invested heavily in computers and related 
infrastructure,  to give technology in the hands of students, teachers and administrators.  
Technological changes and curricular developments are constantly bringing forth new 
opportunity and challenges for researchers . Researchers need some specific technology based 
skills for quality research .Researchers should select some innovative topics based on 
technology.  Researchers  should have Interdisciplinary approach while selecting research topic 
and during the research work. Interdisciplinary research (IDR) is a mode of research by teams 
or individuals that integrates information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts, and/or 
theories from two or more disciplines or bodies of specialized knowledge to advance 
fundamental understanding or to solve problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a 
single discipline or area of research practice.   
 Key words Technological Changes, Challenges for researchers ,  technology  based Skills, innovative topics ,  Interdisciplinary  approach , Interdisciplinary research.    

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Seema Sharma

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1269 - 1279

The present paper is the study of use of images in the play Lear by Edward Bond. While 
reworking on the Lear theme Bond reshapes the image of Lear as a chief source to comment on 
the plight of human societies victimized by the political whims of the ruling class. Through ‘Lear’ 
Bond focuses attention on the contemporary rulers who need to analyze their ideologies by 
thorough rational introspection. With idea of shock treatment, and violent imagery he re-invents 
the notion of catharsis. Like psychoanalysis, his work invokes the dark, hidden layer buried deep 
within the recesses of the audience\\\'s unconscious. Showing violent actions on stage, Bond aims 
at bleeding the abscesses of the mind so that the spectator could confront his real self, his real 
identity. He adds that this kind of theatre helps to understand human beings and humanity and 
all the atrocities are happenings of the past and they present a lesson.  
 Key words :Edward Bond, capitalism, alienation, dehumanization, social institutions  

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Shazli Hasan Khan

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1280 - 1307

Education brings awareness and is essential for action. In this direction Environmental 
Education provides an understanding of the multi-dimensional problems of depleting resources 
and ever-increasing populations. Environmental Education is a way of creating knowledge, 
understanding, attitudes, skills, abilities and awareness towards the environment and its 
protection. The basic purpose of Environmental Education is to provide individual and social 
groups sufficient scope so that they can acquire awareness and knowledge, develop attitudes, 
skills and abilities and participate in solving real life environmental problems. Though these 
days a section of intelligentsia is becoming conscious, about depleting resources, deteriorating 
standards of life due to ever increasing serious problems of pollution, poverty, population and 
illiteracy, however, still a large section of our society has a very low awareness and sense of 
civic responsibility and growing tendency of indifference and negligence, which is in one way the 
other prevents them from thinking positively well in advance. It is essential, that the teacher 
should himself be fully aware of the environmental problems and day to day activities related to 
the environment. The teacher has to internalize a change in his/her role from one of “giver of 
Knowledge” to one of “facilitator in the learning process”. In this study, the Secondary School 
teachers have been chosen, because Secondary level is a crucial stage when students are found 
more active, inquisitive and enthusiastic and also the author felt that the most pressing need of 
Environmental Education was found at the Secondary level of Education. The present research 
paper attempts to study the effect of Gender and Subject Area on the Environmental Awareness 
of Secondary School Teachers.  

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Sunita Rao Bhaduri

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1307 - 1311

A debate has developed over which approaches to constructing, planning and implementing lessons are more effective and operative. Task based learning is the activity where learner is actively engaged in a particular task.  It can be teacherdriven - with direction from an instructor - or learner-driven with the learner having freedom to explore. It facilitate learning by students to develop their natural intelligences, it provides an ambience where students can explore and inquire in their own styles at their own pace, which results into students growth and helping them towards being responsible citizens excelling in fields of their choice. Task-Based Learning is characterized by various factors: a focus on fluency, a high degree of learner’s self-sufficiency, review of previously learnt language, and the importance of relevancy. This article at some length presents an overview of a task-based learning approach (TBL) and highlights its advantages over the more traditional Present, Practice, and Produce (PPP) approach.  

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Bhong Ramdas Gundiba & Wagh D.N.

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1312 - 1317

A debate has developed over which approaches to constructing, planning and implementing lessons are more effective and operative. Task based learning is the activity where learner is actively engaged in a particular task.  It can be teacherdriven - with direction from an instructor - or learner-driven with the learner having freedom to explore. It facilitate learning by students to develop their natural intelligences, it provides an ambience where students can explore and inquire in their own styles at their own pace, which results into students growth and helping them towards being responsible citizens excelling in fields of their choice. Task-Based Learning is characterized by various factors: a focus on fluency, a high degree of learner’s self-sufficiency, review of previously learnt language, and the importance of relevancy. This article at some length presents an overview of a task-based learning approach (TBL) and highlights its advantages over the more traditional Present, Practice, and Produce (PPP) approach.  

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Jadhavar R. D

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1317 - 1325

Globalization has various and deferent definitions in deferent domains of knowledge, sciences and arts. Globalization occupies a significant part of the world competition which is increasing by the time. Globalization is an influential and highly effective phenomenon in public and private sectors on India‘s economy in the contemporary. Human resource development strategies are influenced and changed by the manifestation of globalization significantly. In this paper, the researcher is going to analyze and study the effects of globalization and its traces on the human resource management in India. This study shows that after controlling for fixed capital, human capital, in the form of higher education and health infrastructure, is emerging as a significant contributor for labor productivity, its growth and growth of employment.  
 Keywords: Globalization, Human resource, Employment, Education  

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Jagvinder Singh

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1326 - 1330

The present paper on cyber crime awareness among XII students in relation to their 
gender and stream. 60 students of XII class were randomly selected from different 
schools of distt bathinda, punjab and data was collected by using Dr.S.Rajasekar test of 
cyber crime awareness. t-test was used to analyzed the data, from the data it is found that 
gender and stream does not play a significant role on cyber crime awareness of  XII class 
 Keywords: Technology, Cyber crime, Awareness 

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R. D. Padmavathy & M.S.Lalithamma

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1331 - 1338

The present study aims to investigate relationship between working memory and 
achievement in mathematics. The investigator had employed descriptive survey method and used 
Proportionate stratified random sampling technique to draw the sample. The sample consists of 
300 ninth standard students from English medium schools in Puducherry.  Standardized 
instrument, namely digits backward test (DBT- WISC-III UK, 1992) for working memory and self 
constructed Mathematics Diagnostic cum Achievement Test (MDAT) were used to collect data. 
Mean, standard deviation and correlation were the statistics used to analyse the data. High 
working memory capacity students had significantly performed well in mathematics than low 
working memory capacity students.  
 Keywords: Working Memory, Diagnosis, Achievement in Mathematic

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K V Rajeshwari

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1339 - 1344

Johari Window is a communication tool that is used to improve understanding between individuals.  It is widely used to instill a sense of confidence to help team members understand the value of self disclosure, to encourage folks to give and accept, in order to yield a constructive feedback. It is an Interpersonal Communications Model specially designed to meet the current trend to nurture the present generation with all its essential ingredients like self awareness, personal development, group development and understanding relationships through behavior, empathy, inter-group development etc.  Johari window contains four quadrants or regions, namely open area, open self, free area, free self or the arena:  this basically deals with what is known to the individual himself or herself or by others.  
Johari Window is based on topics of general interest as well as those pertaining to technology.  This offers a mix of individual, pair and group work that promotes activity-based learning in the class room.  The activities require students to think for themselves, participate in discussion with their classmates and write down their observations, opinions and conclusions regarding each soft skill.  Besides sensitizing students to the importance of soft skills in their academic and professional lives, this tool will help strengthen their spoken and written communication skills, and will encourage creativity and collaborative learning.  

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Renuka K. Shewkani

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1345 - 1351

The explosion of information , the movement away from the use of textbooks the increased 
concern for learning styles, advances in instructional & information technologies, advocacy for 
self directed learning & collaborative teaching are factors that increase the complexity in 
planning for instruction.  Faculties have to attempt to include curriculum integration; resources 
based learning, new evaluation practices & technology into their daily teaching.  
The present paper deals with developing course content/material with the help of drop box for 
self directed learning for students who are doing B.ED course through distance mode.  Teacher 
Educators should use various tools of ICT to develop content for students. 
Keywords: Distance mode, drop box, role of teacher educator, course content 

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Vivek Pandey & Nitin Ghorpade

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1352 - 1363

Indian industrial economy depends upon the performance of corporate leaders. India depends 
upon them to attend to such challenges as they are the ultimate deliverers. India is facing 
unprecedented challenges of slowdown of economy, intense global competition in domestic 
market, falling corporate performance, mounting by non-performing assets. India’s future 
growth and sustainability rests squarely in the strength of its business leaders and their 
corporate leadership (CL) ability. 109 organizations, 23 Sectors and 9 Industries across India 
have been covered under research of Corporate Leadership Practice and related process 
maturity to study its impact on turnover, profitability and sustainability.   

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Manisha V. Patil , Sanjivani Kamble ,Vilas. S. Patil ,Chandrakant B. Mane & K.P. KUMBHAR

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1364 - 1378

Library science program prepare people to work as a Librarian or consultant or Knowledge 
Management Officer. Library science often termed as library studies is the interdisciplinary or 
multidisciplinary field that applies the practices, perspective and  tool of management, 
information technology education and  other areas of libraries :the collection, organization, 
preservation, dissemination of library sources and to decrease the economy of the information. 
Students can learn to buy, organize, store and retrieve the information. They also learn how to 
help people to do research and find regarding information . Nowadays information comes in many forms. Students of library science learn how to organize these different types of 
information so that library users feel comfortable rather than confused. Students of library 
science value the past and embrace the future.    

 Keywords : Implementation, Knowledge, Management. The Roll of Library Science :- The roll of library science is to provide a combined service of research and teaching. It contributes to the knowledge base of profession and helps in preparing them to achieve excellence. Library science is one field which has changed tremendously in the past 20 years which makes it more challenging than any other profession. The library science course will help in designing and improving libraries. In the digital age, the importance of librarian and library science is increasing. Library professionals are the one who are completely involved in providing information services to professionals and organizations. In the modern digital age the need for quality  and filtered information has grown up and so librarian have a major roll to play. This has increased the scope for library science in this digital age. 

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Manisha V. Patil , Sanjivani Kamble ,Vilas. S. Patil ,Chandrakant B. Mane & K.P. KUMBHAR

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1379 - 1383

Knowledge management (KM) is an emerging field, much tooted or hyped since late 1990s. However, due to the complicated nature of knowledge per se and its consequent management, it is often difficult to estimate or demonstrate the value of knowledge management. Technical libraries, with limited budget and human resources, may hesitate to follow the business sector and plunge into the uncharted sea of knowledge management. This paper suggests a pragmatic approach to the implementation of Knowledge Management for Technical libraries: utilizing the existing staffing, technology, and management structure.  

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Chandrakant B. Mane,Vilas. S. Patil,Manisha V. Patil & V. B. Helavi

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1387 - 1402

ZnO is a key technological material. ZnO is a wide band-gap (3.37 eV) compound semiconductor that is suitable for short wavelength optoelectronic applications. ZnO is a versatile functional material that has a diverse group of growth morphologies. ZnO nanostructures are easily formed even on cheap substrates such as glass and hence they have a promising potential in the nanotechnology future. ZnO nanocrystals are also attractive for sensor and biomedical application due to its bio-safety and large surface area. ZnO has some advantages over GaN among which are the availability of fairly high-quality ZnO bulk single crystals and a large exciton binding energy (_60 meV). ZnO also has much simpler crystal-growth technology, resulting in a potentially lower cost for ZnO-based devices. The present work involves study Zinc Oxide nanocrystal material by chemical precipitation method for growth of high quality ZnO nanocrystal material studying microstructure and from that correlating the microstructure to its physical, electrical and optical properties. At the beginning, efforts have been made to optimize the deposition conditions. It is needless to mention that the properties of the thin films depend extensively on the growth conditions, which influences its microstructure. Different parameters like substrate temperature, PH of solution, deposition time, speed of rotation etc. were carefully monitored.    

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V. S. Patil, C. B. Mane,Manisha V. Patil & Madhav N. Rode

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1403 - 1411

The work mainly concerns with study of the structural details,  microstructure, and optical properties of the CdS thin films. Various properties like optical absorbance, dc and ac conduction behavior have been investigated in close correlation with the microstructure of the films. It involves the study of nanocrystalline CdS thin films by solgel spin coating deposition techniques, studying growth, microstructure, and morphology and from that correlating the microstructure to its physical, electrical and optical properties.  
 Keywords : morphology, microstructure  

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Chandrakant B. Mane, Vilas. S. Patil ,Manisha V. Patil,Rahul. R. Patil & V. B. Helavi

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1434 - 1439

MNPs of ZnO have great potential applications in the fields of optoelectronic and sensor devices. Therefore, it is very important to realize the controllable growth of MNPs of ZnO and investigate their properties. ZnO is a wide band-gap (3.37 eV) compound semiconductor that is suitable for short wavelength optoelectronic applications. ZnO is a versatile functional material that has a diverse group of growth morphologies. MNPs of ZnO are easily formed even on cheap substrates such as glass and hence they have a promising potential in the nanotechnology future. The present work involves the study of MNPs of ZnO by chemical precipitation method, studying growth, microstructure, and morphology and from that correlating the microstructure to its properties. At the beginning, efforts have been made to optimize the deposition conditions. It is needless to mention that the properties of the MNPs depend extensively on the growth conditions, which influences its microstructure. Different parameters like substrate temperature, PH of solution, deposition time, annealing etc. were carefully monitored to decide the optimized growth condition of the MNPs. MNPs of ZnO are also attractive for sensor and biomedical application due to its bio-safety and large surface area. The next objective of this study is to detect the gas sensing for MNPs of zinc oxide for different applications.   

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Chandrakant B. Mane, Vilas. S. Patil ,Manisha V. Patil,Rahul. R. Patil & V. B. Helavi

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1434 - 1439

MNPs of ZnO have great potential applications in the fields of optoelectronic and sensor devices. Therefore, it is very important to realize the controllable growth of MNPs of ZnO and investigate their properties. ZnO is a wide band-gap (3.37 eV) compound semiconductor that is suitable for short wavelength optoelectronic applications. ZnO is a versatile functional material that has a diverse group of growth morphologies. MNPs of ZnO are easily formed even on cheap substrates such as glass and hence they have a promising potential in the nanotechnology future. The present work involves the study of MNPs of ZnO by chemical precipitation method, studying growth, microstructure, and morphology and from that correlating the microstructure to its properties. At the beginning, efforts have been made to optimize the deposition conditions. It is needless to mention that the properties of the MNPs depend extensively on the growth conditions, which influences its microstructure. Different parameters like substrate temperature, PH of solution, deposition time, annealing etc. were carefully monitored to decide the optimized growth condition of the MNPs. MNPs of ZnO are also attractive for sensor and biomedical application due to its bio-safety and large surface area. The next objective of this study is to detect the gas sensing for MNPs of zinc oxide for different applications.   

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Rahul. R. Patil, Vilas. S. Patil, Chandrakant B. Mane, Shankar. K. Patil,Manisha V. Patil & Manik Kadam

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1426 - 1433

Modern business activities rely on extensive email exchange. Email leakages have become 
widespread, and the severe  damage  caused  by  such  leakages  constitutes  a  disturbing  
problem  for  organizations.  We  study  the following  problem:  A  data  distributor  has  given  
sensitive  data  to  a  set  of  supposedly  trusted  agents  (third parties). If the data distributed to 
third parties is found in a public/private domain then finding the guilty party is  a  nontrivial  
task  to  distributor.  Traditionally,  this  leakage  of  data  is handled  by  water  marking  
technique which requires modification of data. If the watermarked copy is found at some unauthorized site then distributor can claim his ownership. To overcome the disadvantages of 
using watermark [2], data allocation strategies are used to improve the probability of identifying 
guilty third parties. The distributor must assess the likelihood that the leaked came from one or 
more agents, as opposed to having been independently gathered by other means. In this project, 
we implement and analyze a guilt model that detects the agents using allocation strategies 
without modifying the original data. The guilty agent is one who leaks a portion of distributed 
data. We propose data allocation  strategies  that  improve  the  probability  of  identifying  
leakages.  In  some  cases  we  can  also  inject “realistic but fake” data record to further 
improve our changes of detecting leakage and identifying the guilty party.  The  algorithms  
implemented  using  fake  objects  will improve  the  distributor  chance  of  detecting  guilty 
agents. It is observed that by minimizing the sum objective the chance of detecting guilty agents 

will increase. We also developed a framework for generating fake objects. 

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Shankar. K. Patil , Vilas. S. Patil , Chandrakant B. Mane ,Rahul. R. Patil ,Manisha V. Patil & V. B. Helavi

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1434 - 1439

Graywater is the wastewater generated in the bathroom, laundry and kitchen. Graywater is 
therefore the component of domestic wastewater, which has not originated from the toilet or 
urinal. In general terms, gray water has lower concentration of organic matter, nutrients and 
microorganisms. The concentration of phosphorus, heavy metals and xenobiotic organic 
pollutants are around the same levels. The pollutants of gray water are reduced by a natural 
treatment system (laboratory scale) was the aim of this study. This thesis are to asses the potential reuse of grey water by which to reduce the load of fresh water in the rural region. This 

is a socio-economical treatment method gives the wide significant in the rural development.   

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V. S. Patil ,C. B. Mane , Manisha V. Patil, Rahul. R. Patil & Madhav N. Rode

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1434 - 1439

The study of semiconductor nanoparticles has been an interesting field of research for more than two decades. The confinement effect is observed for CdS particles when the particle sizes are equal to or less than 50 Å . Bulk CdS is widely used as a commercial photodetector in the visible spectrum. It is also used as a promising material for buffer layers in thin film solar cells. The optical properties of CdS nanoparticles have been extensively studied in recent years as this material exhibits pronounced quantum size effects. The present work involves the study of nanocrystalline CdS thin films by sol-gel spin coating deposition techniques, studying growth, microstructure, and morphology and from that correlating the microstructure to its physical, electrical and optical properties. To accomplish this aspiration, the entire research work is divided into two parts. At the beginning, efforts have been made to optimize the deposition conditions. It is needless to mention that the properties of the thin films depend extensively on the growth conditions,  

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Adya Shakti Rai

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1440 - 1449

Human beings are in very essence spiritual beings. Spirituality pervades every aspect and 
dimension of person’s life. It deals with the relational and transcendent dimensions of person’s 
life and can be described in terms of inspiration, meaning and value. Professional development 
of teachers does not only to create new insights into pedagogy and their own practice but to 
create the ideals which will be followed by the generations. Therefore, nurturing and blossoming 
spiritual dimension of a teacher is essential for the professional development of a teacher. 
                                             The present paper addresses spirituality, a constitute of human 
nature and professional development of teacher.  The purpose here is to draw up some linkages 
between spirituality and professional development of teachers.    
Key Words:  Spirituality, professional development  

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Hemant Singh Keshwal, A. T. Thressia Kutty & B.S. Chavan

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1450 - 1463

Intelligence and intellect as explained by Gilbert Ryle (1995) has adjectives like –clever, 
sensible, careful, methodical, inventive, prudent, acute, logical, witty, observant, critical, 
experimental, quick-witted, cunning, wise, judicious and scrupulous. With retardation or 
disability to this effect or ability of a person is described as deficiency or efficiency in 
intelligence. This deficiency entails an individual to be described as stupid or else by more 
determinate epithets such as dull, silly, careless, rash, dense, illogical, humour-less, slow, 
simple, unwise and injudicious. Both, philosopher and laymen tend to treat intellectual 
operations as the core mental conduct, that is to say, they tend to define all other mental conduct 
concepts in terms of concepts of cognition. They suppose that the primary exercise of mind 
consists of finding answers to questions and that their other occupations are merely operations 
of considered truths or even regrettable distractions from their consideration. On exercising 
intelligence, it is explained further that, while considering one\\\'s abilities and propensities on 
which his performance is actualized, the concept of practice comes to rescue as his performance 
was pre disposed to his capacity for rigorous practice that lay the superiority of men over 
animals. How the systems of human ecological conditions affect this phenomenon of cognizance 
development in individuals for determining their "self" is assessed in this article. Special 
consideration is paid on cognition development and factors leading to intellectual disability vis
a-vis mental retardation as discussed in the light of important findings of stalwarts in the field.  

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Ritamoni Das

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1450 - 1463

Education is the most important element for the development of human being .Without education 
society cannot be developed. For proper development of society both men and women must be 
educated. Scheduled caste community is one of the deprived sections of society. Among this 
community we found gender disparity in education. Women literacy is not at the satisfactory 
level among this society because of so many reasons. In this study educational status of 
scheduled caste women in Assam are discussed, their problems and some suggestions are given 
for better development of scheduled caste women in our society.  
 Keywords: S.C, gender disparity, Gross enrolment, School attendance  

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Mohinder Kumar Slariya

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1464 - 1475

Dams have had serious impacts on the lives, livelihood, culture and spiritual existence of indigenous people. Moreover, the physical environmental conditions of area have led towards drastic changes and drastic changes in the existing climatic conditions have been observed over the period of time. People have been suffering disproportionately in this process of development since the inception of these developmental initiatives due to neglect and ignorance to secure justice with nature as well as with human being who are either living in the vicinity or in the area. 
Initially, development means fulfillment of basic needs for survival, but today development means construction of multi-story buildings, industries and construction of dams. Today, everybody talks about development but nobody is giving attention towards the environmental degradation which is further creating a natural imbalance. Development in Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) is essential, but at what cost? The developmental initiatives by creating natural imbalance and disturbing fanatic bio-diversity including human being in IHR is neither desirable nor justifiable.  
Present paper is an attempt to understand the status of water resources in Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) and highlights an amount of disturbance in physical environment because of the construction of power projects in Himachal Pradesh. The state is blessed with five perennial major rivers, giving meaning to the lives of millions of people directly or indirectly. Moreover, at present state is proceeding toward “Hydroelectric State” which is undoubtly a noble idea but the cost attached to it must be taken care of.  
The paper is an analytical attempt of the researcher to understand the cost of construction of dams in terms of natural as human. The disturbances in natural setting are creating disturbances in physical environment on the one hand and disturbances in the lives of flora as well fauna including human beings on the other, are inviting disasters. These disturbances have been studied by using secondary data and observations recorded by the researcher during data collection.  

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Anita Swami

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1476 - 1484

A generation ago, parents could monitor their children’s’ social activity much more easily. The 
social activity would include playing with friends, meeting on playgrounds or at a common 
friend’s place. Today, social networking web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Myspace 
and the accessibility of the smart phones, computers  and the internet has not only altered but 
probably enhanced the children’s social activity. Social networking sites are here to stay and not 
only children but also the adults are being attracted to this phenomenon.   
Your kids could be sitting right in front of you and probably interacting “silently” with their 
friends or with people you don’t even know. All of a sudden your child has started spending too 
much time on these SNS rather than interacting, with friends as close as your neighbor. Hence 
the following research was an attempt to find out the influence of Social Networking Sites on 
adolescence.  The study revealed SNS has major influence on interpersonal relations followed by 
education. SNS has influenced 45.60% on the interpersonal relations of the adolscence and 
42.84% on their education. It has also influenced the health of the adolscence by 34.76%. 
Besides these, the behavior of adolscence is influenced by only 24%.  
 Key words:- social networking sites, influence, adolescence, addiction, interpersonal skills  

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Sudeshna ,Saha

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1485 - 1496

The entirety of CSR can be discerned from the three words this phrase contains: corporate, social, and responsibility. CSR covers the relationship between corporations (or other large organizations) and the societies with which they interact. CSR also includes the responsibilities that are inherent on both sides of these relationships. CSR defines society in its widest sense and on many levels, to include all stakeholder and constituent groups that maintain an ongoing interest in the organization’s operations. Society acts as fertilizer for business to grow, right from providing a ground till flourishing it successfully .The concept of corporate social responsibilities originated in the year 1950 in USA.   Corporate social responsibility is not a difficult concept and can be explained as Corporate – means organized business, Social - means everything dealing with the people, Responsibility - means accountability between the two. The term corporate social responsibility (CSR) what is generally understood is that business has an obligation to society that extends beyond its obligation to its shareholders or owners. The philosophy is basically to give back to the society, what it has taken from it, during profit maximization and wealth creation it could take the form of community relationship, volunteers assistance programmes, healthcare initiatives, special education, training programme and scholarship, preservation of cultural heritage and environment etc. CSR also called as CR or corporate citizenship and responsible business CSR is a concept whereby it considers the interest of society by taking   responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities, and other stakeholders and the environment. There is no single commonly accepted definition of corporate social responsibility but the following US-UK tradition it can be defined as  “Corporate social responsibility is operating a business in a manner which meets or excels the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that a society has from the business. ‘In the last twenty years, there has been a sea change in the nature of the triangular relationship between companies, the state and the society. No longer can firms continue to act as independent entities regardless of the interest of the general public. The evolution of the relationship between companies and society has been one of slow transformation from a philanthropic coexistence to one where the mutual interest of all the stakeholders is gaining paramount importance. Companies are beginning to realise the fact that in order to gain strategic initiative and to ensure continued existence, business practises may have to be moulded  from the normal practise of solely focussing on profits to factor in public goodwill and responsible business etiquettes(Reynard and Forstater, 2002).   
 Key words:- Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder Theory, Corporate Citizenship, 
Corporate Best Practices  

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V. Rajeswari & Jessy Jacob

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1491 - 1503

This study aimed at the analysis of the differentiation of self and its dimensions. The 
Differentiation of Self Inventory was administered to 544 spouses selected for the study. Results 
showed that most of the spouses have only average level of differentiation of self. And further 
the results supported the importance of ‘I position’ in determining one’s differentiation of self. 
 Key words:- Bowen theory, Differentiation of self, I position.  

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Pardeep Mittal & Amandeep Singh

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1504 - 1513

Today’s in techno-savvy environment, the world is becoming more and more digitally sophisticated. Internet was initially developed as a research and information sharing tool and was in an unregulated manner. As the time passed by it became more transactional with ebusiness, e-commerce-governance and e-procurement etc. All legal issues related to internet crime are dealt with through cyber laws. As the number of internet users is on the rise, the need for cyber laws and their application has also gathered great momentum. in this research paper introduction about various cyber crimes, their classifications, IT-Act 2000 and the methods to registered the complaints has been included for the effective implementation of cyber laws in India and to aware the common men to registered their complaints when they suffered any cyber crime.  
 Key words:- Cyber Crimes, Cyber laws, IT-Act., Penalties and Offences 

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Suneet Naithani , V.B. Mathur & Suneet Naithani

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1514 - 1528

Geomorphology deals with surface features of the earth, their forms, origin and 
development. The increasing application of geomorphic interpretation through aerial 
photographs and satellite data facilitates the understanding of the relationship between 
landforms, habitat and planning processes. The study was conducted in Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area (GHNPCA, 1,171 km2) in Himachal Pradesh.    
Mapping of major units were done by using satellite imageries (FCC of IRS 1-B LISS 
II Sept/Oct 1993, scale 1:50,000). Geomorphological mapping of the area was the main aim 
to understand the habitat and its relation with impact on management and conservation 
schemes.  Nine categories have been delineated taking into account the topographical 
features also.  Area under different categories has been determined- the total length of the major water divides and prominent facets calculated about 723.08 km2.). Aerial estimation of escarpments was about 33.82 km2 (3%). Exposed Rocks (2%), Alpine Exposed Rocks 
(13%), Escarpment (3%), Glacier (2%) and Moraines cover about 2% area. Besides that 
other topographical features have also been generated like; slope aspect, contour, drainage 
density, terrain complexity and digital elevation model.  

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Archana V Katgeri

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1535 - 1544

The young minds are in a fragile state. The number of suicides and attempted suicides is on the rise. 
With 940 cases of suicides by students in the state in 2008, West Bengal has earned the dubious 
distinction of being the suicide capital of the country. Maharashtra comes next with 757 cases.  The 
latest news in Mumbai Upset and frightened over the parents reaction over poor results in the 
Math’s, two sixth standard girls eloped from their home. A 17-year-old student hung herself, a 
suicide note was found stating that it was no use living as she had failed to meet the expectations of 
her parents. The following paper is an attempt to find out if parental expectations are one of the 
causes of the increasing stress levels in the adolescence which is driving them to take such drastic 
Keywords:- Parental Expectations, Stress, Adolescence, Suicides    

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Surekha Bhagyawant

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1545 - 1551

Right from birth of a child every parent tries to teach self-control to their baby. The reason behind it 
might be, they think that this self-control will help their child in many areas of life. The most 
important thing is, they will not get embarrassed in front of other society members due to their 
child’s behavior. When the child obeys his/her parents order or behave as they teach, the child is 
adjusting with his/her surroundings. To get adjusted with our surroundings we have to control 
ourselves to somewhat extent. It is generally seen that when there is adjustment, things go smoothly. 
When a person unable to adjust loses control or when he loses self-control faces difficulty in 
adjustment.  It is general observation but as a researcher, the researcher wanted to study if there is 
any significant co-relation between self-control and different types of adjustment 
For this purpose the researcher worked on M. Ed. students and found out their Self-control and 
different types of adjustment. The significance of co-relation was found out and no significant 
correlation found in 1) self control and home adjustment and 2) self control and health adjustment

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Ritu Sharma

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1552 - 1558

An attempt has been made to explore the possibility of developing a spiritual 
approach in controlling violence in the students. The approach is based on unity in 
diversity on the basis of three parameters. Firstly, all the human beings contain 
same five gross elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. Secondly, same soul, an 
essence of God/Lord resides in all the beings and thirdly, creator of all the beings 
is God and he is one and the same. This knowledge of oneness leaves little scope 
for violence, if properly conveyed not only to students but to the whole of mankind. 
Key words : spiritual approach, violence, youth  

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Shyamasree Sur

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1559 - 1569

India’s transition to a knowledge – based economy requires a new generation of educated and 
skilled people. Its completive edge will be determined by its peoples’ ability to create, share and use 
knowledge effectively. A knowledge economy requires India to develop workers – knowledge 
workers and knowledge technologists – who are flexible and analytical and who can be the driving 
force for innovation and growth. India needs a flexible education system:  basic education to provide 
the foundation for learning, secondary and tertiary education to develop core capabilities and core 
technical skills and further means of achieving lifelong learning. The global environment by 
promoting creativity and improving the quality of education. Countries that have had the most rapid 
increases in educational attainments, as well as sustained economic growth, have upgraded 
education sequentially. In a globalized economy, a large pool of skilled workers enhances the 
efficiency and flexibility of the labour market, skills bottlenecks are reduced, skilled workers are 
more easily absorbed into the economy, and their job mobility is improved. It is crucial to invest in 
quality secondary and training (V E T) if India’s economy is to develop and remain competitive iNworld market and training at all levels For this majority group, access to secondary education and 
VET is crucial and for most of them secondary education and VET will be very helpful from open 
schooling. NIOS by imparting VET will improve their employment prospects and lifetime earnings. 
So, this paper tries to estimate role of NIOS imparting Vocational Education and Training.  

Key Words: - NIOS, VET, Self-learning. 

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Kusum Sharma

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1570 - 1585

The main contention of the study is to find out the attitude of teachers towards continuous and 
comprehensive evaluation. Accordingly the hypotheses was formulated. For this purpose the 
sample of 100 teachers were purposively selected. After establishing proper rapport the attitude 
scale was administered to the subjects. The data was scored according to the scoring procedure 
given in the manual.  To study the significance of difference between the various groups t test 
was applied. The overall results indicated that the there is significant difference between the 
attitude of school teachers towards continuous comprehensive evaluation in relation to locality 
experience and nature of school. 
Keywords:  Attitude, Teachers, Continuous and comprehensive evaluation  

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Namesh Kumar & Ms Anita Rani

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1586 - 1591

Virtual learning is using online technologies to allow on demand access to high quality learning. It mainly includes
Virtual Virginia like Computers with internet access, web browsers, Netscape navigator or internet explorer version 
4.0 or later local web server or ISP with FTP, Student email account, discussion boards, Instant messaging software, 
Controlled chat environment, Video conferencing software, Mini video webcams etc. Virtual Schools, Teacher’s role, 
Virtual Sites plays an important role in A VLE (Virtual Learning Environment).It is an online platform that facilitates 
online learning. It includes wider range. It can be in various forms like e-journals, e-books, blogs, websites etc. 

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D. B. Bagul

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1592 - 1597

The title of my Research - “A study on Service and Customer Satisfaction Level of the customers of Agarwal Packers and Movers Pvt.Ltd”. Objectives of the research To study the service satisfaction of customers of Agarwal Packers and Movers Pvt. Ltd.  To know different attitudes of people regarding the facilities and services available in Agarwal Packers and Movers Pvt. Ltd. To find out grievances of consumers.  To help in increasing the customers loyalty for the company. To find out the factors that influence customer satisfaction. Agarwal Packers and Movers Pvt.Ltd.a subsidiary of DRS Logistics (P) Ltd. is one of India\'s largest transportation companies which provide excellent shipment service all over India. The samples for the study were the customers of Agarwal Packers and Movers Pvt. Ltd in the Maharashtra state and India. The research design was a descriptive one and the sample size was 120. Primary data required for the project was collected through “Questionnaires”. Company annual reports and website were used to collect the secondary data. The research started with preparation of questionnaire so as the get the responses of the customers of the company with various parameters. It was important to identify the areas where the company needs to concentrate to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in its marketing operations with respect to its services. It was also very necessary to know how well the company manages its services to the customers.All these parameters were included in the questionnaire which was aimed at the customers so as to get their responses on the same. This helped to understand the customer satisfaction level of the company and also helped to identify the areas where the company needs to concentrate more to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its services. Keywords: Customer‚ Consumer‚ Market‚ satisfaction‚ Delight‚ Faith‚ Belief‚ Customer friendly‚ Service‚ CRM   

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Vaibhav Jadhav

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1598 - 1604

This paper is making awareness of the global warming and also discussed that why global warming is emerged as big problem. Further it is also discussed the effects of global warming on earth and particularly human beings. Global warming is the sensitive issue it is not personal problem of any one country in the world. So it is matter of world existence, that’s why each individual should aware about environment. If we want inculcate the sense of environment among society, we will spread the environmental ethics among people. 
Keywords: Global warming, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Education  

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Mr. Yatharth N. Vaidya

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1605 - 1615

The present research paper proposes to study the most acknowledged Indian writer, Ruskin Bond, for his unique representation of North India. If the credit to portray South India goes to R. K. Narayan, Ruskin Bond takes the credit for North India. Ruskin Bond is true Indian in very sense of portrayal of North India with all the aspects. Ruskin Bond, himself, has said, “I am as Indian as the dust of plains or the grass of a mountain meadow.” (Bond, VII – IX). The paper aims at studying his style of portrayal of North India and his keen observations of North Indian elements. The researcher has taken into account select fictions of Ruskin Bond to ponder his love for India. The researcher proposes to study the social, cultural, economic and geographical image of North India in the novels. This paper revolves around the concept of Race, Milieu, and Moment of Ruskin Bond and the reciprocal effect of North India on his Psyche. 

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Vindeshwari Pawar & Vipin Tirkey

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1616 - 1621

 In the world for any type of change every nation has a great expectation from its teacher. It is true to say that teachers are the critical agents for bringing out the desirable changes in the society. Teachers have the fundamental concerns and moral responsibilities to gear all the activities of the school in the positive direction. Thus, teachers have to attain the attitude, aptitude, interest values and certain competencies of teaching profession to ensure the fulfillment of the expected assignment. In the modern era, especially, in the educational field, to teach with interest is a great challenging for B. Ed. Trainees, which demands well subject knowledge and gives emphasis on clear objectives, good questioning, management and classroom organization, effective planning, good interaction, attitude, aptitude, personality and interest etc. The present research work answers; Can teaching interest affects by the types of institution? Can teaching interest affects by the gender? Can teaching interest affects by the medium of instruction?
Keywords: Interest in Teaching, Types of Institution, Gender, Medium of Instruction

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Md. Moazzam Sulaiman

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1622 - 1636

 India is one of the major growing marketplaces in the world, together with a population of over one billion.  It is considered as one of the prominent nations in the world in terms of purchasing power. After the market reform in the year 1991, India gradually opened up its economy to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in a wide range of sectors. At present, India can breadth fresh oxygen coming out from such a suffocating situation. India is the top most eye-catching country for FDI among the rest of the markets in the world. As a matter of fact, FDI in the vibrant Indian retail sector should it be without restraint permitted and should it be significantly inspired. Indian retail sector is one of the rising sectors which have an enormous opportunity for attracting FDI.  It is predictable that FDI will speed up the growth of organized retail and will bring many more foreign retailers to India. The current revolutions brought in the retail sector by the government has made the retail sector to have many retailers for India. A number of concerns were squeezing out with respect to the partial beginning of the retail sector (multi-brand retail) for FDI. Whether it would lead to partial competition and finally result in the large-scale walking out of domestic retailers, especially the small family managed outlets, foremost to large scale movement of persons working in the retail sector or will create more employment. Moreover, the structure and procedure of foreign direct investment in the retail sector have improved a lot since India has opened ready for world markets. This has powered high prospects that FDI in retail may help as a channel for the better economic growth of India. 
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Retail, Sector, India, Economy, Brand, Store, Government, and world etc. 

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Nalina Singh

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1637 - 1646

 Email has revolutionised workplace communication and has changed the way people communicate at work. It has been established that email is more effective and more versatile a medium than the prevailing forms of organizational communication. According to Baron, even within email, there is vast linguistic variation (162). She notes that ‘‘email is a communicative modality in flux’’ and more ‘‘a moving linguistic target than a stable system’’ (144). In their study, Nahar Al-Ali and Sahawneh (40-64) state that e-mail has “pragmatic and social functions.” The pragmatic function is obvious in its use in the academic and business environments. The social function consists in the mail’s privacy in that it enables participants to interact in a less constrained way than when face-to-face. (Baron 205).Emails are therefore crucial to any analysis of workplace communication, and more specifically are very important data that helps in exploration of the ways in which workplace relations are constructed and negotiated throughout people’s working days. For any study of workplace emails to be successfully undertaken, it is necessary that the concepts of Computer mediated Communication (CMC), Computer Mediated Discourse (CMD), synchronicity and corporate sector be understood. This will be followed by an explanation of the growth and rapid expansion of emails, which have replaced traditional modes of official communication like memos, letters and face-to-face communication, in business houses.

Abdullah, A. Going Global: Cultural Dimensions in Malaysian Management. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Institute of Management, 1996. Print. Abdullah, N. A. “Relational communication in organisational email: A Malaysian case study”. Unpublished PhD thesis.University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2003. Print.

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Hemant Kumar Pandey

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1647 - 1661

The foreign policy of a state is determined by its geography, history, culture and its people and the same goes in context of India. When it comes for South Asian and South East Asian region, India has been on natural higher ground because of its rich historical, geographical and cultural connections with the whole region. Despite of all that India’s relation with South East Asian region is kind of a sine cosine function i.e. with ups and downs in phases. Though in the past India has been closely linked with the region, there was time when the south East Asian region has not occupied the focus of Indian foreign policy makers. However there has been a course correction of late and India has started giving prime importance to this region. In the 1990s that India articulated her ‘Look East Policy'(LEP) that initiated India's foreign policy focus on south east Asian countries. According to LEP’s viewpoint India's future interests are best served by the integrating with the Southeast Asian countries. This was built on a massive historical and cultural foundation. India’s interactions with South East Asia that go back to several centuries and continue to be seen in the region's culture. In recent years India has been showing interest in working on those ties and also rebuilding her socio-political connectivity with the nations of this South East Asian region. ASEAN set up in 1967, with five founding members: Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Later Brunei (1984), Vietnam (1995), Laos and Myanmar (1997) and Cambodia (1999) were added making total of ten. After addition of Myanmar (1997) India was no longer just the maritime neighbor of ASEAN, it started a huge land boundary with her. For ASEAN India is not only appealing trade and investment partner but also a great pacifier in the region. The purpose of this study is to examine the upcoming opportunities for India after 8th India-ASEAN summit on 20th anniversary of India-ASEAN dialogue partnership by collaborating with Southeast Asian region. Also, creating new window for better geopolitik and economic stability, maritime security and how India can move forward and change the tides by creating EU kind of a alliance with ASEAN for overall growth of not just southeast Asia but whole south asian region.

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Pallavi Singh

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2013 | Volume/Issue:2/7 | Page No.: 1662 - 1665