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Bimal Charan Swain & Somalia Satapathy
Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 1 - 9
The present study was conducted to know the quality of elementary education in Nayagarh district of Odisha. The sample of the study consisted of 24 teachers and 60 students of 12 elementary schools of Nayagarh district of Odisha. Data were collected through questionnaires. Information were also collected from reports and records published by Government of Odisha. The result indicated that incentives such as Mid-Day Meals and School uniforms were available in all schools. ICT facility was not available in any school. Supervision of the schools was done by B.E.O.s. Play ground, and provision of electricity was available in very less number of schools. Ten different co-curricular activities were organized in schools.
Key Words: Quality, Elementary Education, Evaluative Study
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B.P. Singh
Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 10 - 16
The investigator in this paper tried to explore the effect of mental health in organization citizenship behaviour among the secondary school teachers. The study was conducted in Bhiwani district of Haryana (India). The sample of the study consists of 200 secondary school teachers. Out of these 50 private male, 50 private female; 50 govt. male and 50 private female secondary school teachers were selected. It was found that there is positive correlation between various dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviour and mental health. A less correlation is found in civic virtue dimension of OCB with mental health. There is no effect of sex on organization citizenship behaviour of teachers on all its dimensions. Significant difference is found in competitive spirit of private and govt. school teachers. Private school teachers show more civic virtue in work culture as compared to govt. school teachers.
Key Word: Organization citizenship behavior, mental health, school teacher.
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Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 17 - 21
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Sharad Hari Vishvasrao
Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 22 - 27
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Ashwini Wadegaonkar , Sanjeev Sonawane & Megha Uplane
Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 28 - 45
Key words: Socialization of Visually Impaired, Inclusion, Theoretical Framework
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Altaf Ahmad Khan
Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 46 - 52
The purpose of this study was to examine senior secondary government and private student’s attitude towards the innovations of modern educational technology. The study also investigated the role of these innovations in senior secondary schools of Kashmir. The data for the study was collected through the use of quantitative method. The data was collected through the self constructed questionnaire by the investigator, and was distributed to 200 students (100 Govt. and 100 Private) of senior secondary schools of Kashmir. The findings of the study, which were obtained by analyzing the data collected from the students, revealed that, the private senior schools have better facilities of innovations of modern educational technology as compared to the Govt. Senior secondary schools at present, but no variations was found in the attitude of both the groups regarding the implementation of innovations of modern educational technology in Kashmir province.
Key Words: - Educational technology, Govt. School students, Private School students
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Mudasir Ahmad Wani
Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 53 - 57
The use of technology makes educational process effective, efficient and objective-centered. The word ‘efficient’ means that educational process should be effective and economical from time, energy and money point. It is a fascinating time for schooling and technology. The purpose of this study was to examine senior secondary Rural and Urban students’ attitude towards the innovations of modern educational technology. The study also investigated the role of these innovations in senior secondary schools (Rural and Urban) of Kashmir. The data for the study was collected through the use of quantitative method. The data was collected through the self constructed questionnaire by the investigator, and was distributed to 200 students (100 Rural and 100 Urban) of senior secondary schools of Kashmir. The findings of the study, which were obtained by analyzing the data collected from the students, revealed that, the Urban senior schools have better facilities of innovations of modern educational technology as compared to the Rural Senior secondary schools at present, but no variations was found in the attitude of both the groups regarding the implementation of innovations of modern educational technology in Kashmir province.
Key Words: - Educational technology, Rural. School students, Urban School students
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Parth Sarthi Pandey
Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 58 - 64
Critical thinking is a term that is given much discussion without much action. critical thinking is something that has been overlooked at the elementary, middle, and high school levels where students are taught how to learn, as well as how to analyze information. When these students make it to the level of higher education or the workforce, the educators and trainers are forced to begin by teaching critical thinking skills as opposed to beginning with the information that needs to be conveyed. Critical thinking can be infused in lessons throughout all disciplines by utilizing in depth questioning and evaluation of both data and sources. ). The educator’s role as facilitator also encourages a peer review process, even in the youngest of children, and helps students to learn appropriate responses to conflicting evaluations and opinions. The ideal critical thinker is habitually inquisitive, well-informed, trustful of reason, open-minded, flexible, fair-minded in evaluation, honest in facing personal biases, prudent in making judgments, willing to reconsider, clear about issues, orderly in complex matters, diligent in seeking relevant information, reasonable in the selection of criteria, focused in inquiry, and persistent in seeking results which are as precise as the subject and the circumstances of inquiry permit.
Keywords- Critical thinking, Scientific Method, judgments and inferences, inductive and deductive arguments
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Meenakshi Bhargava
Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 65 - 70
Development of a human being depends upon surroundings in which he is nurtured. Environment forms base of personality and plays a major role in framing perceptions and actions of a person. Education also depends on the environment and its interpretation by the individual. Vocational Environment is a combination of many factors and aspects, which influences an individual’s academic performances. An individual always learns from his/her past experience, which he has seen around, his surroundings, and consequently he forms a concept about things and matter. Thinking and conceptualization is affected by environment of the individual so the present study attempts to know the vocational environment of students of different streams and its relation with educational choices. For collection of data standardized tool (VES) is used and mean, S.D. and t-scores are calculated to analyze the data.
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Mrs. Anupma Garg
Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 71 - 74
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Ramarcha Prasad Pandey
Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 75 - 84
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Issue: May-Jun, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 85 - 90