An International Peer Reviewed

International Journal for Educational Research Studies

Sep - Oct, 2015, Vol-1/3

Impact Factor: -

ISSN: 2454-5554

Date: 2015-11-09

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Mukesh Devi & M.S Chahar

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 179 - 184


Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our personal appearance. Academic achievement of the school students is also an important parameter in the present age. The present research study was undertaken to assess the effect of social skills on the academic achievement of school students. The effect of gender on the academic achievement of social skill deficient and non deficient students was also studied. The sample consists of 320 students from kurukshetra district of Haryana state. The data obtained was analyzed using mean, S.D’s and‘t’-test. The results revealed that academic achievement have significant dependence on social skills of school students.  The study has implications for the parents, teachers and policy makers.

Key words: Social Skill, Academic Achievement, Gender

Bursuck, W. D., & Asher, S. R. (1986). The relationship between social competence and achievement in elementary school children. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 15, 41–49. Çelik N (2007). The effects of social skills training on social adjustment of elementary school students. Master dissertation. Dokuz Eylül University, _zmir, Turkey. Coie, J. D., & Krehbiel, G. (1984). Effects of academic tutoring on the social status of low achieving, socially rejected children. Child Development, 55, 1465?1478. Elliott, S. N., Gresham, F. M., Freeman, T., & McCloskey, G. (1988). Teacher and observer ratings of children’s social skills: Validation of the Social Skills Rating Scales. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 6, 152?161. Hay, D. F. (1994). Prosocial development. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35, 29-71.

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Dipak K. Chavan

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 185 - 191


This conceptual paper discusses the concept of Students’ engagement in teaching learning process. It is the cognitive investment, active participation and emotional commitment to the learning of the students. It also focus on the students’ engagement approach, its objectives, the process of Students’ engagement, its importance and various ways to promote students’ engagement in teaching and learning process which includes enhancement of students’ self-belief, enable students to work autonomously, recognize that teaching and teachers are central to engagement, use of Active learning strategies, create challenging and enriching educational experiences, accept students from diverse backgrounds, invest in a variety of support services, adapt to changing student expectations, enable students to become active citizens and enable students to develop their social and cultural capital.

Barrett, H.C. (2005). White Paper: Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement. Retrieved September 2010 from Jones Richard (2008), White paper: Strengthening Student Engagement International Center for Leadership in Education November 2008 Taylor, L. & Parsons, J. (2011). Improving Student Engagement. , Current Issues in Education14(1). Retrieved from Zepke, N., and Leach, L. (2010). Improving student engagement: Ten proposals for action, Active Learning in Higher Education, 11 (3)

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Ruchi Dubey

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 192 - 196

 Human being is the unique creation in this universe that is under certain parameters and is free to make his own destiny by possessing certain basic and inalienable rights which are commonly known as human rights. Human right is the most fundamental of all rights The substance of human rights is dependent not only on civil and political rights but on economic, cultural and social rights as well (Selby, 1987; Toh & Floresca-Cawagas, 1990). Human rights are important because they protect us from discrimination and unfair treatment; promote the development of democratic values; and develop all human beings as human rights literate. Deception of human rights may become the cause of political and social disturbance.

Baghariya, R. (2006). Snatak starr ke vidyarthiyo ki manvadhikar ke prati abhivratti ka adhyan. Dissertation (Edu.), University of Allahabad. Chakravarty and Pal (2000). In S. Kumari (2003). Vishwavidyalaya starr par chatra-chatrao mai manvadhikar ke pratti jagrukta ka adhyan. Dissertation (Edu.), University of Allahabad. Dhillon, J. S. and Kaur, N. (2009). Human rights education: Suggestions for school curriculum. Edutracks, 9 (1), 20-21. Dubey, R. (2007). Attitude of undergraduate students towards human rights. Paper presented in the National Seminar on Democracy, Human Rights and Social Justice in South Asia: Romance and Reality held on 29-30 Sept. 2007 at Iswar Saran Degree College, Allahabad. Dubey, R. and Upadhyaya, P. (2008). Awareness of fundamental rights among female students. Souvenir of National Workshop on Economic Uprising of Women: Emerging Socio-Legal Issues in India, held on 21-22 Oct. 2008 at Jagat Taran Girls’ Degree College, Allahabad. Kumari, S. (2003). Vishwavidyalaya starr par chatra-chatrao mai manvadhikar ke pratti jagrukta ka adhyan. Dissertation (Edu.), University of Allahabad. Pandey, K. (2009). A study of human rights awareness among undergraduate students. Journal of Educational Studies, 7 (2), 48-50. Pandey, K. and Singh, R. (2008). Human rights understanding and attitude towards Environment among students at tertiary level. Journal of Educational Studies, 6 (1), 44-45. Rao & Jauhri (1999). In R. Dubey (2007). Attitude of undergraduate students towards human rights. Paper presented in the National Seminar on Democracy, Human Rights and Social Justice in South Asia: Romance and Reality held on 29-30 Sept. 2007 at Iswar Saran Degree College, Allahabad. Selby, D. (1987). Human Rights. London: Cambridge University Press. Toh, S. H. and Floresca-Cowagas, V. (1990). Peaceful Theory in Values Education. Quezoncity: Phoenix. U N World Conference of Human Rights (1993). In K. Pandey (2009). A study of human rights awareness among undergraduate students. Journal of Educational Studies, 7 (2), 48-50.

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Amina Bano Quari & Shabir Ahmad Bhat

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 197 - 204


The present study was a modest effort to compare male and female secondary school teachers on various dimensions of Attitude. A sample of 300 teachers of different secondary schools in District Budgam (150 male teachers and 150 female teachers) were selected randomly from various secondary schools in District Budgam. S.P. Alluwalia Teacher Attitude Inventory was used to collect data. It was found that there is a significant difference between male and female teachers on teaching profession of teaching attitude. Male school teachers were found to have better attitude towards teaching profession than female secondary school teachers.

Keywords:  Attitude, Male, Female, Teachers, Secondary Level.

Ahluwalia, S.P. (1973) Teacher Attitude Inventory, Manual for Teacher Attitude Inventory, National Psychological Corporation, Agra. Best, J.W. (1989). Research in Education, 6th edition, Prentice-Hall of India, pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. Bushan, L.M. (1981). A Study of Attitude of Teaching Towards Students in Relation to their Sex, Subject of Teaching and Teaching, unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, Kashmir University. Ghuman, M.S. (1976). A study of Aptitude, Personality traits and Achievements Motivation of Academic Achievers & Under Achievers, Ph.D. Psychology, (In 3rd Survey of Research in Education; New Delhi, NCERT. Jan, N. (2007). Attitude of Secondary School Teachers—A Comparative Study of Govt. and Private Secondary Schools, M.Phil., Dissertation, unpublished, Kashmir University. Kaur, R.J. & Sharma, S. (2013). Managing Students’ Attitude towards Science through Computer Assisted Instruction; International Indexed & Referred Research Journal, vol. IV, issue-40. Meenu, G. (2000). A Study of Attitude of Teachers Teaching in Govt. and Private Schools of Jammu in relation to their Value Patterns, unpublished M.Ed., dissertation, Jammu University. Mushoriva,T.D. et,al. (2011). Attitudes of Primary School Teachers towards Early Childhood Development in Zimbabwean Primary Schools, EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, 3(2),p.117. Muthu, D.N. (1980). An Attitudinal and Personality Study of Effective Teachers (unpublished Ph.D.) Jodhpur University, cited in Profile of the effective teacher (1989) Nadeem, N.A. NCERT, (1996). Education and Development, Report of the Education Commission, New Delhi, 1964-66.

M.Y. Ganai & Ms. Nahida

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 205 - 214

 No one can deny the importance of teaching and learning in the whole process of education. This process can only become successful when teachers fully know their subject matter and effectively communicate it to the students. Learning how to study involves putting away the habits and ideas which have made study unpleasant and burdensome, and taking on habits and ideas which make study more pleasant and fruitful. Why does one individual learn more quickly and thoroughly than other? The main reason for inefficiency in learning is one’s carelessness and ineffective study habits. The teacher should know as much as possible about the pupils work and study habits. They should teach students, good study habits and self-management skills together with appropriate self-attribution strategies as their success depends on hard work, proper study habits, utility of the effective time, etc. In the present study, the investigator examines the study habits of bright and dull adolescents. The initial sample for the present investigation consists of 400 adolescents of class 10th from district Srinagar. Ravens Advanced Progressive Matrices (Non-Verbal Intelligence test) was administered to the sample subjects in order to measure intelligence. The subjects who fall 75th percentile or above on the Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (I.Q test) were termed as bright adolescents and the subjects who fall 25th percentile or below on Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (I.Q test) were termed as dull adolescents. Thus the final sample for the present study consisted of 200 (100 bright and 100 dull) adolescents. The two groups of adolescents i.e., bright and dull were administered Palsane and Sharma’s Study Habit Inventory in order to know the study habits of the sample subjects. The study reveals that bright adolescents have higher study habits than the dull adolescents.



\"\"Key Words Study habits, bright adolescents, dull adolescents, 75th percentile and 25th percentile.

Telford, C. W. & Sawyer (1977) The exceptional individual (3rd ed.), Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, pp10-11. Gates, A. I. (1930) Interest and ability in reading. New York; Macmillan. McGeoch, J.A., and Iron, A. L. (1952) The psychology of human learning. 2nd ed. New York: David McKay. Oxford Dictionary & Thesaurus of English Language (2003) Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dictionary of Education (2007) Measurement in education and psychology. New Delhi: Anmol Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Crede M and Kuncel N R. (2008) Study habits, skills, and attitudes: The third pillar supporting collegiate academic performance. Perspectives on Psychological Science, Vol. 3pp. 425-453.

Mr Maroof Maqbool & Prof.V.K.Dixit

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 215 - 220

 Secondary education is the second largest tier of education after primary education. It is most important stage not only because being an intermediary stage between primary and higher education but also because it prepares the students for the specialisation and professionalization of education. The present paper focuses on the overall qualitative and quantitative progress in secondary education in district Anantnag in south Kashmir. The paper is an attempt to trace the development of secondary education of the area in post 1948 when the state became under Indian administrative control. The history of public and the private sector in the secondary education system has been analysed and a comparison of the two has been made which conveys a grim picture of the government controlled overall educational sector in general and secondary education in particular. The researcher by making use of the primary sources with thoughtful insights from secondary works has made an in-depth study and tried to penetrate deep down into the soil of secondary education of the district Anantnag

Albert’s, B., Science, 2009, 323, 437. 5. Osborne, J., Science, 2010, 328, 463– 466. 6. Lim, W. K., Nature, 2010, 465, 157. 7. Bakshi Shirin (198l) A Brief History Of Education In Kashmir Insight Journal Of Applied Research In Education. Volume: Nine Balaram, P., Curr. Sci., 2012, 102, 7–8. 3. Masani, Z., BBC, India still Asia’s reluctant tiger, 2008; Education in Jammu and Kashmir- Issues and documents. JAY & KAY Book House Residency Road, Jammu. Government of Jammu & Kashmir Directorate of Archives, Archaeology and Museum. Kashmir’s Response to European Culture (1846-1947) M.Phil Dissertation submitted to The University of Kashmir.

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Mahmood Ahmad Khan & Syed Riyaz Ahmad Shah

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 221 - 233


The present study explored the difference between children of working and non-working mothers on emotional maturity. A sample comprises of 800 students of working and non-working mothers, in which 400 were children of working mothers and 400 were children of non-working mothers and were randomly selected from the elementary schools of two districts Srinagar and Shopian of Kashmir valley. The sample subjects comprised of 8th class students within an age range of 13 -14 years.Emotional Maturity Scale of Singh and Bhargava (1990) was used to measure the emotional maturity of children of working and non- working mothers. It consists of five factors- emotional unstability, emotional regression, social maladjustment, personality disintegration and lack of independence. The data were analyzed by using mean, S.D. and t-value. The results indicated that children of non-working mothers are emotionally mature than children of working mothers. The children of non-working mothers were found as emotionally stable, emotionally progressive, socially adjusted, have integrated personality and are dependent while as children of working mothers were found as emotionally unstable, emotionally regressive, socially maladjusted, have dis-integrated personality and are independent.

Keywords: Emotional Maturity, Children, Mothers, working and Non-working

Andrabi, G.A. (1997). A comparative study of the children of working and non-working women in respect of their adjustment, academic achievement and socio-economic status. Unpublished M, Phil Dissertation Univ. of Kashmir. Baron, R.A. and Byrne, D. (1998). Psychology (Fourth edition). New York: McGraw Hill Publication. Blau, F; Grossberg, A. (1992). Maternal labor supply and children's cognitive development. Review of economics and statistics 74 (3), 474-481. Goswamik, K.(1987).A study of the problems of the working mothers and their impact on their children. Ph. D Education, Gauhati University. Hoffman L. W. (1963). "The decision to work" In Nye F. Ivan & Hoffman L.W. (ed). The employed mother in America, Chicago: Rand McNally & company.

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Chandan Shingte & Kaluram Nathu Bhise

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 234 - 237


This study is related to  social health of students studying in 10th std. For data collection regarding  social health of students 3 point rating scale is used. This scale is given to 50 students. After analyzing the  data it is found that the students of this age are socially unhealthy. Boys are socially healthy than girls.

Best J.W., Kahn J.V. Research In Education,(10th Ed.),Prientice of India,Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi www. social and www. Health and wellness for + is + social + health www.wise www.healthy objectives2020/overview.aspx H:/social health information from answers-com.mht

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Vaibhav Jadhav & Sanjivani Sangale

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 238 - 251

Downloads: 113


Surendra Chandrkant Herkal

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 252 - 256

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Veena Devi Trivedi

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 257 - 263

Education gives a person an insight into all affairs; it removes darkness & shatters illusion. A person without education is really blind. The future of humanity depends very much on the cultural, scientific, and technological developments which evolve from the centres of educational institutions. The mission of an educational institution hence, is to be a pioneer in the creation of an era so as to preserve the God showered nobility of human existence, recognizing its moral and spiritual dimensions. This truth has to be all the more insisted upon as every centre of excellence in education should contribute to the future development of society through the training of qualified individuals and promotion of scientific research for welfare of mankind and preserving human values and upholding human dignity. This paper focuses on the historical aspects of education which was given from initial stage to higher stage in kerala. Interest in writing this paper was just due to the fact that kerala has stood up in the ladder of attaining 100% literacy among the states in India. Paper is based on secondary data and documentary proofs available and mentioned in the reference section. 

Gangadharan Nair, K;(1989)“Higher Educational Institutions of Kerala”, Ph.D.Thesis (Unpublished), Cochin University of Science and Technology,Cochin . -Prof. Jaleel, K.A.,former V.C1997);“Education in Kerala: The Post Independence Period”, Kerala Calling, Aug.1997, Vol.17,p.48; University of Kerala,( Department of Public Relations, Government of Kerala,Kerala. -GOK(2005);Planning Board Data, Government of Kerala. -Pratiba Khanna,(2005);“Changing Sceneries of Higher Education: Challenges to Quality Assurance and Sustainance” University News, 43 (07), Feb. 14-20, 2005, Vol.43, p.4. -Economic Review Report, 2006. -KSPD(2006);Report of Kerala State Planning Board, Thiruvanathapuram, Feb.2006.p.314. -IHRD(2006);Report of Institute of Human Resources Development, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

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Arpit Khurana

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 264 - 276

\"\"This article / paper examines the growth, awareness and brand knowledge among the people with different economic background in India and significant growth in urban and semi urban retail markets. In India the vast middle class and its utmost untapped retail industry are the key attractive forces for global retail giants wanting to enter into newer markets, which in turn will help the retail industry to grow faster. This paper includes the Overview, the Growth, the Etymology, the Indian Scenario, the Entry of the MNCs, the Challenges and Opportunities of retailing business.

Keywords: Growth, Awareness, Brand Knowledge, Retail Markets, Global Retail Giants, Etymology. 

Aditya Tripathi (2009) - Fundamentals of Retailing - Himalaya Publication House, Mumbai, 2009. Agarwal V., Bahree M. (2011) - India puts retails reforms on hold - The Wall Street Journal. Anand Tamana (2008) - Organized Retailing in India Need of the Hour - Marketing Mastermind. Ankita Srivastava and Sanjay Shankar Mishra (2013) -Youth Customer Perception of Brand Big Bazaar: An Empirical Investigation - Research Analysis And Evaluation, Vol-iv, Issue 43-44. D.P. Sharma (2009) - E-Retailing - Himalaya Publication House, Mumbai. Harleen Kaur (2011) - Customer Service With Reference To Big Bazaar - Guru Nanak Institute Of Management, New Delhi.

Downloads: 47


Ramarcha Prasad Pandey

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 277 - 285

 A profession is not simply a collection of individuals who get a living for themselves by the same kind of work. Nor it is merely a group which is organized exclusively for the economic protection. A profession is characterized by a sufficiently long period of academic training; an organized body of knowledge on which the undertaking is based; an appropriate duration of formal and rigorous professional training with practical experience in the field and a code of professional ethics which bind sits members into a fraternity and Ethics means’ science of morals; moral principles or code’ Ethics is a collection of moral standards by which each person should be guided in their private and professional life. It tells us right from wrong, and how to live moral lives. The teaching profession, as many others, has its own code of ethics, which describes the process of grading students and teacher\'s behavior in the classroom as well as outside the premises of the institution. It is one of few professions which evaluate the totality of behavior of an individual and its potential influence on others. The teacher\'s code of ethics comprises his/her duties, responsibilities, attitude, honesty, and most of all - fairness. One can become a better teacher by becoming a better human being. National Education Association, USA formulates certain principles which deserve reflection and careful consideration.

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Sushil Kumar Pandey

Issue: Sep-Oct, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 286 - 289

The present study attempts to examine the relationship between academic achievement and home environment of adolescents studying in ninth class . The study is quantitative in nature. Sample of the study consists of 200 adolescents of eighth class (100 males and 100 females) randomly selected from 5 government and 5 private schools of Sirmour District. Home Environment Inventory by Dr. Karuna Shankar Misra used to collect the data. Further, their 8th class marks were taken as their academic achievement. The data was analyzed by Product Moment Correlation. Result showed that there was low relationship between adolescents academic achievement and home environment of adolescents studying in eighth class. Key Words: academic achievement, home environment, adolescents

Ahluwalia, S.P. and Shyam, D. “A study of relationship between socio-economic status and academic achievement of high school students.” Journal of Educational Research and Extension. 12(1), 1975, p. 5. Kazmi, I., and Bukhari, S. F. Y. (2011, March). PeerSim: An efficient & scalable testbed for heterogeneous cluster-based P2P network protocols. In Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim), 2011 UkSim 13th International Conference on (pp. 420-425). IEEE Levine Daniel, U., Lachowicks, H., Oxman, K. and Tangeman, A. “The home environment of students in a high achieving inner city parochial school and a nearby public school.” Soc. Edu., 45, 1972, 4-10. Mangal, S.K.(2002).Statistics in Psychology and Education, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Rana, N., & Padhiar, K. (2021). Home Environment of Adolescents Studying in Eighth Class in Schools of Jammu District. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 11(1(a) SPL), 20–30. Siwach Meena and Daulta. Impact of Home Environment on the Scholastic Achievement of Children, Journal of Human Ecology, 23(1), 2008, 75-79.