An International Peer Reviewed

International Journal for Educational Research Studies

Nov - Dec, 2015, Vol-1/3

Impact Factor: -

ISSN: 2454-5554

Date: 2016-01-09

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Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 264 - 267


The purpose of research is to inform action.  Research must always be of high standard in order to construct knowledge that is relevant or appropriate outside of the research setting with inference that goes beyond the group that has participated in the research.  Furthermore, the finding of the study should have implications for policy and project implementation. From the past few years there is rapid increase in the research work. So it is a duty on the part of teacher to conduct and guide his/her students for quality research. There should be some competencies in teacher that help him to conduct a quality research. The present theoretical paper highlights the basic competencies of teacher that helps in quality research.

Bhargava, M. ,& Saikia, L.R.(2007). Teacher in 21st Century : Challenges, Responsibilities and Creditability. Agra : Rakhi Prakashan. Bhargava, M. , & Taj, H. (2013). Horizon of Teacher Education. Agra: Rakhi Prakashan. Bitter, G.G., & Yohe, R.L. (1989). Preparing teachers for information age. Educational technology, 29(3),22-25. Naisbitt, J. (1982). Megatrends. New York : Warner Books. NCTE (1996). Frame work for Teacher Education. New Delhi. Wills, J. , Wills, D.A., Austin, L., & Colon, B. (1995). Faculty perspective on instructional technology: A national survey. In D.Wills, B. Robin and J. Wills (Eds.) Technology and Teacher Education Annual 1995 (pp. 795-800) . Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

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Pooja Arora

Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 268 - 274


Teachers are among the oldest of society’s occupational groups. The status of teaching as a profession, however, has developed in comparatively recent times since this profession involves activities which are essentially intellectual. Besides this quality this profession commands a body of specialized knowledge requires extended professional preparation, exalts service above personal gain and last but not the least demands continues in-service growth. A teacher engages himself in a variety of in-service growth activities but the most important one is research and writing because research influences the kind of teaching a teacher is doing but the gulf between the two can at times seem large. This paper examines the value of teacher research which lays the bases or foundation for nurturing professional and personal growth through inquiry.

Ayers, W. (1993) To teach: The journey of a teacher, New York: Teachers College Press. Ayers, W. (1989) The good preschool teacher: Six teachers reflect on their lives,New York:Teachers College Press. Breidenstein, A. (2001) Outcomes of a preservice teachers’ qualitative research, The Clearing House, 74 (3), 141-144. Bullough, R. V. and Gitlin. A. D. (2001) Becoming a student of teaching: Linking knowledge production and practice, 2nd ed., New York: RoutledgeFalmer. Caro-Bruce, C. and Zeichner, K. (1998) The nature and impact of an action research professional development program in one urban school district, Final report toSpencer Foundation: Madison Metropolitan School. Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. L. (1999) The teacher research movement: A decade later,Educational Researcher,28 (7), 15–25. Corey, S. M. (1953) Action research to improve school practices. New York: Teachers CollegeBureau of Publications, Columbia University. Cross, K. (1987) Educating reform in wonderland: Implementing educational reform, Phi Delta Kappan, 68 (2), 496- 502. Freeman, M., De Marrais, K., Preissle, J., Roulston, K. and St. Pierre, E. (2007) Standards of evidence in qualitative research: An incitement to discourse, Educational Researcher, 36 (1), 25–32. Goodlad, J. (1999) Educating teachers: Getting it right the first time, In R. Roth (Ed.), The role of the university in the preparation of teachers, London:Falmer, 1-12. Hansen, J. (1997) Researchers in our classrooms: What propels teacher researchers? In Literaciesfor the 21st century: Research and practice,Chicago: National Reading Conference.

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Ms.K.Uma Devi

 This paper attempts to study Motivating Teacher Educators for Inclusive Education and stresses the need for motivating and inculcating  teachers to identify Special children in their classroom.    Providing a quality education for all students in inclusive settings has been identified as perhaps the most challenging, yet most important, issue in education. To be ready for that future we must prepare teachers who can teach in settings that are inclusive, meeting the needs of all students. This will require a different model of teacher education. The necessary knowledge and skills to teach in inclusive classrooms, this need extends to all teachers, not just special education teachers, as all teachers are now likely to have students with disabilities.  The current educational system encourages an inclusionary setting for all special needs students, and this setting is supported by federal laws. The goal of this model is to enhance teacher performance with assistive technology and students with disabilities, enabling equal access to educational situations and materials in the least restrictive environment

Banerji, M. and Daily, R.A. 91995). A study of the effects of an inclusion model on students with specific learning disabilities, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 28(8), 511. Morse, T.E. and Santos, K. (1995). Full inclusion: Dream or reality? Journal for a Just and Caring Education, 1(4), 449-57. Alghazo, E., Dodeen, H. and Algaryouti, I. (2003) Attitudes of pre-service teachers towards persons with disabilities: predictions for the success of inclusion. College Student Journal, 37(3), 515-522. www. Google . com

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Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 284 - 290

 The present study aims to assess the facilities available at secondary schools in rural areas. Investigator made an attempt to find out the physical and academic infrastructure facilities available in secondary schools in rural areas of koil konda mandal mahaboobnagar District in Andhra Pradesh. The findings of the study revealed that, efficient physical and academic infrastructure facilities are essential for improvement of the school in general and development of students in particular. The study results shows that, most of the rural secondary schools of koil konda mandal are in lack of adequate physical and academic infrastructure facilities for schools. This study can be utilized by policy makers and educational administrators, responsible community members for providing facilities to schools for academic growth of students.


Bharati Sharma (2004) History Of Indian Education, Published By Vohra Publication & Distributors, New Delhi- ISBN: 81-7889-053-4 (H.B.). Surendra Nath Dubey, (2001) Education Scenario In India-2001, Published By Authors Press, Delhi ISBN: 81-7273-076-4. S.P. Agrawal, (1999) Development Of Education In India Published By Ashok Kumar Mittal New Delhi ISBN: 81-7022-661-9. V.N.Singh,(2005), Education In India Published By Vista International Publishing Houuse, Delhi ISBN: 81-89526-67-7. Buch, M.B. (1972-78) Second Survey Of Research In Education In Education Vol-I,II, NCERT,Newdelhi. Buch, M.B. (1978-83) Third Survey Of Research In Education In Education Vol-I,II, NCERT,Newdelhi

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Prof. Dipali Mehakarkar

Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 291 - 295

 “The proper route to an understanding of the world is an examination of our errors about it.”

                                                                                                                        – Errol Morris

The present study was the study of the effect of workshop on time management during examination for writing answers of course 103 of B.Ed. students. The study was conducted on students of MIT School of Education & Research, Kothrud, Pune, it was an action research. For this study experimental method is used and research design was Single group pretest- post pest. This study shows that there is significant difference between student’s pretest and post-test scores of the achievement of B.Ed. students for course 103. Hence this study reveals that various times management techniques are effective in examination for writing answer in given time.

 “There are no secrets to success; it is the result of preparation,

                                                hard work and learning from failure”                                                                                                                                                 - General Collin Powell

Ahuja Ram, (2001). Research methods - Jaipur and New Delhi, Rawat publications. Khandai Hemanta kumar, (2004). Action research in education and Adult Education- Ambala, The Associated Publishers. Kothari C.R., (2009). Research methodology – New delhi, New age international (P) limited, Publishers. McNiff Jean & Whitehead Jack, (2009). Doing and writing Action research- New Delhi, Sage Publication. Y.C.M.O.U. ,(2009). Handbook of Action research- Nashik, Y.C.M.O.U.

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Dipali Patil

Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 296 - 299

 India has population but not sufficient human resources.Many people have knowledge but not a job because lack of skill.Today’s education system based on knowledge.Skill based curriculum should apply.Skill is the base of better human life also.

Hind, D. and Moss, S. (2011) Employability skills. Sunderland, Business Education Publishers Ltd.

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Pornima Ganesh Kadam & Sulbha Deshpande

Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 300 - 307

 As we are living in the “Era of Globalization”. Each field of the society is affected by globalization in many ways. It creates variety of complex trends in the economic, social and cultural fabrics of all societies. We live in an intensely interdependent world in which all immense differences of culture and historical experience are compressed together in instant communication. The international transactions in services are defined as the economic output of intangible commodities that may be produced, transferred and consumed at the same time. Traditionally services are viewed as domestic activities due to direct contact between producer and consumer and government monopoly in infrastructure sector. The emerging digitization concept has altered this perception. The ascent of information and communication technology has given rise to e-commerce, e-banking, e-learning, e-medicine and e-governance. So, it is argued that government finds it increasingly difficult to cope up with technology-driven activities. Because of that Nowadays Education has turned out to be a commodity of international trade. It is no more a public good on domestic scale, but a private good on global scale. Globalization brings education to the front lines. In the prevailing discourse, education is expected to be the major tool for incorporation into the „knowledge society‟ and the technological economy. In this paper writer want to throw light on effects of globalization on teaching and learning. Key words: Globalization, Effects, Teaching, Learning 

Globalization Of Education, By K V Sagar, 23 September, 2005, Outsourcing of Indian Education, Pratap Bhanu Mehta - 6/17/2006, an_students_7692/ Globalization, Liberalization, Privatization, and Indian Polity: Education, By Ramesh Chandra. Indian Education System by Divya. ineering_education_sector. ?Globalization and Exclusion: The Indian Context ?, By P. Radhakrishnan, Global Asia, Vol 4 no.1, Spring 2009.

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Kaluram Nathu Bhise

Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 308 - 310

 Information and Communication technologies are diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate and to create, disseminate, store and manage information.In general we are thinking about ICT and its tools for developing quality in higher education in the area of Teacher Education.ICT is emerging as major tool for learning and teaching. With the help of this we can try to enhance the quality of education. ICT is also a major tool for developing quality. From one of the survey is clear that the average rate of retention is high when learner through listening and even more by seeing. The learning Pyramid is indicates that how ICT is useful in teaching and learning. Learning Pyramid People retain only 20% of what they see and 30% of what they hear. But they remember 50% of what they see and hear and as much as 80% of what they see, hear and do simultaneously (Nagmoti, 2011).“The professional development  of teachers is a broad area which includes any activity or process intent on improving dexterity, attitudes, understanding  or involvement in current or future roles” (Fullan, 1990).It is essential that the teacher educators to learn new roles and ways of teaching that translate into a long-term developmental process requiring teachers to focus on changing their own practice

Fullan,M.(1990), Change Forces: Probing the Depths of Educational Reform, London: Falmer Press. Nagmoti,Pankaj(2009), Instructional System,Nashik: Grishma Publication.

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Priya Kale

Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 311 - 316

“A painter knows what he wants to paint, a sculptor knows what he wants to sculpt but the sad truth is that today’s teacher do not know what the goal of their teaching is!”

-          Swami Vivekananda1 

Swami RANGANATHANANDA, Complete works of Swami Vivekananda- Abridged ,Mylapore, Chennai, 2000, Vedanta Press. Assessment and Evaluations, P.G. Pnog Instructional system Design - Instructional Technology, V.K. Rao Computer fundamentals, Arora Bansal Information and communication, Dr. Kishor Chavan Information Technology, Nandkishore ABC of internet, Crumlish Christian - Fun of computer, Singh and Sukhvir ICT strategies for school, Mohenty Laxman

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Vrushali Rokade

Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 317 - 319

 The knowledge society is a work in progress in which society requiring significant investment in harnessing skills, technology and learning.  Knowledge society is a society where creating, sharing, and using knowledge is key factors in the prosperity and well being of its people. To improve the quality in the teacher education, knowledge management will playan important role as now quality in higher education is need of hour.  The mushrooming teacher education colleges have to undergo through NAAC.  Accreditation of NAAC will definitely improve the quality of teacher education colleges.  The process of undergoing NAAC require a team work with total affords from each member of the team.  Here the knowledge management plays a very important role.  The skills, tools, techniques use for the preparing for NAAC can be smoothly done through  knowledge management

A systems thinking framework for knowledge management, Dr. Bonnie Rubenstein-Montano is an Assistant Professor, Vol 31, issue 1, May 2001, page 5-16 Knowledge management support for teacher, J.M. Carroll, C. W. Choo

Nivedita & Anju Rani

Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 320 - 330

 “Give to every human being every right that you claim for yourself".  

Robert G. Ingersoll

These words are reflecting the need and significance of human rights for an individual himself / herself and as his duty for the rights of other human beings around. So it\'s not only our duty to be aware about our own right, but we should also take it as our duty to preserve the right of others by making them aware of it. Human rights have been a very burning issue around the globe from last few years. With time being need was felt for the protection of human rights,and for the accomplishment of the same various steps were taken and human rights were declared legal. The present paper throws light on the human rights, theirnature, need and awareness among the B.A. and B.Ed. students.

Keywords: Human Rights, Education


Ahmann, J. S. (1968). Testing student Achievement and Aptitude. Washington: The Centre for Applied Research in Education Inc. Dr.VishalSood and Dr.(Mrs.) ArtiAanad (2012) " Human Rights" Awareness test" National Psychology Corporation, Bhargava Bhavan, KacheriGhat, Agra. Bhargava, M. (2012). Modem psychological testing and Measurement. Agra: H. P. Bhargava Book House. Bhargava, M. and Aradhana (2008). Prospects of Human Rights'. Agra: RakhiPrakashan. Chhabra, Prem (2005). A- Study of Awareness about Human Rights' in Rural and Urban Areas. M. Ed Dissertation, Shimla: H. P. University. Garrett, H.E. and Woodworth, R.S. (2008) Statistics in psychology and Education. New Delhi: Surjeet publications. Guilford, J. P. (1954). Psychometric Methods, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publication Co. Ltd. Jain, S. P. and Jain, M. (2012). MulyaShikshaAurShikshanUska, Agra: H. P. Bhargava Book House.