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Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 264 - 267
The purpose of research is to inform action. Research must always be of high standard in order to construct knowledge that is relevant or appropriate outside of the research setting with inference that goes beyond the group that has participated in the research. Furthermore, the finding of the study should have implications for policy and project implementation. From the past few years there is rapid increase in the research work. So it is a duty on the part of teacher to conduct and guide his/her students for quality research. There should be some competencies in teacher that help him to conduct a quality research. The present theoretical paper highlights the basic competencies of teacher that helps in quality research.
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Pooja Arora
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 268 - 274
Teachers are among the oldest of society’s occupational groups. The status of teaching as a profession, however, has developed in comparatively recent times since this profession involves activities which are essentially intellectual. Besides this quality this profession commands a body of specialized knowledge requires extended professional preparation, exalts service above personal gain and last but not the least demands continues in-service growth. A teacher engages himself in a variety of in-service growth activities but the most important one is research and writing because research influences the kind of teaching a teacher is doing but the gulf between the two can at times seem large. This paper examines the value of teacher research which lays the bases or foundation for nurturing professional and personal growth through inquiry.
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Ms.K.Uma Devi
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Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 284 - 290
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Prof. Dipali Mehakarkar
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 291 - 295
– Errol Morris
The present study was the study of the effect of workshop on time management during examination for writing answers of course 103 of B.Ed. students. The study was conducted on students of MIT School of Education & Research, Kothrud, Pune, it was an action research. For this study experimental method is used and research design was Single group pretest- post pest. This study shows that there is significant difference between student’s pretest and post-test scores of the achievement of B.Ed. students for course 103. Hence this study reveals that various times management techniques are effective in examination for writing answer in given time.
“There are no secrets to success; it is the result of preparation,
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Dipali Patil
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 296 - 299
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Pornima Ganesh Kadam & Sulbha Deshpande
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 300 - 307
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Kaluram Nathu Bhise
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 308 - 310
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Priya Kale
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 311 - 316
“A painter knows what he wants to paint, a sculptor knows what he wants to sculpt but the sad truth is that today’s teacher do not know what the goal of their teaching is!”
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Vrushali Rokade
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 317 - 319
Nivedita & Anju Rani
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2015 | Volume/Issue:1/3 | Page No.: 320 - 330
These words are reflecting the need and significance of human rights for an individual himself / herself and as his duty for the rights of other human beings around. So it\'s not only our duty to be aware about our own right, but we should also take it as our duty to preserve the right of others by making them aware of it. Human rights have been a very burning issue around the globe from last few years. With time being need was felt for the protection of human rights,and for the accomplishment of the same various steps were taken and human rights were declared legal. The present paper throws light on the human rights, theirnature, need and awareness among the B.A. and B.Ed. students.
Keywords: Human Rights, Education