Downloads: 68
B.P. Singh
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 643 - 649
Downloads: 83
Yashpal D. Netragaonkar
Received Date: 14/07/2014 | Accepted Date: 10/09/2014 | Published Date: 04/10/2014
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 650 - 659
This report explores an importance of the Computer technology and Computer Assisted Instruction. Computer technology and Computer Assisted Instruction, Computer Mediated Instruction, play an important role in quality improvement in teacher Education. This article explains how the quality improved by using Computer technology and Computer Assisted Instruction. Further it explores the steps which are useful for designing the CAI program. In this compilation an investigator explains the principles, skills, and values of CAI. Effective use of Computer technology and Computer Assisted Instruction program leads to develop some characteristics those characteristics were also discussed which may yield a drastic quality improvement in teacher Education is also discussed.Some recommendations are made by investigator which will lead to bring up quality improvement in Teacher Education by using Computer technology and Computer Assisted Instruction program.
Keywords: - Computer Technology, Quality, Teacher Education
Downloads: 71
Shabir Ahmad Bhat & Yashpal D Netragaonkar
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 660 - 669
Downloads: 72
Javeed Ahmad Puju & Yashpal D Netragaonkar
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 670 - 676
Downloads: 101
Snehlata Verma & Yeshee Dorzi
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 677 - 689
Downloads: 69
Kashmir Singh
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 690 - 696
Downloads: 105
Atulkumar M. Parmar
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 697 - 705
Downloads: 93
Kuldeep Singh Katoch & Sh. Sunil Kumar
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 706 - 717
Downloads: 90
Naginder kaur
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 730 - 739
Downloads: 7
Navdeep Kaur
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 740 - 746
Fredrick Mukoma kalui & Linda .A. Okeyo
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 747 - 763
Downloads: 96
Fredrick .Mukoma Kalui & Joab Anyika Mbakaya
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 764 - 785
Downloads: 89
P. Bharathi
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 786 - 793
Downloads: 348
Ghanshyam Singh Soni
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 794 - 804
Downloads: 92
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 805 - 810
Downloads: 81
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 811 - 815
Downloads: 65
Mr. Jaivardhan Singh Rathore
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 816 - 829
Downloads: 61
Barkat Aftab Ahmed Khalid Ahmed
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 830 - 839
Downloads: 72
Pushpa Devi Seth& Vishakha Shukla
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 840 - 843
Downloads: 52
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 844 - 852
Downloads: 66
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 853 - 860
Downloads: 89
Nilkanth Giri
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 949 - 951
Downloads: 1797
K. Mohammed Basheer
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 952 - 964
Downloads: 2
Mr. Sachin J. Sakhare
Received Date: 12/08/2014 | Accepted Date: 20/09/2014 | Published Date: 04/10/2014
Issue: Aug-Sep, 2014 | Volume/Issue:1/5 | Page No.: 965 - 963
Education is the continuous process basically focused on facilitating learning, acquisition of knowledge, various skills, values, beliefs, habits, and personal development to all. The present conceptual paper is emphasis on the Constructivism concept, importance and strategies of adopting constructivism in the teaching and learning process. Now a days our current education system emphasizes on students centric Teaching-Learning. The conventional teacher centric teaching learning process emphasizing on memorization is usually adopted across length and breadth of Indian schools. This paper sketches the need to redefine education to include more creative thinking by adopting constructivist pedagogy. The paper also proposes the important aspects such as various strategies and need based learning in teaching-learning process for adoption of constructivism approach in the classrooms, besides this it also outlines the learning strategies and learning design required for successful implementation of constructivism in teaching learning process.
The present paper imbibes the Constructivist Teaching-Learning Strategies for Enhancing Geographical Concepts with prime objectives are (i) To understand the concept of Constructivism Approach. (ii) To discuss the Importance of Constructivist Teaching-Learning Strategies for Enhancing Geographical Concepts. (iii) To illustrate the Role of Teachers in implementing the Constructivism Approach for Geography Subject.
The methodology of the research is a different type involving an interpretative, conversation and study secondary sources, like books, articles, journals, thesis, university news, expert opinion, and websites, etc.