An International Peer Reviewed

Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Jul - Aug, 2012, Vol-1/1

Impact Factor: 0.00

ISSN: 2278-8808

Date: 2012-07-04

Downloads: 81

Development of Emotional Quotient

Bichukale Bhagyshri S

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 13 - 17

 The following report explores the role of parents in recently developed term Emotional Quotient (E. Q.), Education is a powerful instrument of social change and economic change; it is related to the long- term National development. Education also plays a crucial and important role in development of children. Before thinking the problem in mind we have to must think over the children’s behavior. Why children’s or students behave in a particular way? Why did they behave in this manner? What is the reason behind their failure or success? The answer for this problem is too. Which with Emotional Intelligence (E. I.) was introduced by Daniel Golman E. Q. is the long way process of development in child’s and adolescence. It plays far more vital role in carrier success of Childs than I. Q. In this content which factors are responsible to decline one’s E. Q. How it affects on academic achievements of students. In this compilation, how parents may play a vital role to incline their child’s/ E. Q is discussed.
The paper further tried to make clarify the difference between E. I. versus E. Q., Followed by emotional quotient development programme.
Key words: Development, Emotional Quotient

Daniel Goleman (1995). Emotional intelligence. Bantan books: New York. Kapoor Maluika (1997). Mental health in Indian School. Sage publication: New Delhi. Mangal S. K. (2006), Advanced Educational psychology, Princntice Hall: New Delhi.

Downloads: 66

Education in Creating India a Knowledge Based Society

J D Singh

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 18 - 25

 Knowledge enables an individual to think, to analyze and to understand the existing situation, and the inter-linkages and externalizations of each action. It empowers an individual to form his or her own opinion, to act and transform conditions to lead to a better quality of life. Knowledge societies are generally characterized with the ability to create, share upon the general well-being of the people as well as making it possible for them to prosper. The knowledge-based society can offer tremendous potential for reducing social exclusion, both by creating the economic conditions for greater prosperity through higher levels of growth and employment. The Indian education system improvement is required at many levels– from primary schools to higher education and research institutions of national excellence. At all levels, there is a need to improve both access and excellence. Research in the field of the human social sciences plays a fundamental role in understanding and managing the many ways in which society is currently changing. The increasing extent of services in the pace of technological changes, the advanced level of information and knowledge, as well as the size of the industrial and social re-organizations, all give good arguments in favor of the knowledge based society. ICT is used to ensure rapid, cost effective and reliable communication, networking and access to and publication of information which, in turn, is used to enhance productivity, education and development. In a society of the future, education will play an essential role in creating the new way of life specific to knowledge and learning based society. In order to create a world class knowledge society, every one of us has to be knowledge worker. This paper describes the importance of creating a knowledge based society for making India a powerful country.


*** (2012). Blinder, AS (2000), The Internet and the New Economy, Dixit, Kunda. "Does Information Technology Promote Knowledge". Retrieved from Government of Ireland (2006), Strategy for Science Technology and Innovation 2006-2013. The Stationary Office, Dublin. Available at: International Telecommunication Union (2009), Measuring the Information Society -The ICT development index. Retrieved from New Knowledge Commission (2009), “Report to the Nation, 2006-2009”, Government of India. Pohjola M (Ed.), (2000), Information Technology, Productivity, and Economic Growth. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Spence, M (2008), The Growth Report: Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development. Commission on growth and development. Retrieved September 24, 2008, from Stehr, N. (1994b) : Knowledge Societies. London. UNESCO (2005), Towards Knowledge Societies: UNESCO world report.
Literate Society: Need of Time

Satish Shirsath

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 40 - 44

 Education leads to expected change in human beings. Though education comprises non formal and informal streams, there is a general conception that education lies in formal stream. The meaning of literacy changes place to place & time to time. It should be continued. Otherwise there is a fear that re-lapsation of it will lead to illiteracy again. In the current scenario of globalization many more aspects are needed to be studied by a person; at least fundamentals of many things should be known to persons. The institutions providing no formal education can fulfill this requirement. In this case literacy (not mere alphabetical) can be described as imparting & acquiring fundamental aspects in particular area. After independence, we tried to make our nation self-sufficient. Time has come to make individuals self-sufficient. For that, there is a need to make each individual literate. It can lead to Literate Society.

‘Broader and complementary definitions’, available at: http:// (accessed 20/10/2011). ‘Literacy’, available at: ibid (accessed 20/10/2011). ‘Literacy in India’, available at: http:// (accessed 20/10/2011). Urser Danney. (accessed 20/10/2011). Phule, Mahatma Jotirao (1883), Shetkaryacha Asud (original Marathi Book) translated by Asha Mundlay ( cultivator’s whipcord) in collected works of Mahatma Jotirao Phule, Vol.3. Mahatma Jotirao Phule Source Material publication committee, Govt. of Maharashtra, Editor – Hari Narke (2002). Lokhande, Dhananjay (1998), Samajkrantiche Agradoot : Gadgebaba, University of Pune Publication, Pune, P.7.

Downloads: 71

A Study of Students’ Perception and Quality in M. Ed. Course of S. N. D. T. Women’s University Pune Campus, Pune.

Punekar M. B.

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 45 - 53

 Today’s age is known as age of quality. Each and every sector wants quality it’s their products and services. In education also, quality is a buzzard from primary to higher level education. In the globalization, ‘survival is the fittest’ is a mantra of the world. In India, out of 200 universities in the world, only two universities are ranked. That means the quality of higher education is very poor. For the improvement of higher education, monitoring of the quality of education is essential. In the present study the researcher have attempted to know the quality of M. Ed. course conducted by the S.N.D.T. Women’s University Pune Campus. The statement of the problem is to study of students’ perception of quality in M. Ed course of S.N.D.T. Women’s University Pune Campus Pune. Research method includes ‘Survey method’ was used to find out students’ perception of quality in M.Ed. Course. The tools prepared for the data collection are consists of ‘Questionnaire’ was used to find out students’ perception of quality in M.Ed. Course of S.N.D.T. Women’s University Pune Campus Pune. The questions were based on various parameters of the NACC.
Key words: Perception, Quality, in M. Ed. Course, S. N. D. T. Women’s University.

Downloads: 83

Effectiveness of Human Rights Education Awareness Programme

Yashpal D. Netragaonkar

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 54 - 60

 The focus of this study is to create the awareness of Human Rights education and to find out the effectiveness of Human Rights education awareness programme and to find out the opinions about developed Human Rights education awareness programme for 8th and 9th std students. Experimental research methodology has been used for this study and single group design has been used for the research study. Forty for 8th and 9th std students are selected from entire population by incidental sampling method. The awareness test i.e. pre-test and post-test tools and questionnaire are used for collection of data. To find out the effectiveness and awareness of Human Rights education programme the hypotheses are formulated. H-0: There is no Significant difference between means score of experimental group and control group taught by Human Rights education awareness programme. H0: 1 No difference existing between observed frequencies and expected frequencies. The findings of the study are developed Human Rights education awareness programme enhances the Human Rights Knowledge and information among the 8th and 9th std students and opinions of students are positive towards the developed Human Rights education programme.
Key words: Effectiveness, Human rights education programme

Downloads: 60

Total Quality Management in Higher Education

Naginder kaur

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 61 - 70

TQM in higher education has now become the major concern of education in the 21st century. TQM can help a school or college provide better service to its primary customers-students and employer’s .The continuous improvement focus of TQM is a fundamental way of fulfilling the accountability requirements common to education reform. The quality of education is judged by kind of humans it produces, and takes quality as a holistic concept. The two hidden dimensions of TQM are total quality and quality management. Here the basic tents of TQM have been minutely examined by expressing views of Deming, Crosby Juran, Saylor, Yudof and Busch vishnian etc .who did pioneering work in establishing the significance of TQM
Key Words: TQM, Higher Education 

Downloads: 66


Nidhi Kakkar

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 85 - 89

The most common place for people to learn about HIV and AIDS is at school. Due to their capacity and universality, schools are a crucial setting for educating young people about AIDS. As young people are at a high risk of becoming infected with HIV, it is vital that they are educated about HIV transmission before they are exposed to situations that put them a risk of HIV infection (e.g. before they are sexually active). Schools play a major role in shaping the attitudes, opinions and behaviors of young people and so are ideal environments for teaching the social as well as the biological aspects of HIV and AIDS. The present study is an attempt to find the opinion of mothers’ and teachers’ about the implementation of AIDS Education at school. For this 100 mothers and 100 teachers were taken and compare their opinions. Both have the opinion that AIDS education is very important at school level. Present study is valuable for teachers and parents so that they aware their children about this disease at right age and time in schools as well as at homes.
Key Words: AIDS education, opinion. 

Downloads: 100


Mehtab Singh & Dhanwinder kaur

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 90 - 99

The present study is designed to investigate use of low cost-no cast teaching material by elementary school teachers in teaching of science. The descriptive survey method was used in the study. The study was delimited to the elementary schools of Moga District of Punjab. In order to conduct the study, 50 government elementary schools were selected randomly from Moga district of Punjab. The data was collected from the 100 science teachers of the schools. A self constructed check list was used to collect the data. Average, percentage was used for data analysis. The main findings show that 53% of elementary schools have availability of low cost/ no cost teaching material and 47% of elementary schools do not have low cost/ no cost teaching material, 47% teachers involve themselves in preparation of low cost/ no cost teaching material, whereas 53% of teachers do not involve themselves in preparation of low cost/ no cost teaching material, 49% of elementary school science teachers use low cost/ no cost teaching material, whereas 51% of elementary school science teachers do not use low cost no cost teaching material in teaching of science and It was founded 88% of science teachers believed that low cost/ no cost teaching material is helpful in changing behavior of students, whereas 12% of science teachers think that low cost/ no cost teaching material is not helpful in bringing change in students’ behavior. Keyword:Low Cost, No Cost, Teaching Material, Elementary School, Science 

Downloads: 77

India Wait Multi National Universities for the Development of Qualitative Higher Education

Jagjit Singh

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 91 - 96

Quality is an important issue in Higher Education. Despite a vast network, the institutions that are in focus on the world or nation ranking are very few. There is an apprehension that Indian HEIs cannot produce ‘world class’ institution to compete in present day context. While many universities in India provide general as well as professional education, there are some universities which exclusively provide professional education, and some exclusively general. No plan for the future development of the country can be deemed to be complete which does not provide for quality education. So Government of India decides to introduce Foreign Education Instructional Bill for the development of qualitative Higher Education. The proposed Bill mentioned that FEIs are going to enjoy complete freedom to set curriculum, charge fee whatever they feel appropriate and the Reservation Quota law will not be applicable to Foreign Universities setting up campus. Many educationalist and political parties criticize this bill to provide complete freedom to the foreign universities. But If we go by the history of globalization in India we see that a section of people and political parties were against the entrance of Multi National Companies in India. Some people also had the view that the MNC\'s will take over Indian companies and will rule Indian markets. When we see the results today it is altogether different.
Keywords: Multinational Universities, Qualitative, Higher Education. 

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Level of Academic Achievement in Hindi among Class IV Students in Four Districts of Himachal Pradesh

Anil Kumar Agnihotri

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 97 - 101

Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) has been accepted as a national goal in India since Independence. The founding fathers of Indian Constitution recognized UEE as a crucial input for nation building. In this context, about 60 years ago, Article 45 of the Indian Constitution (1950) stated that: The State shall endeavour to provide, within a period of ten years from the commencement of this Constitution, for free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of fourteen years. When the target could not be achieved till 2001, Indian Government started its flagship programme named as `The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ in 2001. It was, therefore, thought worthwhile to undertake the present piece of research with an objective to evaluate the `National Program of Universal Elementary Education’ known as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) launched in 2001 in Himachal Pradesh with respect to quality improvement at elementary Stage.
Keywords: Evaluation, Academic Achievement, Hindi, National Policy, Education for All 

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Relationship between Currency Depreciation and Output Growth in Pakistan -A Time Series Study

Kanchan Datta

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 1 - 12

Generally it is believed currency depreciation of a country has a positive that is expansionary impact on its output and aggregate demand. Since devaluation lowers the export prices and raises the prices of import and this leads to an improvement in the foreign sector of the economy. The improvement in the foreign sector raises output and employment in the overall economy. Thus currency devaluation or depreciation has a positive effect on its output. On the other hand it is also found that currency depreciation may not necessarily increase the level of output especially in a less developed economy. Since Exchange rate depreciation raises the cost of imported inputs, leading to a decrease in aggregate supply. Under these circumstances in this paper investigates the effects of currency depreciation on the growth of output of the economy of Pakistan for the time period 1993 to 2009. This study finds Currency depreciation has expansionary effect on output growth in the short run but in the long run currency depreciation is contractionary on output growth in the economy of Pakistan.
Key Words: Currency Depreciation, Real Effective Exchange Rate, Output Growth, Pakistan 

Downloads: 69

Effectiveness of Android Mobile Technology in Teaching Science

Dr. Jayshree Airekar

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 113 - 119

There is enormous increase in the impact of mobile on daily life of human.
Today is a age of ICT. Due to the widespread of ICT change both teaching &
learning. The main objectives of present study were 1) To check the opinion of
students towards Android Mobile Technology 2) To study the effectiveness of Android
Mobile Technology in Teaching Science. Experimental study was followed to check
the effectiveness of Android Mobile Technology. Study was used the both qualitative
& quantitative analysis. The target of population of this research was B.Ed. students
the nature of the study how ever required that the training college & students was
purposively selected. Researcher used equivalent group post test design. For data
collection researcher used student opinionarry about mobile technology & post test.
Following null hypotheses were formulated. There is no significant difference in
effectiveness of Android mobile technology on the students achievement of science
content. The finding of first objectives shows that Android technology is one of the
innovative pedagogies to be adopted in the classroom instruction in order to deliver
the important information in a structured & organized way so that will fill happy &
learn with happiness. Android mobile technology offers joyful learning which is needof the hours. The finding of second objectives shows that result of analysis are stated
that there is significant impact of Android mobile technology on students achievement.
Hence null hypothesis is rejected.
Keywords : Android, 3G Multimedia, Content storage technology, content transfer

Attewell, J. & Savill-Smith, C. (2003). Mobile Learning and Social Inclusion : Focusing on learners and Learning. 2. Hayes, P., Joyce. D & Pathak P. (2004). Ubiquitous learning an application of mobile technology in education. In Cantoni & McLaughlin (eds). Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2004. Lugano, Switzerland. 3. Mangal, S.K. (2012). Statistics in Psychology & Education, New Delhi, Phi learning ltd. 4. Mithuchanmy & K. Thiyages, (2011) 3G Mobile Technology in Education, Association of Indian University, New Delhi.

Downloads: 94

Role of Foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign institutional investors (FII) in India


Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 120 - 134

Net foreign direct investment (FDI) flows into India reached 123,378 crore in the year 2010-11, it
means increase of 147% of the 18486 crore recorded during 2000-01, with the largest share of FDI
flows from Mauritius, followed by the United States and the United Kingdom. This paper examines
FDI in India, in the context of the Indian economic and regulatory environment. This paper present
FDI trends in India, by country and by sectors during the post liberalization period that is 2000 to
2010 year, using official government data from Indian official government internet site like that of
RBI, SEBI. To illustrate the driving forces behind these trends, the study also discusses the
investment climate in India, Indian government incentives to foreign investors, the Indian regulatory
environment as it affects investment, and the effect of India’s global, regional, and bilateral trade
agreements on investment from top 10 FDI investing countries. Finally, the study examines global
FDI in India’s in top 10 sectors of industry.
Institutional Investor is any investor or investment fund that is from or registered in a country
outside of the one in which it is currently investing. Institutional investors include hedge funds,
insurance companies, pension funds and mutual funds. The growing Indian market had attracted the
foreign investors, which are called Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) to Indian equity market, andthis paper present try to explain the impact and extent of foreign institutional investors in Indian
stock market and examining whether market movement can be explained by these investors. It is
often hear that whenever there is a rise in market, it is explained that it is due to foreign investors\'
money and a decline in market is termed as withdrawal of money from FIIs. This paper tries to
examine the influence of FII on movement of Indian stock exchange during the post liberalization
period that is 2000 to 2010.

Downloads: 83


M.S.Rohokale, Dr. D.R .Pangavane

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 145 - 153

 Automotive Industry demands the robustness of the designed vehicle which suits the needs or
expectations of the potential customers. Characteristicssuch as costs, design appeal, cabin
comfort, infotainment functionality, agility,passive safety, theft deterrence, reliability or
sustainability are the main factors inthe purchasing decision. Instead of vehicle engines power
and torque, the customer cares about vehicles acceleration, maximum speed, wind noise and the
energy costs. Nowadays, transportation safety efforts focus on crashworthiness, crash
avoidance,driver performance, and highway construction. Over the past decade automakershave
added many features to help the driver avoid a crash, such as anti-lockbraking systems, traction
control devices and daytime running lamps. Vehiclesalso include many crashworthiness features
such as rigid steel occupant-cellssurrounded by strategically placed, energy absorbing
components.In addition,vehicles are equipped with an impressive array of restraint systems such
asenergy-absorbing steering columns, three-point belts, front and side air bags andhead
restraints to reduce the risk of injury.
Keywords: Vehicle Crashworthiness, transportation safety, Automotive Industry, etc

John D. Graham, “Technology, Behavior and Safety: An Empirical Study of Automobile Occupant Protection Regulation”, Journal of Policy Sciences, Elsevier Science Publishers, Vol.17, pp. 141-151, 1984. Winnicki, John and Eppinger, Rolf, ”A Method for Estimating the Effect of Vehicle Crashworthiness Design Changes on Injuries and Fatalities”, NHTSA Technical Report, pp. 1-30, 1998. William T. Hollowell, Hampton C. Gabler, Sheldon L. Stucki, Stephen Summers and James R. Hackeney, “Updated Review of Potential Test Procedures for FMVSS No. 208”, Office of Vehicle Safety Research, pp. 1-122, 1999. D. Friedman and C E Nash, “Measuring Rollover Roof Strength for Occupant Protection”, International Journal of Crash, Vol.8, Issue No. 1, pp. 97-105, 2003. M. Lindquist, A. Hall and U. Bjornstig, “Real World Car Crash Investigations- A New Approach”, International Journal of Crash, Vol.8, Issue No. 4, pp. 375-384, 2003. Paul Du Bois, Clifford C. Chou, Bahig B. Fileta, Tawfik B. Khalil,, Albert I. King, Harold F. Mahmood and JacWismans, “Vehicle Crashworthiness and Occupant Protection”, Edited by Priya Prasad and Jamel E. Belwafa, American Iron and Steel Institute, Michigan, 2004.

Downloads: 75


Amit kauts and Veenu Anand

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 154 - 168

The present study attempts to study the effect of Emotional intelligence of Principals on Organizational Climate of secondary schools. The sample consisted of 20 schools with male and 20 schools with female principals from government and private schools of Hoshiarpur and Jalandhar district. Out of selected schools, 20 teachers were taken from each school and investigation was carried out on 480 teachers to whom Organizational Climate questionnaire was administered. The obtained data was analyzed with the help of 2x2 analysis of variance. Teachers headed by female principals experienced more disengagement and alienation than the institution headed by the male principals. Teachers headed by highly emotionally intelligent principals experienced more disengagement, esprit, controls, humanized thrust than the institution headed by the low emotionally intelligent principals. Teachers working in schools with female principals having high emotional intelligence showed more alienation than the teachers working in schools with male principals having high emotional intelligence. Teachers working in schools with female principals having low emotional intelligence showed more alienation than teachers working in schools with male principals having high emotional intelligence.
Key words: Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Climate 

Bar-On, R. (1997). Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I): Technical Manual. Toronto, Canada: Multi-Health Systems. Barth, R. (2000). Improving schools from within: Teachers, parents and principals can make a difference. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Brown, B.L. (1999). Emotional Intelligence: Keeping Your Job. Trends and Issues, Alert No. 9. (ERIC Reproduction Service No. ED 435041). Caruso, D., & Salovey, P. (2004). The emotionally intelligent manager. How to develop and use the four key emotional skills of leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-bass. Chakraborti, M. (1990). A study of the organizational climate of secondary schools in West Bengal and its correlation with other relevant variables. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Calcutta. Reproduced from Fifth Survey of Educational Research, Vol. II, NCERT, New Delhi.

Downloads: 89


Khalid Bashir

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 169 - 187

This paper epitomises the struggle and the defeat of Humayun by the rising powers of India. The empire whose foundation was so arduously laid by Babur was nevertheless precarious and unstable in character. As soon as Humayun ascended the throne, he found himself surrounded by the difficulties on all sides in many ways. Babur had of course, defeated the Indian powers like the Rajputs, the Afghans etc., but he could not completely crush them. Babur could not do anything more than this short period of four years. In fact, the roots of Mughal dynasty had not yet gone deep into the Indian soil and were then, of course in firm. Muhammad Lodhi, Ibharim Lodhi‟s brother, had regained power in Bihar and eastern provinces after his defeat in the Battle of Gogra. Another Afghan Sardar Sher Khan had also consolidated his position considerably. Of the Afghan Sardars he was the most capable and intelligent leader, who was engaged day and night in consolidating and organising all the scattered Afghan power. On the other side, Bhadur Shah who was a very courageous and ambitious ruler had considerably improved strength, and was eagerly engaged in his effort to obtain the Delhi throne. The Rajputs too, had begun to reorganise their power after their defeats in the battles of Khanwa and Chanderi. According to Lanepoole, “His (Humayun‟s) name means fortunate and never was an unlucky sovereign so miscalled‟‟, As a matter of fact, the royal throne that he inherited from his father as his successor, was bed of throns and not that of roses.
Keywords: Life, battles and events. 

Downloads: 73


Gunvant B. Sangale & Venkat Wagwad

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 188 - 192

Downloads: 76


Somnath kirwale & Narayan Pandhure

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 193 - 197

Downloads: 62


Shivaji Laxman Nagargoje

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 198 - 200

Downloads: 59


Surendra Sundarrao Tandae

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 201 - 204

Downloads: 53


Gautam S. Ughade, Madhav N. Rode & Vilas Patil

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 205 - 210

Downloads: 143


Mr. Yatharth N. Vaidya

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 211 - 219

The present research paper proposes to study the renowned Indian writer, Ruskin Bond, in terms of his dearly love towards nature. No other Indian writer has expressed his/her love for nature/country in a better way than Ruskin Bond. To put it in his own words, the researcher puts the quote of Ruskin Bond as he himself has said, “I am as Indian as the dust of plains or the grass of a mountain meadow.” (Bond, VII – IX). The paper also distinguishes Bond‟s presentation of Nature from other Indian Writers. The researcher has taken into account select fiction of Ruskin Bond to ponder his love for nature. The researcher proposes to study the social, cultural, economic and geographical image of North India in the novels and short stories of Ruskin Bond. The researcher proposes to examine in what way Ruskin Bond has been able to do justice to the emotional development of his characters in such a setting. Ruskin Bond‟s case is not of dual inheritance but of double inheritance. Bond grew up in changing India and his loyalty always remained with and still remains with India. After the Independence most of the Britishers migrated to their native country but very few who were very old to migrate or who did not have financial support, stayed in India. Though most of English and Anglo Indian families returned to U.K., many of these families chose to remain in India. Ruskin Bond and his mother‟s family were among such „whites‟ settled into peaceful town Dehra. When others were passing through post colonial trauma of displacement, of loss of country, Friends and parents, of insecurity and of finance, Bond, it was only a trauma of a loss of identity. He tried to search his roots in India. (Aggarwal, 66-67) 

Downloads: 70


Ramarcha Prasad Pandey,

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 220 - 230

Teacher professional development has taken place in isolation and has been dependent upon input
from outside “experts” (Sandholtz, A companion of direct and indirect professional development
activities. Professional development for teachers is the range of formal and informal processes and
activities that teachers engage in both inside and outside of the school, in order to improve their
teaching knowledge and skills. As an alternative, collaborative action research actively involves
teachers in professional reflection, validates educators as producers of knowledge, and recognizes
their role in professional development and decision making. The value of teacher research is well
documented (Cochran–Smith & Lytle, Inside outside: teacher research and knowledge, Teachers
College Press, New York, 1993) but unless deliberate attempts to share findings are established, the
products of teacher research often remain within individual classrooms. Strategies to develop
collaborative research capabilities are needed. The ultimate goal of teacher professional development
is improving student learning outcomes. Research indicates that teachers have control over many
factors that influence motivation, achievement and behavior of their students. Therefore, professional
development focusing on effective classroom management will enhance a teacher’s skills and
performance in the classroom. Skills such as effective classroom management are vital to teaching
and require common sense, consistency, a sense of fairness and courage. The skills also require that
teachers understand the psychological and developmental levels of each student. The ability of
teachers to organize classrooms and manage the behavior of their students is critical for achieving
positive educational outcomes. Although sound behavior management does not guarantee effective
instruction, it establishes the environmental context that makes good instruction possible.
Reciprocally highly effective instruction reduces, but does not eliminate, classroom behavior
problems. Effective classroom management competencies also significantly influence the persistence
of new teachers in the classroom. Effective classroom management requires a comprehensive
approach that should include structuring the school and classroom environment, actively supervising
student engagement, implementing classroom rules, enacting procedures that encourage appropriate
behavior, using behavior reduction strategies and collecting and using data to monitor student
behavior and modifying classroom management procedures. Therefore in teacher preparation
programs greater emphasis needs to be placed on preparing teachers to be competent and efficient at
managing today’s classrooms with their diverse range of learners. This approach means not only
giving preservice teachers the intellectual understanding of the issuesinvolved but also providing
them supervised experience related to components of classroom management. The purpose of this
paper is to provide research and recommendations related to professional development of teachers,
specifically addressing the area of classroom management to improve learning outcomes

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Kulvinder Singh

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 231 - 245

The construction of the Karakoram Highway in the 1980s, which connected this once inaccessible region to Pakistan and rest of the world, changed the profile of the region.  Initially, it brought with it feelings of openness, connectivity, hope and business opportunities with China but it ushered in unprecedented socio-cultural and economic change in Gilgit and Baltistan.  It also altered work patterns as well as the social, political and cultural landscape, and agricultural practices and worst of all, it also brought with it outsiders, who have managed to spread fanaticism in the area and change the unique culture of the region which was strongly seeped in its Buddhist past.  Many residents complain that they were ill prepared to embrace the \'change\', these outsiders wish to impose.  Both Iranian Revolution and Talibanisation of Afghanistan have had deep impact in the region and have brought in clerics who are keen to establish their own brand of puritanical Islam in the region.The paper attempts to analyse the attempts of Pakistani establishment to forcibly assimilate Gilgit-Baltistan, a part of Pakistani occupied Kashmir into Pakistan by changing the demographic character and the local population’s violent reactions to these attempts at marginalising them.  The local inhabitants have a unique culture of their own and follow different strands of Shiaism.
Keywords: Northern Areas, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK), Shia, Jammu & Kashmir


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Vindeshwari Pawar

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 246 - 250

 The NCERT has looked upon the programme as an important innovation that can be woven into the entire curriculum. our aims of promoting values among the school going children, it is important to identify proper values for different stages viz. primary, middle and secondary education levels. National Policy on Education (1986) and National Curriculum Framework for School Education (2000) has also given the list of core values to be promoted at all the levels.  Value education may be imparted through direct as well as indirect methods. It can be woven in every activity of the school and also in every subject being taught. None of our textbooks are written with an aim to promote value-oriented education. We can integrate values with the lessons taught to students, whether English, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, Arts, Crafts or anything else. Value education is an integrated effort of parents or guardians, teachers and academic institutions. The academic institution and the home complement each other in imparting value education.
Keywords: Curriculum, School level, Type of Values, Value inculcation

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Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 251 - 255

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Balvant Parimal

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 256 - 269

 The objective of the research is to explore the relationship between depression and sexual identity among university students. Depression is a mental illness in which a person feels unhappy most of the time and may be unable to carry out daily activities. Sexual identity is understood in terms of how an individual identifies his/her gender and also his/her sexual preference. Individuals may identify themselves as a part of LGBTQ+ community. Survey questionnaire (Beck’s Depression Inventory II) and a structured interview of social disapproval to explore the society\\\'s perspectives towards the community, was used to collect the responses from the university students of Vadodara and Mumbai city. 200 responses were collected from Vadodara and Mumbai It was derived from the results that LGBTQ+ community has higher prevalence of depression as compared to Heterosexuals because of social stigma, stereotypes and discrimination prevailing in the society and hence, mental health of LGBTQ  is a concern for the society. Decriminalisation of section 377 for LGBTQ+ is one way of accepting LGBTQ people in the society. 
Keywords: Depression, Social Disapproval, Sexual Identity, Social Stigma

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Digambar Durgade

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 256 - 260

Downloads: 78


Digambar Durgade

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 256 - 270

Downloads: 77


Digambar Durgade

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 271 - 277

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Mohan Sakharam Kambale

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 278 - 282

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Alka Dutt & R. K. Sant

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 283 - 290

 The motivation behind this paper was to look at student impression of educating conduct and also the point was to look at if teacher\' attributes (\'instructive stage, masculinity plus education knowledge) might clarify contrasts over scholar impression to teacher. Educating conduct be concentrated as of exploration scheduled educating & educator adequacy viewpoint. Auxiliary student (\'N\'=7114), taught\' by 400 and above teacher in over the countries in the analysis. Review information were dissected utilizing attribute’ checks, K Wallis, U Mann \'W’et al., alteration & examining the impact sizes. Besides, relapse replica functional. Consequences demonstrated to educating conduct seen like adequate near great, contingent upon instruction conduct area and also demonstrated intriguing contrasts amid inferior auxiliary-teaching, higher auxiliary learning as-well-as professional teaching & making educators. An impact dimension qualities (r1U\'Measurement) extended somewhere in the range from 0.45-to-0.65, featuring the noteworthy impact of teacher\' teaching practice over 6-training abilities, such as: knowledge atmosphere, productive class room handling, clearness of guidance, enacting educating, separation and showing learning procedures. Those teachers by fewer educating knowledge be lone indicated top-attains. Discoveries as of relapse replica indicated to education stage have critical prescient impact over 6 education abilities area, principally pro men staffs. Notwithstanding, here a few areas women-staffs be seen via learners near outflank to men counter-parts.
Index Terms—School Students, Male and Female Students, Teachers, Teacher’s Experience Evaluation.

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Surendra Singh

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 291 - 302

Metals are vital, naturally selected cellular components that are required in several crucial biochemical processes for living organisms. Transition metal complexes are important in materials synthesis, catalysis, photochemistry, and biological systems. Medicinal chemistry can utilize the unique properties of metal ions in the search of new drugs. The utilization of metals and their salts for medicinal purposes has been present throughout history. With the advancement within the field of chemistry the role of transition metal complexes as therapeutic compounds is becoming increasingly important. Recent advances in chemistry have made possible formation of number of transition metal complexes with organic ligand of interest, which may be used as therapeutic agent. This review illustrates the role of metals and therefore the recent progress within the field of medicinal bioinorganic chemistry with new approaches to the look of innovative metal-based drugs and their application. Keywords: Metal Complexes, Metal-based Drugs, Medicinal Chemistry, Applications.

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Ragini Agrawal

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 291 - 294

This survey based research is related to the speculations of the farmers of district Etawah- UP; bout present tax regime under GST. The newly implemented indirect tax regime is influencing the agriculture industry and farmers. GST was a long-awaited tax reform since Independence, that was passed by both houses of Parliament including Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha and came into effect from 1st July 2017 across India. The GST Council has announced the 5 percent GST rates on agricultural products. The high rate of GST on farm machinery, including threshers, rotavators, laser levellers etc and agriculture implements, is likely to hit manufacturers and the farmers. At present, there is no excise duty and also no VAT on farm machines and implements in most of the states. Almost every farmer in the country use farm machinery and equipment either by taking it on rent or by purchasing, so the increase in prices of implements will increase their input cost. This will put an extra burden on farmers as manufacturers would be compelled to increase the prices. Thus, the imposition of taxes will act as a stumbling block in farm mechanization, which will hit farmers and ultimately affect the productivity. The move by the Central government to impose 12% duty on farm machinery agricultural farm machinery ( harvester equipment, tractor farm equipment, combine harvesters and tractors) will hit the industry hard as it will push the prices of the finished product, putting an extra burden on the farming community. The farmers were expecting the government to fix a GST rate of 5% which would have reduced the burden on farmers but that did not happen. The Farmers of District Etawah (UP), are disappointed by the taxation under GST ; As they were expecting relaxation on agricultural products and equipments. The present GST rates/ taxation policies for agriculture sector are being considered against farmer welfare, by the farmers of the district. Key Words : Speculation, agriculture sector, farm mechanization, GST.

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Shrimati Rekha Rana

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 295 - 301

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Shrimati Rekha Rana

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 302 - 306

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Ashwani Kumar

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 307 - 319

The position of women throws considerable light on the cultural development of any society. It can be taken as the reflection of the excellence viz. a viz. limitation of that particular society. Almost every nation in the world has its own cultural peculiarities and accomplishments, which it adores and feels proud of. Apart from the milestones achieved by a nation throughout its long-standing history, it sometimes falls short of the expected growth and advancements in every sphere. India has a unique and great history with unprecedented accomplishments in different fields, which it may boast of having achieved. Still, the nation despite of great progress in almost every sphere has some shortcomings or problems, which it faced at many a time throughout its growth. One of such problems of Indian society, according to many scholars is the inferior position accorded to women. They opine that the women generally do not enjoy equal status and their condition is far from satisfactory. The position and status of women in India according to them is low despite being considered and adored as “goddess” and “shakti”. At one hand, she is considered the embodiment of power or shakti but on the other, there is the concept of this power having to be controlled and channelized by her male counterpart. It has been a general notion that the foreign invasions were one of the major factors for the deterioration of the position and status of women in India as the nation in general and the northern part of the country, in particular, was prone to such repeated invasions. The present study, in this context, is aimed at probing the condition, status and position of Indian women during the age of the imperial Kushanas who were migrants from central China. The literary works compiled during the period under study supplemented by the epigraphic record of the contemporary period is the basis of the observation and analysis. Key Words: Kushanas, Rigveda, Brahamana, Smritis, Niyoga, Stridhana.

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Ruchi Jain

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 320 - 330

The concept of corporate governance gained wide popularity in 190S to improve the effectiveness of corporate enterprises. Attention on role of corporate governance in economic development came as a consequence of adopting market-based approaches in defining economic policies. It attempts to remove corporate failures and dis-satisfaction of the stakeholders. In the era of globalisation, corporate governance plays an important role. Since reliance on private sector increased, it led to greater concern on how corporations operate and control and how suppliers of funds get fair return on their investments. Corporate governance aims to achieve balance between all the interests present in corporations: management, shareholders and other stakeholders. The corporate governance framework ensures that timely and accurate disclosure is made on all material matters regarding the corporation, including the financial situation, performance and ownership. It ensures that corporate managers run their businesses successfully and take care of long-term interests of their stakeholders. It improves capital efficiency of companies and attempts to deploy their wealth in productive areas of the economy. Keywords: Corporate Governance, Corporate failures, Birla Committee Report, Scams/Scandals

Bates, Stephen (2010) 'How Polly Peck went from hero to villain in the City', The Guardian London, 26-08-2010. Beasley, Mark S., Joseph V. Carcello, Dana R. Harmanson and Terry L. Neal (2010) COsO Fraudulent Financial Reporting 1998-2007- An Analysis of U.S. Public Companies Kroll Global Fraud Report 2010

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Dazy Zarabi

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 331 - 347


Ganesh K, “Knowledge & Attitude of Mental Illness Among General Population of Southern India”, (2011), National Journal of Community Medicine ,Vol.2, Issue1. MandaPhuke , VaishaliMohite , Avinash H. Salunkhe , SangeetaPatil , MulaniAfsana, Ujwala Mane , “Assess the Knowledge, Attitude & Practices about Mental Illness among General Population”, (2016), International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, Vol.7; Issue: 1. Moshe Zohar, Suzy Floroand BaruchModan , “Attitudes toward Mental Disease

Balasaheb Namdev Khoman

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 348 - 353



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Vishw Prabha

Received Date: 15/07/2012 | Accepted Date: 20/08/2012 | Published Date: 01/09/2021

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 354 - 361

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Prof. Asha Natthuji Katekhaye

Received Date: 15/07/2012 | Accepted Date: 20/08/2012 | Published Date: 01/09/2012

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2012 | Volume/Issue:1/1 | Page No.: 362 - 374