An International Peer Reviewed

Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

- , 2014, Vol-II/VI

Impact Factor: 1.39

ISSN: 2278 – 8808

Date: 2014-01-01

Downloads: 81

International Situation of E-learning

Madhuri Ludbe

 E-learning is an inclusive term that describes educational technology which can
electronically or technologically supports learning and teaching. Bernard Luskin, a
pioneer of e-learning, advocates that the "e" should be interpreted to mean "exciting,
energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, extended, excellent, and educational" in addition to
"electronic." Parks suggested that the "e" should refer to "everything, everyone, engaging,
E-Learning is increasingly being suggested as an alternative to enhance traditional
educational approaches. It is the most recent evolution of distance learning – a learning
situation where instructors and learners are separated by distance, time or both. It uses
network technologies to create, foster, deliver, and facilitate learning, anytime and anywhere.
It can match the needs of non-traditional students; increase the educational facilities
available to students.
The emergence of E-learning is one of the most powerful tools available to the growing need
for education. Online education is rapidly increasing and becoming as a viable alternative
for traditional classrooms. According to a 2008 study conducted by the U.S Department of
Education, back in 2006-2007 academic years, about 66% of postsecondary public and
private schools began participating in student financial aid programs offered some distance
learning courses. Recent studies show that the effectiveness of online instruction is
considered equal to that of face-to-face classroom instructions but not as effective as the
combination of face-to-face and online methods.

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A Conceptual Paper on International situation of e- Learning

Prajakta Petkar, Anuradha Salvi

 Distance education has a history that spans almost two centuries (Spector, Merrill,
Merrienboer, & Driscoll, 2008), and this time period represents significant changes in how
learning occurs and is communicated. From basic correspondence through postal service to
the wide variety of tools available through the Internet, society has embraced new forms of
communication through the years. One such form, online learning is known to have a history
of access beginning in the 1980\'s whereas another term, referred to as e-Learning, does not
have its origins fully disclosed (Harasim, 2000). The design of different types of learning
environments can depend on the learning objective, target audience, access (physical, virtual
and/or both), and type of content. It is important to know how the learning environment is
used, and the influences of the tools and techniques that distinguish the differences in
learning outcomes as the technology evolves.

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Rajshree S. Rathod

 Today the concept of education has changed from teacher centered to student centered; more
importance is given to the overall development of the child. In this scenario of education
constructivist approach plays very important role.
National curriculum Framework (NCF) 2000 and 2005 by NCERT is developed by using
constructivist approach. Constructivism is basically a theory based on observations and
scientific study about how people learn.
There are many constructivist techniques among them Graphic organizers are very useful in
science method.
This research paper mainly focuses on development of training programme for student
teachers having history method. Experimental method is used for present study.
Graphic organizers prove to be an effective tool to reach all the students in a classroom. It
can be used as tool to create an interest among the students. It helps the students to organize
the material and also proves to be an effective tool while putting down answers in the papers
and thus helps them to score more. It can be used to all ages and all levels including primary,
secondary, higher secondary, and collage level also. It proves to be an effective tool for
bringing about active learning by the students in the classroom.

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Chavan Kalpana Swamirao, Sanjeev Sonawane & Valvi Nisha Jitendra

 In reflective practice, practitioners engage in a continuous cycle of self-observation and selfevaluation
in order to understand their own actions and the reactions they prompt in themselves and
in learners (Brookfield, 1995; Thiel, 1999).
Reflecting on teaching is frequently cited as a fundamental practice for personal and
professional development (Biggs, 2003; Boud et al., 1985; Lyons, 2002) Teaching changes
from one context to the next. The skills you develop in one tutorial session may be different
from those required in another, or while demonstrating, or in a lecturing environment.
Reflection is process in which lecturers become aware, or are supported to become aware, of
the theory and motives behind their own teaching, to reflect on this, and to take some
deliberate steps to develop (Gibbs, 1996).
This study will be focusing on to reflective process whether B.Ed training develop
attitude, skill in pre service teachers towards inclusive education through B.Ed. curriculum.
For that we suggested Johns’ structured reflection model which may help promote reflection
for pre-service teachers related to inclusive practices
Keywords: Reflective practices¸ Need of reflective practices, John’s model of reflective
practice for pre service teachers related to inclusive practices.

Downloads: 93

Blended Learning for effective remote Learning

Anita M. Belapurkar

 This paper explores about effective application of Blended Learning for Remote Learning.
This paper discusses how Blended Learning approach will help the teachers and institutions
to select most appropriate environment for remote learners. The author highlights
implications of important concepts in remote learning and blended learning. It discusses
about concept and pedagogies of remote learning , different aspects and benefits of blended
learning, It helps teachers to develop understandings and strategies to facilitate learning in a
blended environment.

Downloads: 70


Anuradha Salvi & Balaji Sitaram Raut

 Teaching and learning process is changing with a high speed and according to that certain
changes and required in education system. Teaching profession is changing required lot of
competences and abilities to handle the needs of changing world. Teacher training
programme provide the competency, performance & commitment areas the meet the demands
of changing world. To inculcate all this things many skillful methods and techniques are
used. But they are not enough to meet the demands of changing society. For improving
student-teachers academic achievement traditional classroom methods are used which are
not enough for their improvement. In education field constructive approach is used to uplift
students performance. For effective teaching and learning two or three methods are combine
and strategies are used for effective learning outcome. ICT and new innovative technique
have given the new light to the teaching and learning process.
In present paper blended learning and C.A.I. programme is used to the achievement of
Key words: Blended learning, traditional method

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Mr. Chandrakant Sakharam Lonkar

 In the advancement of various educational Apps, learning becomes edutainment and a fun
way process. Role of curriculum, teacher, learner and parent have been drastically changed.
The learner became self dependent in the era of Game based learning.GBL is a useful source
for learning English at home and in the school. Bente Meyer (2013) suggested that learning
material for English links content directly to the curriculum, to school work and to
assessment. The paper will discuss how GBL is an effective process to acquire core skills of
English. It will also consider about merits and demerits of GBL. GBL Increases
opportunities to bring together researchers, game developers, industry, education experts
and learners.
Keywords: Digital Games, Game Based Learning, Basic Skills, Language Learning,
Learner, professional practitioner.

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Usha Prakash More

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 An experimental study was conducted by the researcher in which the effectiveness of non
technological game based learning program was studied in teaching of Science to Std. V
students. The paper focused on using game based learning to improve students’ achievement
in Science. Based on the results of the study, it can be said that non-technology games play a
vital role in improving students’ achievement in Science. It also motivates the students to
learn, grabs their attention, creates friendly atmosphere in the classroom and promotes
healthy interactions in the classroom.
Keywords: Non-technology game based learning, Science, achievement of students

Downloads: 62

Study of effectiveness of Role Playing method on academic achievement of students in Civics

Salvi Anuradha

 The Modern technology is often exciting, entertaining and informative, however with the
exception of the computer, most of it is a still tool of passive learning. And expensive tools
that are not always available. Active learning can have a profound affect on learning. And as
a teaching method, role-playing produces and encourages active learning by students.
The present study attempts to assess the effectiveness of traditional teaching and Role
Playing Method on students of std.9th of Rashmi High School, Phulenagar, Pune, by
applying experimental method and two group post test design.
Researcher used achievement test for data collection. Mean and ‘t’ test are used as
statistical tools. Students were found to have benefited in learning through this highly
“verbalized” method, involving communication through words, confidence in speaking the
student’s knowledge as well as retention level, increased after using the Role Playing
Keywords: Role playing Method, Retention, Modern Technology.

Downloads: 85

A study of effectiveness of English language games on the student’s academic achievement regarding Grammar

Rameshwari Shende

 The aim of this research is to study effectiveness of English language games on the student‟s
academic achievement regarding grammar. The sampleconsists 40 students of 6th standard
in Marathi medium school from rural area. Data was collected with help of achievement test.
Mean, standard deviation, co-relation and t-test was used for data analysis.A small topic
from English grammar was taught with help of language games and games were proved
helpful to increase participation among students to learn English grammar actively.
Keywords: English language games, students, grammar.

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Study of effectiveness of non technological Game based program on academic achievement of students in Mathematics

Kavita Padmawar

 Most of the school students feel that mathematics is a difficult, complicated and
confusing subject because it involves formulae and calculations. Some students feel that it is not
related to their real life situations. In schools, teachers use conventional teaching and learning
instruments as text-books, revision books and courseware which could not develop interest in
mathematics and could not motivate the students for learning mathematics. There is no need to
spend more time to learn how to think and perform in the real world challenges, we need
effective, interactive experiences that motivate and actively engage us in the learning process.
That’s why we can use game based learning as an alternative to make learning of
mathematics interesting and realistic.
The focus of this study is to improve the achievement and interest of school students
in mathematics. Experimental research methodology has been used for this study and single
group design has been used for the research. 40 sixth standard students were selected from the
population by purposive sampling method. The achievement test (pre-test and post-test) tools are
used for collection of data. The findings of the study suggest non technological games showed a
positive response towards the academic achievement in mathematics among the sixth standard
Key words-Game based program, non technological game, student’s achievement

Downloads: 84

Need of Multicultural Education in Diverse Society

Madhuri Isave & Miriyala Shashi

 Education and culture are intimately and integrally connected. The cultural pattern of a
society conditions its educational pattern. For example, if a society has a spiritual pattern of
culture, then its educational procedures will emphasize the achievement of moral and eternal
values of life. On the other hand, if the cultural pattern of a society is materialistic, then
naturally its educational pattern will be shaped for the attainment of material values which
promote pleasures of senses and material comforts. A society devoid of any culture will have
no define educational organization. Hence the culture of a country has a very powerful
impact on its educational pattern. The intimate relationship between culture and education is
evident from the fact that one of the major aims of education is to impact to the child his
cultural heritage, the social heritage. Learners should be made aware of their own cultures
and of the need to get to know their own culture and that of others in the school. Learners
should be proud of their cultural backgrounds, because if one is aware of where one is
coming from, it becomes easy to know where one is going to. Education is a deliberate
attempt to construct human beings who will participate in society as productive citizens. The
question whether our education system should be designed or not is quite irrelevant when
education, schooling, training, indoctrination, and the spectrum of ways by which the child is
“schooled” are all based on intentional design. Schooling is the most contested terrain in
any society; it is a battlefield or a conveyor belt for the creation of human beings. In a
multicultural society, who should be entrusted to design schooling? Are those designing our
schooling equipped with the varieties of philosophical perspectives in education???
Keywords Multicultural Education, Diverse Society.

Downloads: 74


Bansode Ankush Ramchandra

 India is a multicultural and emerging globalized society. Indian education system is secular
and democratic value based. ‘Indian culture is the culture of cultures.’ So it is not a
particular culture but mixture of various cultures. It is the unique culture in the world. To
transmit this culture is the role of education. So, Indian multicultural education is based on
social justice, educational equity and respect for all thoughts. Multicultural education
includes content integration, the knowledge and wisdom construction process, prejudice
reduction, equity pedagogy and empowering school culture and social culture.
In a multicultural education, a teacher has not a particular religion or culture. He is
a studied transmitter of all religions and cultures. He follows all religions and cultures good
principles. In the era of communication and globalization, the world has become ‘a global
village’. This global village is the melting pot of different cultures. So ‘international
understanding’ is the need of multicultural globalized society. Educated, skilled and talented
students have global opportunities. So teacher, education, culture and globalization should
go in hand in hand.

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Use of English for multicultural societies

Prasad Narhari Waykule

 Language has immense potential to make man good and noble or bad and ignoble. The
free exchange of language among people like the exchange of currency, lays the foundation
for society and social groupings, countries and colonies, nations and governments.
Language is complex system with many subsystems which leads towards Contentment of
man. It is true to say that English has become one of the major languages of the world, and
Indians can neglect its study at their own risk. It is through English that we have shared the
wisdom of the west and the west has shared with us our intellectual and spiritual heritage.
As we see that how English become a link language in India we just want to throw light on
the condition of English at higher Secondary level and its multicultural uses for human
beings. It is a rich store house of knowledge. There is hardly anything important in the
world that has not been translated into English. English is rapidly becoming a world
language it is the first language of the United Kingdom the United States of America
Canada and Australia in addition it is spoken and read by many millions of Europeans
Africans, Chinese, Indians, Japanese and South Americans. In Indian Schools, the place of
the English Language is at Third stage whoever in English Medium Schools it is at Second
Level. Status of English Language, we should try to change the scenario of the teaching
English Language from primary to Higher Education. The basic motto of this paper is to
face the problems mentioned by the higher education should focus the suggestions
highlighted through this paper.
Key Words: Multicultural Use, Scenario of the Teaching, Groupings.

Downloads: 74

Transforming Education for a Multicultural Society

Pornima Ganesh Kadam

 The changing composition of the classroom and broader society which is becoming
increasingly diverse and the proliferation of communication media & technology which is
becoming increasingly accessible to most sectors of the population are the two developments
challenging current educational practice in the India. Teachers today find themselves
working with more diverse students than ever before students increasingly has access to
sophisticated portable, personal communication devices that in many cases deliver
information more rapidly and more engagingly than textbooks and traditional classroom
pedagogy. Far too often the focus in teacher education programs has been on curriculum
content rather than on effective and appropriate instructional strategies for teaching and
reaching diverse groups of students. If we are to prepare today’s teachers for the changing
composition of our society and schools, colleges of education need to do much more.
Multicultural education needs to be integrated throughout teacher preparation programs. In
this research article the researcher tries to study the present situation of India as a
multicultural society, suggest reforms in teacher education programme and suggest the
classroom strategies for transforming education for multicultural society.
Key Words: Transformation, Education, Multicultural society

Downloads: 62


Swati A. Kale

 Multicultural education is a new trend and it will become incorporated into most school
curriculums in future years. Several prestigious universities in the world today require
students to take classes in social studies. Thus, by using multicultural education, teachers,
in particular, can help children value the significance of treating all people with selfesteem
and not judging groups of people for the actions of a few. More importantly,
teachers must model tolerance and compassion in their words and behavior. They should
also encourage children to explore their feelings about prejudice and hatred. In doing this,
the society will secure a better chance to stop any further destruction and will be able to
present potentially powerful opportunities for the next generation to learn and integrate
respect and dignity for people.

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Multicultural societies : The school as a social system

Geeta Shinde

 Every thing in education relates to culture to its acquisition its transmission and its invention.
Culture is in us and all around us , Just as in the air we breathe .It is personal, familial,
communal, institutional, societal, and global in its scope and distribution. so in this article focus on
nature of multicultural. Cultural education meaning of culture, dimensions of multicultural
education and how the school playing a vital role in multicultural empowerment.
Keyword : Multicultural Education, multicultural societies ,social system.

Downloads: 64



 Multiculturalism is a term used to describe many cultures and learning to get on with one
another with mutual respect. Multicultural education is a whole school process that prepares
students for their roles and responsibilities in an interdependent world. It places students at
the centre of all school practices that promote multiple perspectives and an appreciation of
cultural and linguistic diversity within a democratic society. The teacher must have the
following multicultural competencies for the on-going development of a multiculturally
sensitive classroom.
Key words: Multiculturalism, multicultural education, teacher, student

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 Multicultural education is an approach to teaching and learning that is based on democratic
values that affirm cultural pluralism within culturally diverse societies in an interdependent
world. There are currently two viewpoints or perspectives of multicultural education in the
United States, namely the assimilation or “melting-pot” perspective and the pluralism or
“global” perspective. The assimilation perspective of multicultural education is that micro
cultures must give up their original culture and identities in order to blend in or become
absorbed into the predominant Anglo-Western European culture. The global perspective of
multicultural education recognizes cultural pluralism as an ideal and healthy state in any
productive society and promotes equity and respect among the existing cultural groups. It
extends beyond equity pedagogy. With the rapidly increasing interconnections among all
nations, particularly now, as we face global issues related to the ecosystem, nuclear
weapons, terrorism, human rights, and scarce national resources, institutions of higher
education need to embrace the global perspective of multicultural education if we are going
to remain models of democratic societies in a pluralistic world and stay academically
competitive in relation to the rest of the world. The purpose of this article is to explain the
global perspective of multicultural education and how institutions of higher education can
use it to remain models of academic excellence in pluralistic and democratic societies.

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A study the environmental awareness of the students regarding the bursting of crackers

S.D.Mulay & Mrunalini Deokar

 Environment today should be given most important as our life is totally dependent on environment.
it is our duty to keep the environment safe & pollution free for the future generation.Environment is
polluted a lot by human beings in different ways.It is necessary to create awareness among the
people & the young generation so that the environment becomes pollution free. It is necessary to
create awareness about the environment right from the childhood in the students & to keep it safe &
As in Diwali & many times we burst crackers.For enlightenment of Diwali festival & enjoyment we
burst crackers.It is necessary to create awareness about the harm & pollution the crackers create in
the environment.It is also necessary to check the intensity & awareness of the children about the
crackers.It is seen that last few years people & students are not bursting crackers for environment
free crackers.The sale of the crackers last few years has felled down & this year it is totally
decreased as there was news in the newspaper. There is necessity for checking the awareness &
intensity of children about the environment and about the harmful crackers this research is being
Researcher tries to find out the environmental awareness of the students regarding bursting
crackers. For this research researcher select 50 students as sample. Environmental awareness
test was the data collection tool and percentage was the data analysis technique in this research.

Downloads: 71

A Study of Expectations of parents from Schools in changing world


 In Global World there are number of schools, mediums, syllabus patterns are available.
Parents have options for selecting the schools, medium, and syllabus for their wards.
According to changing world parents have many expectations from school. Mainly parents
leaving in urban area having no time or short time for their wards because of their busy
schedule and fast routine life of urban area.
Parents expect lot more from school to their wards. Some parents are agreeing to spend more
or extra fees for selection medium or fulfill their expectations. Present research focusing on
concern problem. Researcher had understood the expectations of parents from school
through this research. For this research researcher select sample of 10 parents for data
collection. Interview was the data collection tool of research and percentage was the data
analysis technique in this research. After analyzing of data researcher found that parents has
expectations from school. They want more quality education; they want more facility,
specialized teacher, couches to train their ward according to ability of wards. Parents want
to flexibility in time table according to calendar of nature.

Downloads: 62

Mobiles Phones As New Educational Technology - A Study Of Its Use In Higher Education

Gayatri Reddy

 research study investigated how mobile phones can be used for teaching and learning
purposes in higher learning institutions in India. Specifically the study assessed how
mobile phones facilitated the teaching and learning process, identified the mobile phone
applications used for teaching and learning, determined the types of learning activities
facilitated through mobile phones and assessed the common limitations of m-learning
in the class.
The study employed a survey where teaching staff and students from faculties and
institutes hosting academic programmes were involved. A total of 30 teaching staff and 40
students were randomly selected and included in the study. In-depth interviews,
observations and questionnaire were used for data collection. It was found that majority of
the respondents used their mobile phones for teaching and learning process although not in
an obvious way. It was found that most respondents reported to use traditional mobile
learning applications including text messages and calls. Few respondents had smart phones
with a number of m-learning applications most of them being teaching staff. These were able
to create upload, download and share academic resources through their smart phones
while others recorded and stored files in their phones. It was also found that among
teaching staff many were not aware of the capacity of their mobile phones such that
they underutilized them. Costs associated with downloading multimedia content was another
constraint which limited some respondents especially students from using phones for
learning purposes. More than that, users were generally used only free online mobile
applications the choice of which was very restricted.

Downloads: 60

Adolescents' health issues & education

Kamble Vijay Nagnath

 When we think about school atmosphere. The atmosphere deals with animate things like
students, teachers, headmaster/headmistress, and non teaching staff. So the relationship,
positiveand energetic atmosphere, cooperation have lot of importance. Person’s emotional
health &wellbeing is so important for everyday living .When people are doing well
emotionally, they areextremely aware of their thoughts, and how they are functioning. Every
one need of NormalEmotional Health. Normal Emotional Health includes ability to manage
feelings (coping),dealing with difficulties, Social interactions, Flexibility to learn new things
& adapt to change,Positive feelings about one self, Control of their thoughts and behavior.
School is place whereteacher & headmaster/headmistress have to play a crucial role for
healthy atmosphere of school.Their behavior, teaching, decisions, interactions, can create
enthusiastic, energetic, joyful,healthy atmosphere for everyone in the school. Now a days
dealing with teens or adolescents is abig issue for school authority. Today the lifestyle has
changed and life is like a rat race. Thestage of adolescence is stormy state. Rapid changes in
physical, mental, social, intellectual,moral, emotional etc.of adolescents made them very
sensitive. Some of the children inadolescence stage are involved in anger, violence,
delinquency, cyberbreake, moodiness etcactivities so the education is good way to overcome
with these issues for that teacher’s role ofconnecting with adolescents is very important.
Keywords :- Teen or Adolescence stage, Health Issues, Normal Emotional Health Common
Adolescents problems

Downloads: 57


R.U. Sankpal & Balaji Sitaram Raut

 As we all of know that today’s world is changing with a high speed and according to it there
should be changes in the education system. In this process team work plays an important role
for uplifting the performance of each team member. Therefore researcher undertaken a study
to identify the indicators of Team Work Competencies essential for success of a team. Hence
a study is undertaken with three objectives these are: to list out essential Team Work
Competency Indicators, to find the Team Work Competency Indicators Required for
Education of Changing World, to give appropriate suggestions on the basis of the study. For
fulfilling these objectives survey method is adopted and with the help of rating scale data is
collected from the 15 experts on team work competencies indicators and 20 indicators of
team work competency are identified. Thus this paper is devoted to discuss the indicators of
team work competency essential for knowledge profession.

Downloads: 81

Kishorvayeen vidhyarthyanmadhil tantanav : Shikshakachi Bhumika



Ashwini Wadegaonkar & Mayur Nikalje

Abstract :
Modern technology is playing very important role in educational sector. Educational Android
applications are helping to improve the student’s ability of study. The Android is really a latest
as well as revolutionary Operating System that is filled with plenty of fantastic applications for
the users. Regarding academic requirements, Android provides a vast range of efficient
applications. Thus it is interesting to know views of students about use of Android application in
education. With this sole purpose the research was undertaken to collect data from the Post
Graduate students from University of Pune, Pune campus, through survey. The data was
collected using Questionnaire.
The students strongly felt that Android applications are useful for increasing knowledge base and
knowledge sharing. They have opined that Android is useful to students in learning and for
teachers in teaching and improving student interaction. Students felt that androids are useful in
teaching learning as they are useful for the students to improve knowledge, current awareness,
connecting with people, easy access, user-friendly, fast and innovative, in spite of difficulties in
their using.
 Key words : Android applications, Education

Downloads: 64


Jayavant Patil

 The aim of vocational education in India is to develop skilled manpower through diversified
courses to meet the requirements of mainly the unorganized sector and to instill self
employment skills in people through large number of self employment oriented courses in
rural & urban area of the country . In India, vocational education is imparted through
industrial training institutes (ITIS) & Polytechnics. The skill shortage in the Indian Economy
today is largely due to neglect of vocational education. Vocational education is the tool for
economic, social & political development as well as economic stability of the nation.

Downloads: 65

A phenomenological research insight in life skill education for Adolescents with respect to their major issues and concerns

Priyanka Dubey

 Life skill education has now become an integral part of the curriculum. As life skills are
essential to help in achieving quality in life, phenomenological research as a qualitative
research method helps us provide an insight of the various problems and concerns related to
Life Skill Education of adolescents. Being based exclusively on experiences in context or
horizons, the phenomenological research approach gives a better understanding of the
vicissitudes that take place in them and can suggest the measures in coping well with the
issues of their life.
Keywords: Phenomenology, Phenomenological research, Life skill education

Downloads: 56


V.F. Dhamane & Kanchan Arya

 This study focuses on the factors responsible for occupational stress of teachers. It also suggests some remedial measures to reduce teachers stress. Role conflict, role ambiguity, lack of administrative support, lack of resources etc. are some causes of stress among teachers.
Today, teacher in any organization has to shoulder many responsibilities with his/her regular which can cause stress. It is important that a teacher identifies and recognizes the type of stress she/he is facing and takes necessary measures to relieve it.
Monitoring of teacher behavior can be done through programmes like yoga, workshops, group discussion, counseling etc. which will help teacher to deal with his/her stress.
*Keywords: Occupational stress; Role Conflict; Role ambiguity

Downloads: 123

Kishorvayeen vidhyarthyanmadhye swa-adar v samayojan shakmata yachi garaj

Gadade Rani Gorakh & Geeta Shinde

Downloads: 125

Badaltya jagasathi jivan kaushalya shikshan

Amol Pandurang Mohite

Downloads: 104

Karna badheer vidhyarthyanchya tanaav vyavasthapanasathi tantardnayadharit adhyapanachya parinamkarakthecha abhyaas

Sujata Aadmuthe & Ajit Dilip Patil

Downloads: 63

Role of Social Networking in the Education

Smita Kale & Rajendra Thigale

 Social networking is one of the fastest growing methods of communication with more than
300 million users on Facebook® alone (Zuckerberg, 2009). The communication and
interaction between individuals on social networks can in some instances be used as an
instructional aide in education. Little is known about the use of social networking by
Education colleges’ faculty to facilitate the instructional process. Technology can be used for
cost-free, reliable, quality online content useful to academics in international studies,
teaching and research at the college level. E.g.Social networking sites such as Facebook,
MySpace, Bebo, Club Penguin, Faceparty, Yahoo 360, Flickr, Piczo1. Draves (2007)
provides eleven ways you can use the web to enhance your face-to-face class: Post homework
assignments, quiz or test answers, the course outline, bibliography, and syllabus online,
student work, such as a paper, on the web. Have students submit essays and papers as e-mail
attachments. Provide links to useful and relevant websites. Post relevant articles online.
Produce recorded audio of some of your lectures and post it. Hold online discussions in
between your face-to-face meetings. Establish student study groups online to assist them in
studying for your final exam. Post quizzes or preparatory tests online to help students study
for a final test.
Key words: Social Networking, Facebook, Twitter, Educational use

Downloads: 71


Vijay F. Dhamane

 This study focused on Professional commitment of secondary school teachers and compares
it with gender wise, type of management and nature of appointment. The objectives of the
study were to compare Professional commitment of Secondary School teachers in case of
male teachers and female teachers, aided school teachers and unaided school teachers,
permanent appointed teachers and temporary appointed teachers. Descriptive survey design
was used for the study. The sample for this study was 100 secondary school teachers as per
the objectives of the study. The data were collected with the help of Professional Commitment
Scale (PCS). It were analyzed with Mean, S.D. and ‘t’ test. In the conclusion it was found that
the Professional Commitment of aided secondary school teachers and unaided secondary
school teachers was found significantly different. This was due to the problems faced by the
teachers of unaided schools. The Professional commitment of Permanently appointed
secondary teachers and Temporarily appointed secondary teachers was also found
significantly different. This study will contribute to compare the Professional Commitment of
different types of school and different types of teachers as well.
Key Words : Professional Commitment, secondary school teachers

Downloads: 80

Academic Autonomy for Changing Education

Academic Autonomy for Changing Education

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Abhiruchiche Maapan ani Shikshan

Nandini Patil & Vaishali Shinde

Downloads: 55

Effective Tools of Technology Elevates Teaching of English Language

Jyoti shamrao Shinde

 The rapid changes and increased complexity of today‟s world present new challenges and
put new demands on our education system. There has been generally a growing awareness of
the necessity to change and improve the preparation of teacher Educators for productive
functioning in the continually changing and highly demanding environment. In confronting
this challenge necessary to consider the complexity of the education system. Today‟s
teachers are well known with such assessment in the field of education. So he should also get
aware of the changes of this respective field. In today‟s world of technology many rapid
changes are taking place. Traditional ways are getting replaced with new one. The use of this
technology in academic education puts high demands on the technology due to the complex
nature of the communication, and the authors maintain that the content and goals of the
teaching and tutoring must decide the choice of technology. It must also be considered
whether different technological methods should be used exclusively or combined with one
another or with teaching or tutoring in the same room. The methods demand both
pedagogical and didactical knowledge in order to ensure quality in the various areas where
the technology is applied, and furthermore, a basic understanding of technical possibilities
and limitations of the technology. As a professional practitioner, the teacher is likely to
become a role model or standard for his or her students. So, researcher wants to put light on
the effective tools for improving English Language. The teacher‟s daily plan is often full of
countless challenges and the time constraints are very tight. However, it is expected that
creativity should be given space at work in an active search for new knowledge and new
methods, and all this will be possible only through only use of technology and its strong

Downloads: 84

A study of opinion of students about CCE

Chandan Shingte & Smita M Joshi.

 The research paper is based on the opinion of students about CCE. . Data collection method
is survey. Opinionarre tool is used for data collection. The opinionarre is distributed to
students learning in CBSE school The students have given their opinion in writing by filling
the opinionarre. Chi square test is used for data analysis.The result of chi square is
significant at both level. From this study it is concluded that CCE is a very effective
evaluation technique.

Downloads: 92

Shikshakanchi kaushalye vadhvinyasathi ICT cha vapar

Bhyagyashree Bichukle

Downloads: 39

Stri bhrun hatya pratibandhachya sadhya stithi babat shikshanachyi bhumika : Ek Abhyaas

Jayashree Ahirekar

Downloads: 64


Hasina Shaikh

 Women constitute almost half of the population in the world. Women education in India has
also been a major preoccupation of both the government and civil society as educated women
play important role in development of the country. India is poised to emerge as one of most
developed nations by 2020, more literate, knowledgeable and economically at the
forefront.No doubt, women will play a vital role in contributing country`s
development.women power is crucial to the economic growth of any country.In India this is
yet to meet the requirement despite of reform.Though india could well become one of the
world`s largest economies in the world, but it hinders due to lack of women`s participation.
One of the reason is due to illiteracy of women in india. The objective of writing this paper
is that till today India has not targeted 100% literacy, may be one of reason is gender
budgeting is not taken into consideration. Through gender budgeting women education will
improve and will benefit the country.
KEYWORDS: gender budgeting, women education.

Downloads: 111

Unconventional Education

Sudhalakshmi Iyer

Downloads: 78

Role of Libraries In Changing Education World

Jayshree S. Gohad

 This paper is set in the context of Academic Libraries and their rapidly developing use of
information and communication technology [ICT]in changing education world. Its key focus
and emphasis is on how the academic libraries influence the changes to teaching and
learning that will result from an e-education environment. Understanding the impact of eteaching,
e-learning and e-education is seen as fundamental to moving us forward so that we
can make greater use of the opportunities provided by the Internet. E-teachers are considered
central to the move toward e-education and the way in which ICT is integrated in the
academics.. This paper points how the modern academic libraries provide technology based
information anywhere, anytime besides providing resources for innovative and lifelong
learning. It also discusses the way the modern academic libraries are related to e-learning.
Keywords: Academic libraries, e-education, e-learning,e-teaching, ICT, digital libraries.

Downloads: 92

Experimental Learning:Need for Changing World

R. P. Bhalerao & P. B. Kasture

 Teaching through experience is stimulating and challenging to both teacher and children.
Knowledge is socially constructed and based on experiences. This knowledge should be
organized in real-life experiences that provide a context for the information. Experiential
learning involves learning from experience. According to Kolb, this type of learning can be
defined as "the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of
experience. Experiential learning is a philosophy and methodology in which educators
purposefully engage with students in direct experience and focused reflection in order to
increase knowledge, develop skills, and clarify values. This article describes meaning, need,
importance and taxonomy of experiential learning. This paper also informs about steps of
experiential model. It will be of immense utility to teachers, student teachers and

Downloads: 68

E-adhyapanachi kimaya ani abhaasi vargachi duniya

Dattatray Tapkir &Nirmala Tapkir

Downloads: 397

Bhumikapalan Pratiman : Ek Manoranjak Pratiman

Sanjay Deokar & Suvarna Patil

Downloads: 55

Use Of Internet Tools by B.Ed. Students

Shaheen Altaf Shaikh

 The investigation of pattern of Internet use by faculty and students is an important source of
information to an institution’s management regarding the development, management and
evaluation of their information technology projects. This research assesses the use of Internet
by student teachers and the constraints faced by the student teachers in using the Internet
makes suggestions for its improvement. This study has shown that although, the use of
Internet is widespread among students it has become imperative for the colleges to address a
number of issues for the students to optimally reap the benefits derivable from Internet use.
“Like the PC, the Internet is a tidal wave. It will wash over the computer industry
and many others, drowning those who don\'t learn to swim in its waves."
Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft Corporation

Downloads: 73



 Women are the integral part of family & vital force in socio-economic progress. Her
progress is one of the important part of changing world. So she must have decision making skill
in herself. Decision making process is generally influenced by the level of knowledge. Some
powers are by birth but some abilities can develop by certain effort & trying. Improving
individuals abilities to solve problems and make decisions is recognized as an important issue in
education, industry, and government. The present study is undertaken to survey for checking
awareness of decision among adolescent girls. It has identified adolescent know importance of
decision & decision making skill; still they are not take any decision self.
Key Words : Women, Decision making skill & adolescent girls

Downloads: 120

Bhugolatil Pratimane

Pratibha Shinde

Downloads: 86

B.Ed. Abhyaaskramachya karyavahit shaikahanik tantradnyanachya bhumikebabat shikshak prashikshakanchya drushtikonacha abhyaas

Ashwini Raut & Swati Sarambalkar

Downloads: 72

Madhyamik shalet rabavilyajanarya arogyavishayak upkramancha abhyaas

Bapusaheb Ganapat Chaughule

Downloads: 199

Sarvashikshan mohimeantargat rabavinyat yenarya upkramancha abhyaas

Anjali Ramdas Suryavanshi

Downloads: 74

E- learning And Teacher

Ravindra Maruti Chobhe

 E- learning is an activity of learning with learner’s own interest. It has it’s own aim. Every
learner does specific activity to learn. In E- learning the learner fixes his/ her own
objectives. He selects electronic tool for interaction. He /She analyses himself / herself.
SWOT ( Strength, weakness, opportunities Threats) analysis is useful for E- learning. As per
learner’s own skills of handling e-tools, he/she selects & grades the tools. The learner
interacts with e-tools and tries to learn more. For that learning teacher has to play a role of
facilitator, trainer, producer, instructor, provider counsellor, designer, vendor etc. Teacher
of every stage applies E- learning. Learner of primary stage, secondary stage, senior stage
uses e-tools to learn. For formal & informal learning , e-tools are useful. The teacher /
learner uses mass media approach for E- learning. Other methods viz communicative
approach, multimedia approach, trial – error method, e-questioning method, self learning
method, instructional manual method, system approach are useful to deal with E- learning.
Models like enquiry training model, inductive thinking model, self awareness training model,
non directive teaching model, group investigation model are helpful to learn with e-tools

Downloads: 60

Dream Education for Changing World – PASSION FRAMEWORK perspective for Entrepreneurship and Career Development

Sharma Prakash & Bhattacharya Kunal

 There is a continuous felt need to improve education literacy in almost all nation in the world
(Rumberger, 2013) we find in India over 20 million graduates struggle to get jobs and may
not necessarily use their basic education knowledge for their livelihood (Mitra Arup, 2013)
The research paper analysis the college drop out billionaires and entrepreneur samples who
got successful funding in Indian Venture Capital eco system to understand why more
successful entrepreneurs emerge with no education background and why the education
system in India doesn’t guarantee a job in chosen education or foster entrepreneurship spirit.
(Julka Harsimran, 2013).
Keywords: PASSION FRAMEWORK, Probing, Innovation, Dream, Entrepreneur, Education,

Downloads: 68

Knowledge Management: A new perspective in changing Education

Rahul Landge & Shaheen Ansari,

 The paper seeks to identify the concept of Knowledge management. The need of knowledge
management and the challenges faced by the educational institutions in coming up with the
Knowledge management techniques. It also focuses on knowing the various strategies or
practices involved in KM . The effort to share the most recent understandings about
Knowledge management in education is the changing roles and challenges for higher
Keywords: Knowledge management, Higher Education

Downloads: 65

Effective Teaching of poetries through use of PPTs

Sayyad Vakeel Ahmad Munaf Ali

 This research paper will focus on benefits of using PPTs while teaching poetries specially. It
will also give brief information of poetry and features of poetry.
The main objective of this paper is to give importance of PPTs as a helping tool to teach
poetry. It will also give some guidelines regarding how effective presentations may be made.
It does not give technical information. I hope this paper will be helpful in future research.
Key words:- Presentation, teaching, Effective understanding, PowerPoint, memory, skill,
imagination power etc

Downloads: 69

Using Mind Maps as a tool to foster Brain Based learning in the Changing World

Gargee Mitra

 Since the beginning of times there have been various assumptions and misconceptions about the three pound universe within our skull. Today this wondrous, mysterious and powerful human brain has emerged as a new field of study and this new paradigm has helped educationists in establishing connections between brain functions and traditional educational practices. Brain based learning is organized around some visual pattern and graphic organizers help in bringing up this associated information. In this paper the author focuses on one such graphic organizer i.e. Mind Mapping technique that can help foster this cognitive instruction along with some other effective principles of brain based learning. Key words: Brain Based Learning Mind Maps

Downloads: 58

Study of Environmental Awareness of Higher Middle class people

K.N. Bhise & Minotee Damle

 Conservation and improvement of Environment are vital for survival and well-being of
mankind. So the ultimate goal of Environment Education is to create awareness among the
citizens of the country. Hence the researcher decided to conduct the research on “A Study of
Environmental Awareness of Higher Middle class people”. The objectives of the Research
were to find the overall Environmental Awareness of the people above the age of 18 yrs. and
also to compare the Environmental Awareness of males and females above the age of 18 yrs.
The researcher decided to use the Survey method for this purpose. Out of all the adults
living in higher middle class families in Pune city, the researcher selected 30 people by
convenient sampling method. The researcher developed Multiple Choice Questionnaire
(MCQ) for collecting the responses on Environmental Awareness. After collecting the data
the researcher analyzed that general environmental awareness among the adults in higher
middle class families is not much satisfactory.

Downloads: 84

Transforming Mathematics Education With Technology

Shanti Amol Pise

 Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. The genesis of all mathematical development
stems from practical needs. But soon it transcends the confines of its immediate utility.
Mathematics has always played and will always keep playing an important role in our day –
to – day life. Though the subject is very important it is always considered to be the most
difficult and fearful. The dryness of the subject can be contributed to the teaching of the
subject. It is also believed that mathematics is an exceptionally difficult subject, i.e., its study
requires special abilities and intelligence; therefore everybody should not be enough to learn
it successfully. References are made to low pass percentage in this subject in examinations.
The teaching of mathematics presents numerous day-to-day problems for the teaching of
mathematics. Due to inefficient and stereotyped methods of teaching, the subject is
sometimes decried as dull and dry. In the pedagogical study of mathematics we mainly
concern ourselves with two things; the manner in which the subject matter is arranged or the
method the way in which it is presented to the pupils or the mode of presentation. The aims of
Mathematics Education is not being satisfied by the traditional methods of teaching and
learning. Thus there is a need of transforming mathematics education. A positive attitude can
be developed if mathematics teaching - learning is made interesting, effective and childcentered
with proper incorporation of technological advancements in imparting the
knowledge of mathematics. Research has shown that the appropriate use of technology can
transform the traditional mathematics classroom into a dynamic learning environment where
the student is actively engaged in constructing mathematical concepts and knowledge.

Downloads: 489

Adhunik kalatil shikshan shikshanasathi tantradnyanadhishtit abhyaaskram - Ek nava drushtikon

Geetanjali Maruti Borude & Pardeshi Rohini Amir

Downloads: 65


Vrushali H Rokade

 Advances in technology and changes in necessary workplace skills have made the ability to
think critically more important than ever before, yet there is ample evidence that many adults
consistently engage in flawed thinking. Numerous studies have shown that critical thinking,
defined as the deliberate use of skills and strategies that increase the probability of a
desirable outcome, can be learned in ways that promote transfer to novel contexts. In the
present study, researcher had worked on how to improve critical thinking among B.Ed.
students so that they can be efficient teachers of future India.

Downloads: 62

Manasik nakashacha vaapar karun karyakram nirmiti va tyachya parinamkarakteche abhyaas

Yogita Anil Puranik & Geeta Shinde