Downloads: 55
G.K. Dhokrat
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3558 - 3561
Downloads: 99
Bhopinder Singh
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3562 - 3572
Downloads: 59
Saraswati Hansdah
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3573 - 3581
Key Words: Residential school, Current challenges, Issues, Odisha and Tribe etc.
Downloads: 51
Savita Sharma & Shivani Yadav
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3582 - 3587
The current study assesses the Locus of control (Internal or External) amongst teacher trainees on the basis of gender and type of institution. A 29 item Locus of Control questionnaire (Rotter, 1996) was used to measure locus of control. The sample of the study comprised of 140 Teacher Trainees ( Aided -65, Self-financing-75) selected from Rohtak and Rewari districts of Haryana. Independent sample t- test was used for statistical analysis. Result of this study indicates that there lies no significant difference in the Internal and External Locus of Control of teacher trainees on the basis of gender and type of institution.
Keywords: Locus of Control, Teacher Trainees, Aided and Self-financing, Teacher Education Colleges
Downloads: 64
Achintya Mahapatra
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3588 - 3597
Downloads: 77
Kiranjit Kaur & Sesadeba Pany
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3598 - 3606
Key words: Creative Teaching, Brain Storming, Synectics, Analogy, CPS.
Downloads: 54
A. K. Agnihotri
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3607 - 3616
Keywords: Teaching Profession, Teacher Ethics and Education
Downloads: 84
Mr Mahesh Sharma
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3617 - 3622
Keyword: Field Related problem, Sportspersons, Athlete problem
Downloads: 151
Patel Shaikh Ajhar Shaikh Abdul Wahed
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3623 - 3627
Present research Aims to study emotional stability among children’s of Aurangabad city. The sample of the study was selected by Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling method which included 100 (50 boys and 50 girls) children’s of age group 12 from Aurangabad city .Sample were selected by Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling method. Tool used for the research was Emotional Stability Test by A.K.Singh and Sengupta. Research finding reveals that the emotional stability level of children’s in Aurangabad city is Average. Result also revealed that there is no significant difference between the levels of emotional stability of boys and girls.
Key Words: Emotional Stability, Mental health
Downloads: 90
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3628 - 3638
Keywords: Resilience, Optimism, Personality, Commitment and Mental Skills.
Downloads: 58
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3639 - 3645
Resilience is individual’s capacity to deal with adversity and to cope up with that. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the various Strategies adopted by Open type of game sportsperson to deal with Resilience. Nine All India Inter university players (male and female) age ranged from 20-25 years, belong to different Open type of games include Handball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Badminton Fencing and Cricket were selected as the subject of the study. The subjects were interviewed by the mean of self prepared questions so as to collect necessary data. The obtained data was recorded then transcripts were prepared, key words (Umbrella Topics) were identified and allotted to each group of response, and then analyzed by computing percentage. Conclusion of study revealed that their Passion towards their game, Confidence, Hard Work, Dedication, Family Support and Mental Skill were those strategies which they used to become Resilient.
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Nataraja R
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3646 - 3649
Teacher education, all over the world, has undergone drastic changes in the last two decades. In India NCTE recently changes the B.Ed programme duration from one year to two year. This reason the researcher wants to study the attitude of teacher trainees towards two year B.Ed programme and their future in selected B.Ed colleges of Hassan city, Karnataka. The study was conducted in both purposely and simple random sampled Aided and private B.Ed colleges in Hassan city, Karnataka. Data were collected using Questionnaire. All questions are yes/no questions. The data collected was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics and presented with the aid of tables and percentage. From the analyzed data major discussion were made and reported. Most of the teacher’s trainee’s opinion was that two year B.Ed programme is not correct. But they agree the teacher trainee’s quality will improve by increase of two years. And they will have good hope for their future / job security.
Key words: Teacher Education, B.Ed programme, Quality, future and hope.
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Mahesh Badal & Subodh Khanal
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3650 - 3661
Diversity block was constructed for assessing the status of maize and finger millet and winter beans varieties in Chhatiwan V.D.C. and Parwanipur V.D.C. of Sarlahi and Makwanpur districts respectively and for winter Parwanipur (Sarlahi) and Raigaun, Makwanpur was proposively selected. 18, 21 and 22 varieties of maize, finger millet and winter beans were planted and characterized respectively in these locations. Upon analysis, varied temporal sequence of cultivation of these varieties was identified. The positive and negative traits were also evaluated minutely so as to assess the preference of these varieties. The current trend of these varieties were also assessed which showed that only one variety of maize and 3 varieties of finger millet has increasing trend. 2 varieties of maize were identified as threatened. Also, 5 varieties of maize and 1 variety of finger millet were gradually decreasing. These varieties can be value added, marketed and enhancement can be done accordingly.
Keywords: Diversity block, varieties, traits
Downloads: 61
Sanhita Padhi
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3662 - 3672
Key words: Moringa Oil, anti-aging properties, collagen, antioxidants, phytochemicals, sugars, rhamnose, glucosinolates, iso-thiocyanates, glycolides, alkaloids, flavonoids, diterpenoids, cardiac glycoside, phytosterols, tannins. Anthraquinones, Moringyne,biodiesel, enfleurage property, perfume industry, oleic acid, base fluids, and pharmacological activities
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Swati Tyagi
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3673 - 3676
This action research focuses on the effect of brain based strategy on the academic achievement of the in-service and pre-service teachers. During the plenary session for the in-service teachers, initially I found majority of learners were uncomfortable in handling the statistical technique for the item analysis for the achievement test. To solve this problem , I did an action research by applying a brain storming technique on the learners. I found that the brain based strategy has been very effective foe the in-service teachers. Here I perceived that the learners shows great enthusiasm in the topic and at last they succeed in getting their self assessment. Similar technique I used on Pre-service teachers ( regular B.Ed students) by asking them to take an example whatever you gained during your teaching practices. I found that pre-service teachers are less efficient in handling the data as compared to the in-service teachers, may be because they have less experienced than in-service teachers .
Keywords:-Brain storming technique, Pre-service teachers, In-service teachers.
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Sambit Panigrahi
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3677 - 3685
There has been a considerable amount of debate whether the famous Italian writer Italo Calvino belongs to the modern or the postmodern narrative tradition. The author of this article claims to establish Calvino as a postmodern author by examining his magnum-opus If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller in te light of Roland Barthes’ famous notion of the death of the author. The text, with its all-pervasive ubiquity, is no more seen as an entity that is the sole creation of the author-god, the uncontested creative genius. The author remains no more than a “shaman” (as Roland Barthes would have it), a mediator through which the infinite play of language precipitates into the text. In this arena of shifting perspectives, it is also found that it is not the author who renders meaning to the text; rather, it is the reader who gives meaning to the text through his act of reading. The text therefore slips out of the dictatorial hands of the author and generates its own meaning which is deciphered and interpreted by the reader.
Key Words: Postmodernism, poststructuralist, death of the author, plurisignation
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Indira Dhull & Sangeeta
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3686 - 3696
Internet is becoming influential in our lives. Internet is a powerful tool supplementing the classical ways of learning and studying. The learning process of a student is multifaceted and includes many processes. One of the processes related to learning activities is Self-regulation. In the process of self regulated learning, social support from family, teachers and peers can serve an important role. An individual gets involved in many activities on Internet consuming more time; hence an individual spends less time interacting with others in real life conditions resulting in Alienation. In the present study, the investigators attempt to find out the relationship, if any, between the Internet usage and social Support, Self Regulated Learning and Alienation. For this purpose 400 senior secondary students of Haryana were taken as a sample using multistage random sampling. Motivated strategies for learning questionnaire by Pintrich, Smith, Gracia and McKeachie, Perceived Social Support Scale developed by the investigators and Alienation Scale by Dr. R.V. Patil were used to collect the data. ‘The findings of the study revealed that internet usage is significantly correlated with Self Regulated Learning and Social Support whereas no significant relationship was found between internet usage and alienation.
Keywords: Internet Usage, Self Regulated Learning, Social Support and Alienation
Downloads: 62
Sandeep Kumar Shrivas & Arun Kumar
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3697 - 3706
Downloads: 58
Suprava Sahu
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3707 - 3714
Downloads: 64
Rabindranath Barajunayak
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3714 - 3720
Key Words: Humorous Method, Instructional Strategy, Creation of Mind Set, Topic Transaction, Consolidation & Recalling and Evaluation & Feedback
Downloads: 72
Ashok Pradhan
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3721 - 3730
Downloads: 43
Milind Chandrasen Awatade
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3731 - 3735
Downloads: 57
Tabinda Iqbal
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3736 - 3742
Downloads: 67
Mrs. Vishavpreet Kaur
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3743 - 3748
Downloads: 61
Mrs. Vishavpreet Kaur
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3749 - 3752
Downloads: 71
Nisha Jitendra Valvi. & Prof. S.A. Sonawane
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3753 - 3763
Downloads: 58
Shikha Garg
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3764 - 3769
Downloads: 70
Sumeer Sharma
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3770 - 3776
Downloads: 45
Mahavir Singh Chhonkar
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3777 - 3780
Downloads: 53
Vishwasrao Sharad Hari
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3781 - 3785
Downloads: 249
Dipak Chavan
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3780 - 3786
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Khushal Limbraj Mundhe
Issue: Apr-May, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/15 | Page No.: 3787 - 3790