An International Peer Reviewed

International Journal for Educational Research Studies

Jul - Aug, 2016, Vol-2/8

Impact Factor: 3.489

ISSN: 2454-5554

Date: 2016-09-09

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Kamini Sharma

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 561 - 567

Stress is an emotion or bodily reaction to physical, psychological or emotional demands. Stress produces numerous physical and mental symptoms which vary according to each individual’s situational factors. These can include physical health decline as well as depression. The process of stress management is as one of the keys to a happy and successful life in modern society.    

Deshmukh V. Ashima & Naik P. Anju(2010). Educational Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi. Duggal Nisha (2011). Stress-Free learning through Outdoor Activities, Edutracks,Vol.11 No.3 Pp.10-12. Kaur Parwinderjit & Kaur Gagandeep (2011). Teachers: Stress and Coping, Edutracks,Vol.11No.3Pp.8-9. Mohan Jitendera (2007). Workshop on stress management, University news, Vol.45(08) Pp. 17-18. Pandya S.R., Administration & Management of Education,(2011). Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi. Rathore Rachna (2011).Stress Management Strategies for Establishing Peace in Adolescence, Edutracks,Vol.10 No.12Pp.23-25. Https://

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Lalita Vertak & Surendra Herkal

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 568 - 577

 The power of mobile device has increased dramatically in the few years. These devices are becoming more sophisticated and allow users to accomplish a wide verity of tasks while on the move. The ease with which mobile apps can be created and distributed has resulted in a number of usability issues becoming more prevalent. This paper describes the use of mobile in the special purpose of Assessment. The new concept is in use for evaluation purpose. M-Assessment is the concept discussed in this paper in detail. The applicability, need, purpose, process and outcomes of M-Assessment describe in the article.

Keywords- M- Evaluation, M- Assessment, E-exam, Context-awareness. 

Dawabi P, Wessner M, Neuhold E (2003).Using mobile devices for the classroom of the future. Proceedings of Mlearn 2003 Conference on Learning with Mobile Devices, London pp. 14-15. Kennedy L, Sugden D (2003). Text messaging in practice. Proceedings of Mlearn 2003 Conference on Learning with Mobile Devices, London, pp. 34-35. Kim CS (2005). Work in progress – Mobile computer based classroom assessment. Proceedings of 35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 19 – 22, Indianapolis. Retrieved April 9, 2008, from /iel5/10731/33854/01611904.pdf?arnumber=1611904. Lim KEK, Lim KKJ (2006). Engaging students with m-learning. Proceedings of ITE Teachers’ Conference 2006 Teacher Leadership: Impacting the Classroom and Beyond, Singapore. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from edu_tech/tc06et05.htm Mercier F, David B, Chalon R, Berthet, JP (2004). Interactivity in a large class using wireless devices. Proceedings of Mlearn, Bracciano (Rome), Italy pp. 129-132 Rogers EM (1995). Diffusion of innovations (4thedt.). The Free Press. New York. 5. Rouet MM, Ney M, Charles S, Boidin GL (2009). Students’ performance and satisfaction with Web vs. paper-based practice quizzes and lecture notes. Compute.Educ.53:375- 384.

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Shikare Suvarna G. & Shingte Chandan A.

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 578 - 582


English vocabulary is a dire need in this era of science & technology. The study has examined teacher’s opinion about development of English vocabulary of Marathi medium students. Respondents were 50English subject teachers. Opinionnaire is used to collect data from teachers. The data collected through opinionnaire was analyzed using percentage. Findings revealed that role playing, group discussion; language games, word building & demonstration are useful to develop English vocabulary of Marathi medium students.  Over- crowded class & disinterest of students are the obstacles in developing English vocabulary.

Keywords: Teacher, English Vocabulary

Best, J.M. & Kahn J.V., (2009). Research in Education, New Delhi: PHI Pvt. Ltd. Buch, M.B. (2000). IIIrd Survey of Educational research , New Delhi : National Council Educational Research and Training. Gokhale, S.B., (1996). Writing Skills in English, , Pune; K' Sagar Publication. Morey, R.A., (1999). Teaching English in India, Pune: Shree Vidya Prakashan Pandit, Suryawanshi, Kute, (1999) .Communicative Language Taching in English Pune: Nutan Prakashan.

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Shaily Dubey

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 583 - 586

\"\\"\\"\"Home Economics education is concerned with enabling families to identify and create alternative solutions to significant problems of everyday life and take responsibility for consequences of their decisions for the global society and environment. Home Science, as a subject, deals with the prosaic concerns of man in his day to day living. The role of Home Science lies in developing women power and thereby achieving the goals of family life and protecting health. In the recent years, the subject has seen a rigorous growth in terms of enrolment throughout the country. In this regard, the paper attempts to study the awareness of the students and the teachers regarding the changes coming in the field of Home Science Education at senior secondary level, under graduate level and post graduate level.


Keywords: Home Science, Curriculum, Syllabi

Shah, J.G. (1975). “A Critical Enquiry into the Programme of Home Science Education in the Secondary Schools Of India”. M.B. Buch, 2nd Survey of Research in Education, Vol II. Desai, Chitra.(1976). “Girls Education and Social Change”. Educational Publishers. Devdas, R. (1969). “Teaching Home Science in Secondary Schools”. NCERT

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Aparna Ajith

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 586 - 591

Demography or the scientific study of human population encompasses the study of the readily observable human phenomena such as the change in population size, its composition and distribution in space. India has a distinct comparative factor advantage as a vast reservoir of skilled manpower. Demographic transition in India is opening up new avenues especially in the economic sector .The rapid advancements in the field of science and technology have elevated the status of India to a new global buzzword. The economic growth and the betterment of the living standard of the people go hand in hand when we ponder over the relevance of demographic profile. For India, growth is an oft repeated query. Demographic change may provide a boost to economic growth, but appropriate policies are needed to allow this to happen. Policy choices can potentiate India’s realization of economic benefits stemming from demographic change. A country may instead find itself with large numbers of unemployed or underemployed working-age individuals devoid of these policies. This scenario would rather become a “demographic disaster” than demographic dividend, in some instances promoting state fragility and failure, potentially with adverse political, social, economic, and ecological spillovers to other countries. The paper attempts to analyse the policies that would enable India to optimize these emerging opportunities and how as a nation we can turn out to be winners and not losers.

Keywords: demography, economic growth, sustainable development, health, youth. 

Abdul kalam, A.P.J., Ignited Minds, India: Penguin, 2003 Abdul kalam, A.P.J., Governance for Growth in India, Rupa Publications, 2014 Abdul Kalam, A.P.J & Rajan, Y.S., India 2020, India: Penguin, 2002 Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt of India., India 2015, Publications Division, 2015 Narayanamurthy, N.R., A better India: A Better World, India: Penguin, 2010 Nilekani, Nandan., Imagining India, India: Penguin, 2009 Tharoor, Shashi, India from Midnight to the Millenium and Beyond, India: Penguin, 2007

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Sushma N Jogan & Hoovinbhavi B.L

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 592 - 597

E-resource is short term for electronic resources or electronic information resources. These are collections of information in electronic or digital format that are accessed on an electronic device such as mobile phone, laptop, computers etc. Today availability of e-resources in a university library is becoming an imperative role. The present paper examines the attitude of PG students’ towards using e-resources in their learning. It is useful for finding information not yet available in books, or obtaining up-to-date information on current events or issues. It also provides with authoritative, accurate, current, objective reference material not readily available through a search engine like Google. 200 PG students were chosen by random sampling technique from various departments of Gulbarga University. Standardized tool was used developed by Dr. S Rajasekar (Attitude towards using e-resources). The results indicated that post graduate students have favorable attitude towards using e-resources in and off the campus. It is also found that there is a significant difference based on gender and management. Necessary suggestions were given by the students for the development of e-resources with reference to the browsing period.

Key words: E-resources, educational blogs, Post graduate students, attitude, and e-journals 

Ani, Okon E. and Ahiauzu, B. (2008). Towards effective development of electronic information resources in Nigerian University Libraries. Library Management 29(6/7): 504 – 514. Ajuwon G. A (2003). Computer and Internet Use by First Year Clinical and Nursing students in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Vol.3 no. 10 September, Available at Biomed central, 1472-6947/3/10 (accessed: 8th May, 2008). Ali, Naushad (2005). The use of electronic resources at IIT Delhi Library; a study of search behaviours. The Electronic Library Vol.23 no. 6: 691 – 700 Kebede, G. (2002). The changing information needs of users in electronic environments. The Electronic Library, Vol. 20. No. 1: 19 – 21. Madhusudhan, M. (2008). Use of UGC infonet – journals by the Research Scholars of University of Delhi”, Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26. No. 3. pp. 369 – 386. Milne, Patricia (1998). Electronic access to information and its impact on scholarly communication. Naidu, GHS, Rajput, Prabhat and Motiyani, Kavita (2007). Use of Electronic Resources and services in University Libraries: A study of DAVV Central Library, Indore, In: NACL.

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Jeet Singh Rana

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 598 - 618

\"\\"\\\\"\\\\"\\"\"The present study is designed to study the effects of culture, gender and stream on thinking styles of school students. The sample was drawn by cluster random method of sampling by which 304 students were selected from three Indian Senior Secondary Schools and 251 Students from Two Tibetan Senior Secondary Schools students studying in Shimla and Dharamshala city of Himachal Pradesh. As the purpose of the study was to ascertain the main and interaction effects of culture, gender and stream on thinking styles of students, a Three-way Analysis of Variance technique was employed. Indian students showed greater preference for Legislative, Executive, Local Liberal, Conservative, Hierarchic, Monarchic  and Internal style than their counterparts whereas Tibetan students were higher than Indian in the use of Oligarchic style indicating the main effect of culture. Female students had significantly stronger preference than Male students for Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Global, Local, Liberal, Hierarchic, Monarchic, Oligarchic, and Anarchic thinking styles.

Keywords: Culture, Gender, Stream and Thinking Styles


Chabbra,P(2008) A study of thinking style of B.E.d. students in relation to self-esteem M.Ed Dissertation , SCOE,KU. Chen, Chun Hsien (2001) Preffered Learning Styles and Predominant Thinking Styles of Taiwanese Students in Accounting Classes. Dissertation Abstracts International , 62 (3), 1113-A. Dunn, R.Dunn, K.and Price, G.E. (1975) Learning style Inventory (LSI) Lawrence, Kans : Price Systems. Gridley, M.C (2006) Preferred Thinking styles of professional Fine Artits. Creativity Research Journal, 18 (2), 247-248. Kumar Raj (2006) A study of Cognitive and Learning Style among Tribal and Nontribal senior students of Himachal Pradesh.

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Khan Tanveer Habeeb

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 619 - 626

Over the last two decades, the research base in the field of adolescent development has undergone a growth spurt. Knowledge has expanded significantly. New studies have allowed more complex views of the multiple dimensions of adolescence, fresh insights into the process and timing of puberty, and new perspectives on the behaviour associated with the second decade of life. At the same time, the field\\\\\\\'s underlying theoretical assumptions have changed and matured. The main objective of the research was to study the correlation between the dimensions of emotional intelligence and stress management, to comparethe stress management and emotional intelligence dimensionally in the adolescents of Aurangabad city with respect to gender. Descriptive survey method was adopted and random stratified sampling technique was adopted for conducting the research. The findings revealed significant positive relationship between the dimensions of emotional intelligence and stress management. There was no significant difference found in the dimensions of emotional intelligence and stress management with respect to gender. There was a significant difference found in the stress management with respect to gender. 

AnupamaKatoch(2013) , A Study Of Emotional Intelligence Of Adolescent Students In Relation To The Type Of School, International Journal Of Behavioral Social And Movement Sciences (ISSN: 2277 7547)Vol.02,July2013,Issue-03 Double Blind Peer-Reviewed Refereed Indexed On-Line International Journal. Best,John.W.(2006).Researchin Education.(10thEd).New Delhi: PrenticeHall. Dandekar, W.N. Educational Evaluation and Statistics. Pune: Vidyaprakashan.

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Ms. Alisha Manuel

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 627 - 633


Dostoevsky, F. Crime and Punishment. Trans. Sydney Monas. New York: The New American Library. First published 1885. Reprinted 1968. Print. Freud, S. Civilization and its Discontents. Open Source. Internet Archive. Internet Archive Online. Internet Archive. Net. First print edition published 1930. September 2012. Web. March 2014. Freud, S. Dostoevsky and Parricide from Freud’s Complete Works. Source. www. Slideshare. Slideshare Online. First print edition published 1928. January 2012. Web. March 2014. Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Ed. Harold Bloom. Viva Modern Critical Interpretations Series. New Delhi: Viva Books. 2008. Print.

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Paromita Das

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 634 - 647

Due to the vast population of our country most of the people are not in a position to get a single meal per day and not even proper clothing or shelter. Then how can we imagine them having access to technology. Educational Technology has not been much emphasized upon and no one from the group of teachers is eager to apply technologies in education. This is a common scenario although exceptions exist. Before implementing new technologies the policy makers and curriculum planners must be clear whether the previous common technologies have been made accessible to all the people in general and learners of various institutions in particular and quality control is available or not. Here in this study we will verify the perceptions. It is found that everyone has the need for educational technology and is aware of its merits and demerits but even they face a lot of difficulties due to lack of suitable financial and administrative support and access should be made equal to all to make learners and common people as efficient as possible

Keywords: technology, education, learners, quality, perceptions 

No references have been taken because the above study is totally based on survey and then summing up the points in the form of conclusion.

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Bharat V. Patil

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 648 - 654

The method of packing of betel vine leaves and package materials used for it varied from region to region. Packing of betel vine leaves dependent upon quality of leaves, seasons and the availability of packing materials. The betel leaves were packed according to size, colour, texture and maturity on which the chewing quality depended.  Grading was done in different ways in different areas.  Grading of betel leaves was dependent upon their position on the betel leaves on vine, their maturity and production quality betel leaves. The branches of mulberry were used for packing betelvine leaves. Banana fiber and leaves were also used as a packing material Bamboo baskets also used to pack small contains up to three thousand leaves. This package was locally called a Karandi. About six thousand leaves were packed in the banana fiber with the help of branches of mulberry. They were called as Dappa. In the Dappa and Karandi, Kalli leaves were packed. Fapada leaves had large size and were packed in Dag containing twelve thousand leaves. The bottom and top of the Dag made-up by using ring of mulberry branches. The betel leaves were marketed in local markets or sent to noted city markets. The betel levees were distributed to merchant by the local commission agents. The pan-shop keepers kept the leaves for their purpose by sprinkling water. The leaves were to be kept in fresh conditions for five to six days by sprinkling water continuously and wrapping the leaves with wet cloth. The price was not fixed by open auction. The price was always settled on the basis of sampling for the quality. The commission agents charged their commission near about eight to twelve percent of the sale. They also deducted all other charges and the remaining amount was to be settled. The dag, dappa and karandi were tied with the help of string or plastic rope. The package was cushioned on top and at the bottom with moist sugarcane leaves and fresh banana leaves. The betelvine leavers were arranged in circular rows in the Dag. The rows were arranged from the periphery in the dag and closed towards the center. Thus rows upon rows were arranged. In case of fapada dag, there was a hole in the center with 10 to 15 cms diameter allowing free aeration. Commission agents drew leaves samples from any part of the dag. Each betelvine was picked at six to ten times in a year. Pickings were so arranged that all vines were not to be picked at the same time. Three types of pickings were practiced. Leaves of main stem were called as fapada. The leaves that were borne on branches of vine were called as kalli.  The leaves that had lower parts of vine and one betelvine coils were known as hakkal or Gabal. But they did not fetch better price. Fapada leaves were older, thick, raped and dark green which fetched high price as compared to kalli leaves. In every day, approximately, a single labour is able to cut one or two dags (12,000 leaves).

Key Words: Grading, Unit of packing, i.e. Dag, dappa and Karandi 

B. J. P. Chaurasia, Betelvine Cultivation and Management of Diseases, Scientific, Jodhapur, 2001. Maiti Satyabrata Ed. S. Nagrajan, The Betelvine Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, 1989. Balasubrahmanyam V. R. and Chaurasia, Irrigating the Right Way Betelvine Plantations, India Horticulture, 1992.

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Poosapati Durgaiah

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 655 - 661

\"\\"\\"\"Reading Habits means behavior which express the lightness of reading of individual, which occur regularly of leisure reading approach, type of reading tastes of reading & use of library services. Reading habit is an active skill based process of constructing meaning and gaining knowledge from oral, visual and written text. A good reading habit is necessary for a healthy intellectual growth and plays a very crucial role in enabling a person to achieve practical efficiency. The present study was conducted on 600 student teachers from Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy districts of Telangana State. The result reveals that there was a significant difference in reading habits with respect to gender and qualification among student teachers

Key words: Reading habits, gender, qualification, student teachers 

Chauhan, P., & Lal, P. (2012). Impact of Information Technology on Reading habits of College Students, International Journal of Research Review in Engineering Science and Technology. Retrieved on September 22, 2013 from: Palani, K. K. (2012) Promising Reading Habits and Creating Literate Social. International Reference Research JournalVol. III Issue 2(1) pp 91. Singh, Y. G. (2011) Academic Achievement and Study Habits of Higher Secondary Students. International Referred Research Journal3 (27) pp. 2 Thurrott, P. (2011). Better Reading through Technology. Retrieved on October 14, 2013 from: Noor, N. M. (2011). Reading Habits and Preferences of EFL Post Graduates: A Case Study, Indonesian.

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Priyanjana Guha

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 656 - 662

Rapid population growth fuelled by in-migration has been the hallmark of the leading mega cities of India, creating a “top-heavy” structure of India’s urbanization resulting in urban sprawl. Like other metropolitan cities in India, Kolkata continues to struggle with the problems of urbanization: p especially traffic congestion. The burgeoning transport problem of Kolkata drew the attention of the city planners, the State government leading to the development of a Mass rapid transit system. The aim of the work is also to analyse the impact and assessing degree of satisfaction of present day access of the people of Kolkata(under current operational stretch) to one of the sought after modes of transport and also to chalk out  feasible remedial measures, which will be helpful for planners and policy makers to improve the system.

Keywords- traffic congestion, mass rapid transit, satisfaction, lacuna 

• Census Of India, Demography And Enumeration Report, 2011 • Developmental Report, Rajpur-Sonarpur Municipality, 2011 • Puri V.K. and Chand Mahesh, 2010, Regional Planning in India, Allied publishers, pp.165-215 • Ray Chaudhuri Jayasri, 2010, An Introduction to Development and Regional Planning, Orient and Longman publishing, pp. 322-375

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Ranita Ghosh

Issue: Jul-Aug, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/8 | Page No.: 663 - 670

At present, there is hardly any country without homeless urban poor who are facing serious trouble during winter and rainy seasons both in developed and developing countries and take shelter at public places. India is not an exception. Now, the homeless population has become more than a billion in the world. India has a large percentage of homeless people and Kolkata alone has a larger share of homeless people. This study focuses on education level, woman status and child labour problems of pavement dwellers of Kolkata and attempts to suggest some measures for their rehabilitation.

Keywords: Pavement dwellers, child labour, women status 

Aslam Mahmood, Statistical techniques in geography Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority Report on Pavement Dwellers Census handbook of kolkata, 2001, 2011 Economic Political Weekly, A case study of Pavement Dwellers in Calcutta Family Characteristics of the Urban poor by N Vijay Jagannathan, Animesh Halder, 1989 Economic Political Weekly, A case study of Pavement Dwellers in Calcutta Occupation, Mobility and Rural urban linkages by N Vijay Jagannathan, Animesh Halder, 1988 Economic Political Weekly, Income – Housing Linkages, A case study of Pavement Dwellers in Calcutta by N Vijay Jagannathan, Animesh Halder, 1988 N G Das, Statistical method volume 1, M Das and Co. N G Das, Statistical method volume 2, M Das and Co.