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Jacob V. John
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 3975 - 3979
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Ms. Jayshri Paranjpe
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 3980 - 3986
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Ketan Laxman Kamble
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 3987 - 3992
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Ms. Ketki Satpute
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 3993 - 4001
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Namrata Amit Sawant
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4002 - 4005
The definition of peace for every human is different. Everyone looks or tries to find out peace from varied zones. In today’s world we can see lot of things happening around us which bring negative energy. Due to which person’s inner peace shatters and a person may inculcate some unfruitful desires to attain the lost peace. But among all this the most effected zone is observed as youngsters. They are the immediate responders to any negative change around them. It is the responsibility of the society to help the coming generation develop their positive outlook. The youngsters can be from any strata of the society facing different problems but it is the responsibility of the society to help them identify some positive suitable ways which would take them to the path of progress and they can easily live a strong, healthy and happy life. But for that the youngsters must share their thoughts openly with their family and also understand the other moral values taught by their parents.
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Pratibha Digamber Kambli
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4006 - 4012
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Ms Savita S Upasani
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4013 - 4018
“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make inner peace with ourselves.” – His Holiness the Dalai Lama
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Sudama S. Bhandari
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4019 - 4022
Peace in mind, peace in art
Peace in nature, peace in heart.
The soul is the supreme commander of peace which is known inner peace and the final destination of the life. The selfish world is in search of inner peace but to reach up to the inner peace there is need of Tapasya. Rishis and Maha rishis, pursuit inner peace. People wear different mask at different times. Some good and some bad in sake of satisfaction or peace. I don’t want you to stop wearing any one. I know it is too risky to expose your vulnerable self at times but I would definitely want you to unmask yourself. Why not for a short span get back to your origin strip, your emotions, feelings, thoughts and actions. And all could be possible through literature.There is need to discover and follow the inner peace. My question is how literature could be a part of inner peace. We know literature is the mirror of society. Literature could reach in the paradise, on the earth and in hell. Lord shiva got inner peace in the heaven, Ravana in the hell while lord Rama in the Prithvilok. All these stories highlighted through the literature. So literature plays very important role in search of inner peace.
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Ms S D Mudshingikar
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4023 - 4024
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Mrs. Swarnlata Soni
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4025 - 4029
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Ratani Thakur
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4030 - 4034
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Rajesh Kumar & Gaurav Rao
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4035 - 4042
Since time immemorial, the educational process debatably involves a mediated communication between teachers and learners to add sense or meaning making for both the stakeholders. The diagrams and various illustrations are the meaningful resource to mediate the educational journey. Diagrams can break out of the linear and systemic nature of printed text to show non-linear and systemic feature. In Science teaching and learning process, the use of diagrams is more relevant to make the representations of complex systems. Presently the pedagogy of Science is becoming modified from Linguistic methods to a mixed-visual methods supplemented with new techniques. Diagrams and diagramming are features of teaching and learning practices both as a means of Instruction and as a means of training learners in the use of diagrams that are features of many working and practicing teachers. There is also seemingly important need to make diagrams accessible and meaningful to students, quite contrary to the mechanical manner in which it is perceived and used by them. This paper discusses the Diagrams and their relevance in Science teaching and learning since they have different purposes and are required for understanding and communication.
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Vedashree Vijay Thigale
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4043 - 4053
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C. Jeba Evangeline
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4054 - 4058
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Ravi Ashok Thorat
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4059 - 4067
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Sapna Sen & Vishal Sood
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4068 - 4078
Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Change Proneness.
Downloads: 126
Ajender Singh & Vishal Sood
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4079 - 4089
Downloads: 112
Tukaram S. Sawant
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4090 - 4095
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Jayadas. S
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4096 - 4099
The Chinese economy rose at a violent pace for the past three decades, assisting China to build enormous cash reserves that is now playing an acute role in influencing India\\\'s markets. Chinese made goods have occupied almost all the sectors of Indian market and appear to be conveying harder times for the Indian industry. Because of varied availability of inexpensive and seemingly technologically advanced China made goods, many economists fear weakening of local manufacturing divisions or the small-scale industry in India. China procured the world by storm through its low-cost manufactured products. Foreign markets swamped with China made goods are evidence to that. The present study includes the analysis of made in china products, its impacts on Indians, deciding whether it is a threat to Indians or not, objectives of possible threats, assumed hypothesis in this direction, corresponding results and discussion, finding, recommendations and scope of further research in this direction.
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Vaishali Kulkarni
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4100 - 4106
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Savitri Kulkarni & Ms. Sridevi Nair
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4107 - 4111
Serious green takes on a whole new meaning when you do business on the golf course. Golf isn\\\'t merely a leisure sport. It\\\'s the martini lunch of the modern workforce; the buoyant venue where business gets done. A lot of the modern leaders have accepted and promote the game of golf as a way to move forward in the professional world. This rising importance makes one think. Why golf? What is it that makes golf such a favourite? What can one learn from golf that when applied to life and business, can provide a step up? This paper aims at identifying the key lessons that can be learned and borrowed from the game.
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G. Varalaxmi
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4112 - 4120
A study is conducted on political attitudes of secondary grade school teachers of government and privately managed schools in Ranga Reddy district. For the present study a sample of 150 teachers is taken. Among them 75 teachers are from government i.e. Zilla Parishad High School teachers and 75 teachers are from privately managed schools.. The study revealed that there is no significant difference among secondary grade school teachers of Ranga Reddy district belonging to government and private managements in the political attitudes
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Shazli Hasan Khan
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4121 - 4131
Education system must respond to the changing needs of students and their teachers, just as business has reacted to its changing needs implementing employee training. Technological innovations are increasing the demand for altering the mode of transaction in the teaching and learning process and that in turn develop a significant impact on technology use expectations. It is the need of the hour that emerging technology of e-learning must be adopted in the teacher education curriculum of all universities in India. Online learning play a major role in the success of any academic program and can provide an environment where virtual learning classrooms are use to create interactive interfaces and real time software can monitor every response made by the learner. E-learning would incorporate all educational activities that are cratered out by individuals or groups working online or offline and synchronously or asynchronously via networked or standalone computers and other electronic devices. The present study has been done so as to study the attitude of prospective teacher educators towards e-learning. Random sampling technique has been used in the selection of the sample of as many as 200 prospective teacher educators. The e-learning scale for measuring the attitude towards e-leanring has been constructed and validated by Prakash, S. The scale is in the form of a Likert type and has been distributed to them and their responses were collected and computed according to the objectives framed. The findings of the study revealed that the prospective teacher educators showed a significantly favourable attitude towards e-learning..
Key words: Attitude, e-learning, web-based learning, Digital divide, digital world, Virtual classroom
Downloads: 192
Prof. Tushar Panke
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4132 - 4137
Index Word: Photography, visual communication, Communities culture, Visual Art Education
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Farheen & Prof. Karunesh Saxena
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4138 - 4155
Service industry is becoming very vast and big and hospitality industry earns the most amongst all service sectors. The Hospitality industry offers a huge potential for Social CRM. The Hospitality industry thrives on two basic factors- Segmentation & Uniqueness. Apart from the regular promises of customer satisfaction, it is the Identity or rather the personality of the hotel that really matters. And not to forget the Stand-out factor, that every hotel has on offering, as compared to its competitors. All these factors contribute towards the building of trust and customer loyalty, and eventually prolonged profitability. Customer relationship management (CRM) has a growing popularity and is becoming one of the hottest academic and practical topics in the business field. In fact, due to the competitive environment, CRM is crucial and has become a niche for firm performance. Southern Rajasthan covers many well renowned hotels which bears importance at international level too. However, there is limited research that reveals the relationship between demographic variables and CRM practices followed by the hotels of Southern Rajasthan .This study is an attempt to excogitate the importance of CRM in hotels of Southern Rajasthan with regards to the opinion of hotel managers.
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Paromita Das
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4156 - 4164
Life is based on one’s own philosophy and those which we follow from our great philosophers and educators to improve our society and education system. Scientific thinking gives answers to many questions but it cannot bring humanity in the minds of people. For this we should realize the needs of every individual and give our best efforts to lead a satisfactory life and face the practical situation with a positive outlook. The narrowness in our thinking should be transformed into creative thoughts along with the inspirations taken from the great philosophers so that the higher education becomes a right to all and everyone aspires for it. Also the facilities provided should be to make each one a better human being. The present paper has been produced by taking into consideration the trends existing in present higher education and the philosophical approaches that have been implemented with its impact on students. The ideas of students have been collected to find out the suitability of the components of the present higher education. This can bring about a revolution by bringing changes in the narrow and rigid thoughts existing since ages and providing better outputs in education to make society a peaceful dwelling place.
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Madhuri Hooda & Mrs. Ankur Tyagi
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4161 - 4171
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Ajay Godara
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4172 - 4178
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Ms. Savita
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4179 - 4185
In the present study, the investigator attempts to find out the significant difference, if any, between the male and female senior secondary students on their internet usage. For this purpose 400 senior secondary students of Haryana were taken as a sample using multistage random sampling. Amount of time spent on the Internet during a week was self reported by the respondents. The findings of the study revealed that male students spend more time on internet surfing than female students.
Keywords: Internet Usage, Senior Secondary Students, Gender
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Rajnish Agrahari
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4190 - 4202
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Mahavir Singh Chhonkar
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4203 - 4208
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Anurag Asija
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4209 - 4215
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Minakshi Biswal
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4216 - 4220
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Rajat K Sant
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4221 - 4227
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Prof. Dhananjay Lokhande & Mr. Sunil Dabhade
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4228 - 4233
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Nisha Sitaram More
Issue: Oct-Nov, 2016 | Volume/Issue:3/18 | Page No.: 4234 - 4240