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Ashish Mishra
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/10 | Page No.: 710 - 715
Education is a continuous process. Indian society during the Vedic period was divided into four basic castes viz. the Brahmins, the Kshatriya, the Vaishyas and the Shudras. In such a set up, commerce was entirely the monopoly of the Vaishyas. Chesseman (1904) defined Commerce Education As: "Commerce education is that form of instruction which both directly and indirectly prepare the business man for his calling." During the post independence era, commerce education has emerged as one of the most potential pursuits in the wake of industrialisation. Learning environment may generally be understood as the supportive as well as inhibitive environment in a class which affects students’ learning outcomes in a directed manner. But it has been seen that there are so many issues and challenges faced by commerce education in India. One of very important among them is that our commerce teacher’s attitude is responsible for the slow acceptance of modern technology in the educational environment. The apprehension of teacher in the implementation of technology is a great hurdle to integrate technology in the classrooms. There is greater demand for sound development of commerce education in Indian Universities. But, what has been going in the name of Commerce education is only liberal and general education. The other important issues are lack of activity based learning, proper labs, teacher effectiveness, co-curricular activities and tours, library etc. Challenge that most of the technology transfer agreements encounter is the task of indigenization of the technology. Commerce- education may have bright future if it -- Build rapport with trade, Commerce and Industry and establish University Industry Hub), Elicit the industry needs and requirements. Under graduation courses must be made more meaningful as 92% of them terminating here. P.G. courses (M.Com) be more rigorous in content, skill and practice aspects with emphasis on Accounting and Finance. Commerce and computers go together. There must be computer papers even at U.G. Level. As Business operations need more knowledge and skill the syllabus must contain knowledge component, skill component and practice. By providing them with proper labs, framing desired curricular as well as co-curricular activities, library with internet facility, effective teacher training programmes, teachers initiative towards technology based teaching, etc and so on can prove as the meaningful measures to face the challenging issues in the field of commerce education in India.
Keywords: Teaching and Learning, Commerce.
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S. P. Nimbhorkar
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/10 | Page No.: 716 - 721
Keywords- Mobile Technology, global readers, user friendly
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Priyanka Ranawat
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/10 | Page No.: 722 - 736
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Veena Damor
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/10 | Page No.: 737 - 748
India is the second most populous country in the world after China. As per the latest census report 2011 there are 62 Crores males 58 corer female and 16 Crores (0- 6 year) children. The female and child population faces numerous problem related to their nutrition, health, education etc. against this backdrop the ICDS scheme was started by Govt. of India with the objective of improving nutrition, health & education of women and children. This paper focused on Six Welfare Schemes of ICDS which are: Supplementary nutrition, Immunization, Health checkup, Referral services, Pre-school non formal education and Nutrition & health education. This paper has also given the positive aspects of ICDS in India.
Key words: Supplementary nutrition, Immunization, Health checkup, Referral services, Pre-school non formal education and Nutrition & health education
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B.S. Jamwal
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/10 | Page No.: 749 - 754
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Renuka K. Shewkani
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/10 | Page No.: 749 - 775
The quality of student teacher relationship contributes to both academic and emotional development. Children who form close relationships with teachers enjoy school more and get along with peers. Positive better relationships with teachers can also serve as a secure base for young children they; they are better able to work and play on their own because they know that if things get difficult or if they are upset, they can count on their teachers to recognize and respond to their problems. Relationships with teachers may be particularly important for those children who display early academic or behavior problems. This paper shows Influence of student-teacher relationship on achievement of mathematics subject.
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Arvind Kr. Gill
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/10 | Page No.: 776 - 785
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Paromita Das
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/10 | Page No.: 786 - 791
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Ajay Kumar Attri & Neelam
Issue: Nov-Dec, 2016 | Volume/Issue:2/10 | Page No.: 792 - 800