An International Peer Reviewed

International Journal for Educational Research Studies

Jan - Feb, 2017, Vol-2/11

Impact Factor: 3.489

ISSN: 2454-5554

Date: 2017-03-09

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Kamalkant Yadav

Issue: Jan-Feb, 2017 | Volume/Issue:2/11 | Page No.: 792 - 796

Education plays a significant role in the life of a nation. The character and quality of the people greatly depend on the education that is imparted to them at different levels. Knowledge and wisdom have always been regarded as the highest virtues of man. The present century is undergoing a major revolutionary change where technology has intervened in all aspects of life. Education is no exception to be adversely affected by the intervention of technology and it has also seen many appropriate changes that has brought a totally new look to the concept of education in the modern times. With the technologically advanced world, the teacher should also keep pace and be aware of the new technologies and the way to integrate them in education so as to enhance learning in their students which is the major aim of education. Teachers of all level of education should be able to incorporate new technologies and impart their lessons through latest trends that will affect at the cognitive domain of the learner to a greater extent. 

Bucherla Murari, Vijay Kumar, new technologies for teaching & learning in the Information age , university news, 1-7, vol. 46,2008. Kannam M, Ahrar husain, new frontiers in education , vol 41,81,2008. Virtual Education, wikipedia. Org/wiki/virtual education. A.R. Kidwai, Higher Education – issues & challenges, viva books, New Delhi.

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Pardeep Thakral

Issue: Jan-Feb, 2017 | Volume/Issue:2/11 | Page No.: 797 - 801

Computer technology plays an integral role in personal and professional lives. The ability LOPMNT to utilize this technology has become the new literary for 21st century and is of critical importance in enabling India to compete successfully in the global community. For future generations to maximize their capability to operate within competitive and technologically driven economics, it is critical to foster computer abilities at every level of schooling process and teachers are central to this endeavour. Seemann (2000) found that just as literary and numerary have become imperative in school education, so too has technology. The recent inquiry into the provision of public education Esseon, Johnson and Winson (2002) has highlighted significant concerns relating to teacher professionalism including a critical need to redress the lack of fiscal support for teacher Professional development. In particular teacher professional development in computer technology has become a major priority at state and national level, need to skilled in the use and choice of variety of teaching methods, be skilled in variety of appropriate research methodologies and ensure their continunity professional development by upgrading knowledge and teaching skills. 

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Rekha Soni & Archana Sharma

Issue: Jan-Feb, 2017 | Volume/Issue:2/11 | Page No.: 802 - 806


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Sangeeta Aggarwal & Ritu Bala

Issue: Jan-Feb, 2017 | Volume/Issue:2/11 | Page No.: 807 - 812

The present study aims to determine the occupational interest of secondary school students. The research was carried out on random sample of 800 students of Rural & Urban secondary schools from Sri Ganganagar district. The researcher use standardised tools for the study. Statistical Techniques of t-test was used to analyse the occupational interest of secondary school students. The result indicated that there was no significant difference in the occupational interest of Rural & Urban Secondary school students. 

Yadav, Dr. R.K. & Kumari, Manoj (2005) "A Study of Vocational Choices of Adolscents in relation to their values & intelligence", "Journal of Educational & Psychological Research" (Vol. 3, No. 1), Jan. 2013. Singh, Vinita, Kaur, Gurdeep & Kaur, Rupinder (2006) "Vocational Interest of Adolscents" "Shikshamitra" (ISSN : 0976 - 3406), 2013, P 43-45.

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Thumma Srinivasarao

Issue: Jan-Feb, 2017 | Volume/Issue:2/11 | Page No.: 813 - 816

A Study on Teacher Trainees having psychological problems at the time of Training. Some of the Mental Health problems that required a wide range of therapeutic interventions to address.  The study illustrated how to overcome the mental-health problems among the Teacher Trainees and also develop their personality. The study indicates that the mental health problems such as depression among trainee teachers. The mental health problems have focused mainly on depression, anxiety and stress. The amount of anxiety and stress were higher in female trainees than male trainees. In addition the depression, anxiety and stress were more prevalent in female students than males. Moreover, the study also highlighted the importance of psychological assessment in educational counseling and the lack of adequate psychotherapy resources for students with high support-needs in mental-health.

Keywords: Psychological assessment, Mental-health, Counseling, Psychotherapy, Trainee teacher 

Cooper C., Palmer S. (2000) Conquer Your Stress, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Cooper K. (1991) Overcoming Hypertension, Bantam Books. Davis M. (2000) the Relaxation and Stress Reduction Work Book, New Harbinger Inc. Edwards M. (2000) Stress Management for Cancer Patients: a Self Help Manual, Acorn Publishing. Everly G.S. (1989) A Clinical Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress Response, Plenum Press. Fried R. (1990) the Breath Connection, Plenum Press. Fried R. (1999) Breath Well Be Well, John Wiley and Sons inc. Hamby K., Muir A. (1997) Stress Management in Primary Care, Butterworth Heinemann. Handling Stress (1992) The Open University, The Open University Press. Health and Safety Executive Help on Work Related Stress: a short guide.

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Sonal Patil

Issue: Jan-Feb, 2017 | Volume/Issue:2/11 | Page No.: 817 - 820

In the galaxy of Indian fiction the contribution of women novelists has been of paramount significance. In majority of the novels we come across the miserable plight of Indian woman. She has been suppressed, oppressed, depressed and exploited in the male dominating society or to say in the patriarchal setup. The fictional world of Shashi Deshpande, Kiran Desai, Anita Desai, Kamala Markandaya, Nayantara Sahagal, Bharati Mukherjee, Manju Kapur and others have tried to discuss the issue like women struggling for their identity, women’s commitment to the traditional roles of motherhood, the complex relationship between husband and wife, the family structure and caste system. These writers have tried to depict both the diversity of women and the diversity within each woman.

Keywords: Feminist, society, divorce, aggression, domestic 

Kapur, Manju. Difficult Daughters. New Delhi: Penguin India, 1998; London: Faber and Faber, 1998. ______’ ______. A Married Woman. New Delhi: India Ink, 2002; London: Faber and Faber, 2003. ______’ ______. Home. New Delhi: Random House India, 2006; London: Faber and Faber, 2006. ______’ ______. The Immigrant. New Delhi: Random House India, 2008. London: Faber and Faber, 2009. ______’ ______. Custody. New Delhi: Random House, India, 2011. London: Faber and Faber, 2011.

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Thumma Edukondalarao

Issue: Jan-Feb, 2017 | Volume/Issue:2/11 | Page No.: 821 - 827

 At present days the weaver women’s empowerment has become a growing concern both at the National and International levels on the subjugated, the disadvantaged and status of women in the society. They are facing so many Mental Health problems. In India, weaver women’s empowerment has to be focused mainly in non formal sectors, where the women’s work force is predominant. One among them is handloom sector. It is one of the largest economic activities, after agriculture, providing direct and indirect employment as well as being predominately a non-farm activity. It has passed on from generations to generations. In the wake of industrialization, our country’s own Power-loom and Khadi movement totally deteriorated the overall status of handlooms and its weavers. Mainly it burdens the life of women, a major work force in the handloom sector, compared to men.  Nearly 80 percent of handloom workers are women in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Commonly illiteracy and poverty are the two major factors that doubt the elevation and livelihood of these women workers. Hence the handloom women workers should get benefit from the current scenario, need to move up the economic status in the sector from primary levels. On a whole the purpose of this article is to familiarize with the current status and livelihood problems of unorganized women handloom workers and also to improve their Mental Health, social protection and security.
Keywords:  Skill Development, Livelihood Problems, Handloom Industry, Women Weavers, Social Protection, Mental health.

Subburaj. B & Joseph Nelson, “ product strategies of Handloom weavers Co- operative societies - An empirical inquiry”, Indian Co- operative review, Vol. 41, No. 3, January 2004, p. 166. Rama Krishna Rao. B, “marketing miseries of Indian Handloom”, Kurukshetra, Vol. 49. No. 8, May 2001, p. 35. G Nagaraju, “Socio Economic conditions of Handloom weavers”, thesis 2012. N.P. Seshadri, “Handloom in the Tiny Sector”, Journal of Industry and Trade, Vol. XXVIII, 1978, p.17-19.

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Hans Raj & Deepa Rani Saxena

Issue: Jan-Feb, 2017 | Volume/Issue:2/11 | Page No.: 828 - 838

Brainstorming activity is one of the most important methods for developing creative thinking in the students as well as resolving the problems in the field of education, social and economic growth, political issues etc. it is particularly helpful when one need to break out stales, established patterns of thinking so that they can develop quick new ways of looking at things. The purpose of this review paper is to analyze the previous studies and provide suggestions for further research. In this paper, a review of some studies has done from 1975 to 2015. Many studies have conducted regarding the effectiveness of brainstorming for ideas generation in different areas but there is not satisfactory status of researches on brainstorming used as a teaching method for improving novel ideas generation and developing creative thinking in the teaching-learning process. Therefore, it is need to focus on its implication in the classroom situation and give attention on further research for finding out better results of brainstorming. This paper will provide a better view about process and importance of brainstorming and further insight about knowledge gaps, i.e. study of brainstormingwith other new concepts as- aesthetic creativity, mathematical creativity, intelligence, scientific attitude and other demographic variables.

Key words: Brainstorming, Creative thinking, Teaching methods. 


Al-Khatib, B. A. (2012). The effect of using brainstorming strategy in developing creative problem solving skills among female students in Princess Alia University College. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2 (10). Retrieved from AlMutairi, A. N. M. (2015). The Effect of Using Brainstorming Strategy in Developing Creative Problem Solving Skills among male Students in Kuwait: A Field Study on Saud Al-Kharji School in Kuwait City. Journal of Education and Practice, 6 (3). D’lima. (1981). Brainstorming in teacher education. In Bhaskara, S. (Ed., 1990). The effectiveness instructional materials on verbal creativity. New Delhi: Uppal. Desai, N. (March, 2015). The Effects of Group Brainstorming on the Auditor’s Search for Potential Misstatements and Assessment of Fraud Risk in the Presence of Pressures and Opportunities. Working Paper No.2015-03-11, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Deshmukh, M. N. (1979). An analytical study of some scholastic conditions & practices as contributing factors to creative ability. Ph.D. thesis. Retrieved from